ITT: Vidya that came out in the same year you were born

ITT: Vidya that came out in the same year you were born.

Enjoy your ban OP.


"Posts the elder scrolls Oblivion"

but user, that came out in 2000.
pic related is mine, NA release




>recently beat this game for the first time
>got stuck multiple times
>started a replay
>stuck again

It was a great year for vydia


I was 10 when that came out. It's weird, you must not even remember 9/11 happening.


Why are all of you so old



1994 bro

There were no video games in 1968.

1987 was p good for vidya.


Weird, I remember playing Crash Bandicoot with my cousins back when I was 4.

yeah but, how long have you been on Sup Forums for?

early 09 here.


My bros

good fuckin times

Yes there was

There was mainframe vidya

>inb4 retroactive ban
About 7 or 8 years

>This seal is your assurance that (Nintendo®) has evaluated and approved the quality of this product.

Boy if only games came with this today.

same, op

About two weeks

It's a really fucking rad idea having Stallone, Scwarzenneger and the Alien on the cover.

Well, I certainly didn't see it.


Please be bait.

>Final Fantasy X was 15 years ago
Why am I so old? Fuck.

Enjoy your ban. You should be studying for your exams, not posting on Sup Forums.

I would rather chat up with my Sup Forumsidya homies than study for useless maths


And yet the first game I ever played was sonic 2

>tfw only two people are older than you and everyone else is younger

My favorite in the series too.

Of course, back then we really thought it was the second FF game, and was blown away by how innovative the "sequel" to FF1 was.

Best Year

Rip and tear!

i consider it the only thing worth a shit learning from school
but then you learn the important stuff at primary school anyway

mega man x.jpg

One of my favorites too

>Tfw oldest person in this thread so far

Pfft. You're not even 30.

Played this shit on DOS as a kid when Sierra (!) published it.

now i gotta go feed my kid before school

Not sure about that
You're definitely the stupidest shit in this thread though

Who LttP here?

I'm certain I'm the oldest person in this thread. I was around 15 when DOOM came out.

Not anymore.

my friends are I were too busy pwning it up in COD, lol can't believe we used to play that shit, it's all about the CS GO now.

I don't know how I missed the Space Invaders post. Maybe it's because it was off to the side.

Didn't see the other post at all since I was looking for pictures of games.

My bad, user.

Not him but I'm a senior in University and had to take an intro to communications class this past semester that was filled with freshmen. The professor started talking about 9/11 and said "you all were too young to remember." It's weird

i still get confused with the whole numbering chaos.
US 1 was 1, 2 was 4 and 3 was 6 right?

I never could figure out this game

Yep. US never got 2, 3, or 5 until much later.

I fucking LOVE this meme

Y'all niggaz best be rising from your graves

The only reason to like this game. Fuck Teedus and Yuna


Get off Sup Forums you old fucks. I thought wizards were just a myth but if you guys are telling the truth you're sad as fuck.


Underage b&

>tfw math is my weakest subject and studying for prolonged periods actually causes me to get mad.

Not like I wanted to get into Space Science. I'll just keep working at a factory slowly causing brain tumors.

>I thought wizards were just a myth
You thought wrong.