As powerful as vanilla PS4 / Xbox One

>As powerful as vanilla PS4 / Xbox One
>High framerates
>Long battery time
>Only $250

Nvidia and Nintendo created revolutionary technology, basically solving the main downside of portable devices. Why don't they use said technology to compete in the mobile device technology? If they released a tablet or smartphone that powerful I can see them easily stomping companies like apple or samsung.

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But does it have Playstation in the name?

>As powerful as vanilla PS4 / Xbox One
It gets more power every time someone talks about it.
Is the switch a meme?

No, the PS4 Pro is.

At least in part the high performance of the Switch comes from its use of Nintendo's new custom graphics API NVN which is rumored to essentially just be Vulkan with extensions.

Compare that to Sony's custom API on the PS4 which is essentially just Mantle and you'll realize that Nintendo has about two generations of API progress over the older system.

They could release it into the android market, but there isn't enough Vulkan software there to deliver the same level of performance.

>As powerful as vanilla PS4 / Xbox One
user, please...
It will be barely any stronger than the Wii U.
A PS4 or even a XBONE in a tablet isnt possible yet.

>Nvidia and Nintendo created revolutionary technology
Losers allying doesn't create winners.

it is, but dont expect 8 hours battery

>As powerful as vanilla PS4 / Xbox One
And released just as those consoles die out and get replaced with 4k capable machines.Bravo nintendo.

>A PS4 or even a XBONE in a tablet isnt possible yet.
It totally is, just not at the cheap pricepoint.

>replaced with 4k capable machines
except that didn't happen

>replaced with 4k capable machines
are we on 2020 already??

Scorpio will be out, and Sony will hopefully have unfucked the Pro by that point.

It is. See:

>Losers allying
Spot the AMDfag

Considering that you can play most AAA games at medium/30/4k with a fucking 1060/480, I think you're underestimating things.

Sure, just like Samsung did with the Note 7.

>Spot the AMDfag
Yeah, AMD won consoles.

How are they going to support them when they inevitable go under in 2020?

user those goalposts are now in another fucking country.

What the fuck does the Note 7 exploding have to do with the Pro having shitty implementation.

>using PC multi settings to try to measure the console evolution
yes, you can play N64 games at 40K res too on low setting, your poitn?

> revolutionary technology
> 720p


call me when RADEON cards outsold GT

>muh graphics
poor console peasant.

>>As powerful as vanilla PS4 / Xbox One

>spot the sonyger
let's see what they have in common

>barely an upgrade from the last system
>promised everything and delivered nothing
>tend to melt
>their launch was a complete mess

Are you seriously this stupid?

The cost to entry on 4k is shrinking.

In your dreams maybe.

>A PS4 or even a XBONE in a tablet isnt possible yet.

By removing the blu ray drive and HDD, they could literally make one RIGHT NOW.

Of course its not gonna have good battery life and its gonna need some cooling but these consoles are actually very small.

> poor console peasant

Says the idiot defending 720p. kek

what happened bros? nintendo used to be the most powerful

M8, I have a gaming PC. You just have fucked logic because you don't understand how tech movies.

>Nintendo0 has been way backwards with the hardware for the last 10 years
>But they'll totally catch up this time, and with a tablet!

The CPU especially when it comes to single thread performance won't be as fast, and I doubt it will support 8 threads. The CPU's power isn't as important as in the past though which should already be clear from the PS4 and Xbone using a design found in the lowest tier PCs.

However the GPU is several generations more recent than the other systems this generation and is a massive step forward from the WiiU.

Watch this video to understand how Nintendo and Nvidia are going to deliver better performance on a handheld device than we've seen in the past.

In the past Nintendo have used discrete CPU and GPU hardware in their systems. In the case of the WiiU this meant that the chips were older than the competition and were much more expensive for the level of performance once they were delivered.

With the Switch Nintendo is finally moving towards modern off the shelf barely customized SOC hardware like Microsoft and Sony did and that means that they'll finally be on more even terms.

I think all this shows us is how messed up the Sega Saturn was.

But will they finally get the third party support they need? Or will nintendo first party rehash be their main lineup like always?

>will they finally get the third party support they need
>will nintendo first party rehash be their main lineup like always

>In the case of the WiiU this meant that the chips were older than the competition and were much more expensive for the level of performance once they were delivered.

Hold up. This isn't remotely true. Wii U's MCM probably had the best performance-per-watt of any chip at the time of its release.

At the time of its release it was or at least the CPU portion was. It was rapidly surpassed when AMD's cat core / gcn graphics combo was released.

Then unlike the SOC it was more expensive to manufacture and they were never able to significantly reduce its cost.

Their handhelds have always gotten fairly decent support from third parties.

Plus the graphics API they're using now is closely related to what the other current generation consoles are using but more modern.


Shrinking dies has always been a big issue for Nintendo though. They were never able to shrink Gamecube's GPU Flipper due to the embedded 1T-SRAM.

Nintendo had been fairly good with having the latest die shrinks at the time of release though, but I know they fucked that up with Wii U. Gamecube's process (180nm) had only JUST been superseded at launch in late 2001. N64's die (350nm) was actually fairly cutting edge at release, pretty much only Intel beat them to it.

N64 - Nintendo releases most powerful system of the generation - distant second
Gamecube - Nintendo releases most powerful system of the generation - distant second
Wii - Nintendo releases weakest system of the generation - best selling

The WiiU will actually be the first time the weakest system of the generation was not the best selling and its all because of how cheap but powerful SOCs have revolutionized the console market by making the time to market much shorter than in the past.

>Gamecube - Nintendo releases most powerful system of the generation

Your other points are legitimate, but come on, this wasn't even remotely true.

The Gamecube had a better GPU, and its CPU had better performance per clock than the Xbox.

Its something that's been hotly debated for more than a decade now but you can't really argue the point that the PS2 was the weakest system of the generation and yet firmly trounced three more capable systems in the Dreamcast, the Gamecube, and the original Xbox.

>The Gamecube had a better GPU

No it didn't. Everything about it is fucking worse. It has a lower fill rate. It has only 1 texture unit per pixel pipeline, compared to 2 texture units per pixel pipeline on Xbox, and each texture unit runs slower. It has only 1 vertex shader, compared to 2 on Xbox, and that 1 vertex shader runs slower than either of the Xbox vertex shaders.

And on top of that, its vertex/pixel shaders are fixed-function instead of truly programmable like on Xbox.

>its CPU had better performance per clock than the Xbox.

No it didn't. Computer benchmarks of that era show a Pentium 733mhz outperforming a PowerPC 750 running at 500mhz (the Gamecube version isn't even clocked that fast). Maybe in integers it can keep up though. The Gamecube's CPU, Gecko, however, doesn't even have true SIMD support (just paired singles) while the Pentium 3 in Xbox has SSE SIMD. So Gamecube's CPU SIMD performance will be pretty poor compared to Xbox.

I have been personally told by lead programmers who worked on 6th generation games that the GameCube capability-wise is closer to the PS2 than it is to the Xbox.

Please tell me where you see 720p.

for those who don't know, nvidia ALWAYS talks up their phone hardware. i have a few tegra devices and the line was always the same - this will revolutionize this and that. this is the breakthrough we've been waiting for. then it finally comes out and its decent at best, and its beaten within a month by something faster.

nvidia is amd tier in talking shit and then underdelivering, with phone hardware at least.

>nvidia is amd tier in talking shit and then underdelivering
What tier is AMD then? Matrox?

amd is amd.

>just wait for the xxx
>the xxx is just around the corner!

i'm convinced the reason amd does so terrible in sales is their fans are forever telling people to wait for the next one.

>that time AMD were good, underpromised and overdelivered and blew nvidia the fuck out

and this was almost 15 years ago, feels bad man ;_;

That was ATI, not AMD.


well AMD once did the same thing too

i loved amd back in the day. they were cheaper and performance was better than the equivalent intel, while intel was still more expensive. i loved them from my k5, thunderbird, 2 athlon xp machines, 1 athlon mp server.

when i built this comp i had been out of the loop by a few years and even when checking in on emulation, everything says per core performance is what matters, which is intel now. i just couldn't save $100 and gimp my own build because of my love for them.

it definitely feels bad man.

Irrelevant. Sony forbade Pro exclusives, so games will still be made with XBO/PS4 specs in mind. By the time Sony and Microsoft release their next generation hardware sometime in 2020 or 2021 Nintendo can release a new Switch.