What is a game that you would consider to be "perfect"? It doesn't have to be your favorite game...

What is a game that you would consider to be "perfect"? It doesn't have to be your favorite game, or even one that you like. Just a game that you would consider to be the pinnacle of game design.


Doom and RE4

Last of Us


I think Mario Galaxy is the closest we've come to perfection - it, at least, conveys what vidya is like very well.
There's also the cop-out answer of Tetris


>inb4 rockstar shill

Grand Theft Auto V

Sun and Moon are coming pretty close though... surprising for a non-pc game.

Halo 2

Forgot my pic!!

>pinnacle of game design
>mechanically shallow

Warcraft 3

Dragon's Dogma

Deus Ex, the first one.

In what way? Genuinely curious. You can compare all you want but it is a solid game

RE4, MGS3, Bloodborne and Super Mario World are probably the closest I can think of to perfect.

Cops. Driving mechanics (albeit variety).

Super Metroid.

It is the perfect game.

Tumblr shit, kys

Hotline Miami 2. Just... the soundtrack and storyline

Probably the best answer


Mario Galaxy


What the fuck is fpbp

lurk more

Mother 3 and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Definitely not my favorites but they are truly perfect games for their genres.

Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver

Fuck off

Kill yourself

Fuck you asshole.

annnndd thread derail

>just 3 posts telling some retards to fuck off
Fuck off and die

Kirby Superstar/Ultra

The only game I consider even close to actually legitimately perfect.

Nothing else that I have personally played has come anywhere close to perfect in terms of video gaming.

I'm not even a huge kirby fan either to be brutally honest, I've only played the NES one and Superstar.

It stands for "first post best post", newfriend. Feel free to ask more questions.

wow a friendly Sup Forums user.
those are rare.

Yeah I found out after googling it out. I am not new but left for a week or two and people started using it so I didn't figure it out.

Why annoy one newfag when you can annoy twenty oldfags instead?

Spoonfeeding is F U N!

Came here to post this. Those who don't think so literally need to git gud

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is probably the closest a game has come to perfection for me.

I know I will probably get shit for saying this since this answer makes Sup Forums sperg out, but Dark Souls comes quite close as well in terms of more action-ish genres.

Counter strike 1.6 always felt ideal to me as well.

I might say doom, cave story, and intelligent qube. Maybe I could make small nitpicks but I think those games are of an amazing quality.

Mother 3 is my favorite video game ever made but even I wouldn't say its perfect. I wish I did but over time I've acknowledged and been more critical in its flaws. Obviously being my favorite game I feel the overall quality is good but perfect doesn't describe mother 3.

I am not sure if I would call it perfect, but TWEWY had a really good design.
It is one of the few games that fully made use of the dual screens.

Warioland 4


serious sam

of course you'll get shit for that opinion, it is objectively wrong, the thing is obviously unfinished. No points are awarded for good intentions.

I don't think it exists, but Antichamber seemed complete and I think the designers of the game absolutely nailed what they were aiming for.



Street Fighter II

obviously there are flaws in the frame data, glitches and randomness if you analize it to its extremes but the player vs player, time limit, 2 rounds fight to your health is depleted wth a selection of various movesets that play off strengths and weaknesses of who you face is the foundation for every fighting game thereafter.

And fighting games themselves are still one of the few genres left where local 1 screen play enhances rather than limits the experience.


>it is objectively wrong

aw look at this poor kid who doesnt know what the word "objectively" means.

Chrono Trigger

I agree mang. No game has come close to having such engaging gameplay and a fucking fantastic world for me.

I ask you only to name a single flaw, if yoh can.

Came here to post this. I consider the two Galaxy games the pinnacle of Nintendo game design. Especially the first one.

the previous entries are closer to perfect than v

The original Portal comes close.

>Level design was garbage

>Final boss is a faggot bitch

There you go

Knights of the Old Republic II. Classic Avellone writing his best material, I think I've played it close to 50 times since it came out.

It's a game I'm always happy to re-play. All the characters and themes are compelling and well written, and at the time it came out it was darker then any Star Wars material that was available.

Gameplay was solid, music was a revelation. Can't explain it but it always made me feel somewhat lonely, not in a bad way, but it made the story feel like the stakes were high.

Don't think I've been that absorbed into a game since, despite the fact that Lucas Arts forced them to release it early. the witcher 3 comes close though.


>level design was garbage
Only one level.

I'll agree with you on this, actually.

This game is pretty flawless. Great soundtrack, too.

All of the bosses with the exception of Golden Diva (stupid fucking faggot bitch) were FUN and the sprites are gorgeous, too.

Deadly Rooms of Death. The perfect puzzle games.

just look at them

Star Fox 64
Punch Out

God Hand.