Genji is literally the most skill-based character in any video game.
Genji is literally the most skill-based character in any video game
i don't even play overwatch but i would smooch that cyborg
>jump aroound while while holding RMB
>press 'e' when you are in danger and turn 360 degrees and press shift
>press q and get a multikill
Genji's kit is so loaded that you might think that CertainlyT from lol designed him.
He requires zero skill, the fuck are you on about.
You spam jump, abuse your small hitbox, shift when you're about to take damage, e when you get caught and reflect all damage back to the person, wallclimb away then q and spam lmb to get free play of the games.
It requires literally zero skill to aim with LMB and press E to reflect everything that isnt a beam.
>turn 360 degrees
nigger what
>Best character in the game has the best ass
It's not a coincidence.
Correction: Samuel Rodrigues is literally the most skill-based character in any video game.
>Aiming doesn't require skill
Ya blew it
Genji and tracer are the most annoying characters for having the most mobility,
if played well they would just harass everyone without ever dying, i don't think i ever see any other offense characters use aside maybe an occasional Reaper lately
OP didn't trigger me, this does because it might be genuine . within the """""""character action""""" genre DMC 4 dante has the objective highest skill ceiling.
There are a billion more characters in a billion other games that require more skill than just "aiming".
Even Pharah requires more skill than Genji.
>When you see a genji and he tries to reflect your iceblast
It was fun playing genji when somebody is playing bastion and the dumb asshole just shoots themself to death because they are too dumb to wait a little.
>trying to be good with Genji on console
end me
He attracts high IQ players also.
salty support detected
probably couldn't even get a medal as a genji
>doesn't know about genji's role as cleaner
>doesn't know about baiting fire
>doesn't know about managing terrain and cover to always have the deflect/strike advantage
>doesn't know about optimizing dps with combos
>doesn't even know about tagging to maximize elim and and maximizing strike recovery then engaging in1v1 and blowing the fuck out low hp character
>doesn't 10k with his nerfed ult
>doesn't deflect 5 ults a round
Beginnerfriend detected
>>doesn't know about optimizing dps with combos
wow so hard!
>Doesn't deflect 5 ults a round
neither do you.
Guess that's why you're so shit at him
>in any video game
Fuck off this place, 11 year old weeb trash.
Your parents have failed.
total playtime: 0 hrs
CertainlyT is a character developer in league of legends, while he makes fun characters he also makes them loaded with abilities that they all end up overpowered as hell.
Balancing this is just a nightmare because all of his characters got twice the amount of abilities that other have.
'Aiming' in Overwatch inherently carries less grandeur than it does in other FPS games because in Overwatch everyone is a relatively slow, easy target.
>You will never play a single player shooter with Genji mobility+Roadhog hooks
>when you are in danger and turn 360 degrees and press shift
sounds like your a shit genji, idk why you decide to turn full circle after slashing, pretty stupid choice.
It's actually the easiest way to cheese with him, since his natural predator McCree is harder to aim with on consoles
But Starcraft is a PC game.
same with symettras lmb
That fucker was hard as fuck to main
Im hype to get my oni skin
how do you get his new skin
He has nothing on Bastion.
why is the 360 bait always successful
Because unlike you not every one has spent every day of the last 8 years posting on this board and it's not that hard to believe that someone on this board could be that dumb.
Pure cancer. Delete.
this is why i play on 17 sensitivity
Newfags don't get to talk down to anybody
Kill yourself faggot
Oh is grandpas mad again that no one laughs at his grandpas jokes?
>when a mei tries to kill me with icicles
you sound frustrated, friend
shouldn't you be in school kiddo?
>Titanfall 2
>Genji blocks all melee damage while reflecting
>dash right at you after deflecting
Well if he can reflect a bullet he can certainly block a punch
It's pretty obvious
>read this post
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
And how can he deflects a missile?
Or a ball of energy?
It's balanced around gameplay not what makes sense.
And gameplay wise there should be a way to react to deflect other than "don't shoot him at all"
He's the only movement-based character in a game where everyone else moves at a snail's pace and can't go vertical
Certainly he's the most skill-based character in Overwatch, and I say this as someone with like 2 hours on him.
Apply that logic to zarya and you have the same problem.
Just DON'T shoot a genji when he's deflecting.
It's really REALLY easy.
Here comes the "flicking" poster again.
t.never touched lucio in my goddamn life
>Do your little melee/dash/lmb combo
>double jump around spamming rmb
>once you start getting shit on press e and dash away
>actually contribute to the team for once when you have ult
truly the highest skill ceiling imaginable
Shooting a Deagle in CS Takes more skill than playing Genji.
Honestly the people that say he's easy only do pointblank RMB kills and can't land LMBs from across the map to save their life. His shurikens have no damage falloff so you can snipe people without even having to risk your life jumping in amongst their entire team but it definitely takes a hell of a lot more aim than anyone else in the game since he isn't hitscan.
The people that say he's easy are the ones that right click+dash on someone that's already half dead since their teammates are doing all the work or get nanoboosted during their ult
genjis that actually go out and solokill the supports and stuff have to outplay a lot of people to even survive so it's not a surprise people play safe and just wait until the enemy team is almost dead
Enumbre I love you buddy but pls don't dump this shit again
That's some shitty ass aim. Can't even land the first headshot on Genji or the headshot on Reinhardt.
Not really.
Problem with DMC4 is they may have built the frame for 2 stories but stopped the finishing after only the first floor.