Well? Anyone excited?
Well? Anyone excited?
Fuck yeah dude, this is in essence RCT4
Gonna wait to see what everyone else thinks tho, the alphas have looked pretty solid so far
> Denuvo
Fucking nope.
>no motion simulator
>all flat rides are gigantic - can never make park that has height restrictions
does it have multiplayer
RCT for life.
Enjoy your inferior product.
>RCT competitor
>inferior product
Planet Coaster is definitely missing a few things but its not the car crash that is RCTW
Reminder that Atari moved the release date of their unfinished RCT one day BEFORE Planet Coaster is released. Atari are assholes.
literally every single reviewer on the internet has compared planet coaster favorably to RCTW
if anything frontier will actually benefit from this because their product is blatantly superior and no, brand recognition only gets you so far. Simshitty vs Cities:Skylines was a fine example of this.
I almost feel bad for them
RCTW looks like it needs at least another 6 months to bake. How desperate can you get?
Jesus christ, corporate assholes.
I can't wait to start like 6 different parks and never finish one of them because I've been collecting ideas over the course of beta holding out for the release and I'm too excited and want to make all of them.
Also the fox is T H I C C
i wish i bought this instead of Hitman tm
It has already begun, one of the princess too.
>Look at RCTW's steam page
>Oh lawdy
I don't, they won't fucking release the GOD DAMN BLOOD SOURCE CODE
>one of the princess too.
Oh boy!
Second Ubi Soft, I tell ya.
I've been playing it.
So far it's pretty fun. But it needs way more stalls/vendors.
Small carnival games would be great too.
How does it compare to, let's say, RCT2?
So far it's lacking in variety. Which isn't surprising since RCT2 had expansions.
Seems to be a good number of different roller coaster types though.
And I'm not sure if more stuff will unlock once the game is officially out, we'll have to wait and see.
But like I said, the only issue I have at the moment is the lack of different kinds of stalls.
is there a denuvo-chan yet
Right here bro.
>Recommened: GTX 980, i5-4xxx, 12GB RAM
>for a fucking roller coaster builder
I'd be excited for this if it wasn't ridiculously bloated. I really don't want to go buy another 2 sticks of overpriced DDR3 for this game and this game alone.
More excited for Parkitect.
>tfw I only have a 970 and 8gb ram
A-am I screwed? Will my park lag after I've put down two rides and one building?
This game isn't actually bloated, in fact they did so much optimization recently they were able to more than double park size.
Games like this just have a lot of shit to deal with at once, every person in the park is being controlled by the AI and they have differing personalities I believe.
If your computer is keeling over simply restrict the amount of people who can come into your park.
I have the same. The park I made had no trouble.
Granted it wasn't completely full, but still had a few thousand people.
If you're worried just pirate it first, or buy off steam and play for an hour and 50 minutes then get a refund.
>970 and 8GiB RAM
The 970 will probably be fine. You can easily OC them to stock 989 levels. Only problem would be if the game eats VRAM, which might be the case if it wants 12GiB RAM.
I don't know m8. People in the beta have said they pulled the specs out of their ass, but then again it's the same engine as Elite Dangerous.
Minimum is 8gb and gtx560. You'll be fine.
I won't play it on minimum. That's retarded and unenjoyable.
>Can't play until the 17th
Looking forward to building shit, feeling proud of it and then feel bad when I see what other people built.
I played it on a 280x, i7 2600k and 8gigs of ram.
works fine, user.
my rx480 arrives tomorrow or the day after, will probably buy the game soon.
Can you walk around parks in first person yet?
Are you going to recreate your local theme park?
>hedges growing into the fence
Looks good but my computer cant handle it well. In the alpha it ran fine until i tried to used any ground tools. Im making an insane computer soon so ill get it then. Looks amazing though. I wonder how much support it will get in terms of additions and im hoping the workshop goes pretty far. I dont think it has custom assets but if there is a way to do that that would be amazing.
Hope a 770 isn't going to be too shit running this.
> Scenario search bar
> type tegedit
> press T for freelook
Implying we live anywhere near theme parks
Check your privilege
I wish there was a seaside map cause I would totally make black pool pleasure beach or something.
How good are the water tools? I've been wanting to make Six Flags New Orleans.
>A-am I screwed? Will my park lag after I've put down two rides and one building?
Just pirate it to try it out.
Sadly water is just a like layer, it doesn't have any physics or anything it is purely for show, it doesn't even have an underneath.
If they release a water park DLC I could see them retooling the water though.
I'm just going to treat the communities creative talents as more decoration options to choose from and use their stuff. I'm not very creative myself.
Don't blame Atari, they were bought out by a french overlord and restructured. Please, Atari was good people at one point.
Infogramms bought IPS and brand name. They didn't get any of the old Atari devs.
So, yeah. Pretty much what I meant when I said second Ubi Soft.
my only issues witha 770 is that when the hint window is open i suddenly have like 15 fps. Latest patch you can disable then though.
Battleborn all over again
Refunded mine.
It's a good game, but I'm worried about the post launch support it might/might not be getting. I'll pick it up later when it's on sale if they prove me wrong.
Also I fucking hate that it's only £26.99 in the UK but $40 in the US.