Zelda delayed

>Zelda: Breath of the Wild to miss Nintendo Switch launch

How the fuck? How can Nintendo be this incompetent? Were they too busy making Amiibos and Super Mario marketing deals with shoe companies or something?

shut the frick up and make your own game then KID

Nintendo never said March release

>Emily Rogers

This shit wasn't funny the last time. It still isn't now.

>Emily rogers

Pick one

I see this as a death bell for Nintendo Switch desu.

Hear that sound?
That's the sound of the Switch flopping.

Pretty good news to me honestly

I want to play it at release but don't want to buy a switch just for it because it screams "Wii U 2.0" to me, now I can know if it's really gonna flop or not.

Also more time for that Wii U emulator to improve.

Emily Rogers ended up being vindicated so not sure what your problem is.


If that 3D mario game aint a launch title imma be pissed

Nevermind the Emily Rogers thing. But this is a reminder that nintendo never said anything March regarding Zelda.

We're gonna have more Zelda at E317 and i'm gonna be pissed as hell.

well there goes the only reason I even considered the switch


>How can Nintendo be this incompetent?
They've been incompetent since the Wii when it comes to home consoles and games.

Nigger what? The release date is 2017, not March 2017.

Remember when Nintendo said this game was going to be out by the end of 2015?

This is fucking unreal.
I'm done with this company. Not buying a Switch as well, Wii U was my last Nintendo console.

It turns out that the delays had to do actually with the game itself. Lots of adjustments needed with the physics engine.


>Listening to rumors





>reliable Nintendo tipster Emily Rogers

>2 years of "adjustments"
wow i never looked at it that way reggie! thanks!


>i've been waiting for this day


>oh god here it comes


>jesus christ it's happening



>Development team also responsible for marketing and making other products.

I know you are being sarcastic, but there's no logic. You just sound stupid.

I'm okay with this. It's better to have a complete game than a rushed game.

What are the odds they end up scrapping the Wii U version now?

>miss Nintendo Switch launch
But nintendo never announced it as a launch title, just as a "launch window" one, which means "in the first 6 months.

stop defending that lying bitch, retard.

why are retards like you so gullible when it comes to post how angry you are online?

>nintendo invests more time and money into manufacturing plastic toys and marketing than they do developing games

wow its almost like every business has limited resources and must choose what to do with those resources!

> Emily Rogers

And your autism getting bigger

At least she is good sucking cocks

>user types about 7 words
>fanboy replies by calling him autistic to defend his favorite company

Well, Aonuma also said that he wanted to expand on what he originally was planning for the game. I don't know, m8. I'm pissed about it too, but if it doesn't release along with the switch, it sure as fuck wasn't delayed just for the meme of helping with the sales of the new system.

>post a "do you hear that" gafpost
>gets mad to be called for what you are

I doubt the Switch will have many sales on launch if this is true. They need to have the best launch title lineup in decades that's not ports of the Wii U games. I don't think Nintendo realizes just how irrelevant they are now to not take the launch of their next console seriously.

No one cares about Nintendo as much anymore. Wii U sold horribly and the next Zelda title is too far off that it's going to miss the very console they delayed it for?

I'm guessing they're trying to be more like Sony's consoles, only they don't give as much of a shit about hardware like Sony does

There will be literally no reason to buy the Switch. They need more than Zelda too, the only way I would consider it is if they had several other incredible titles and it won't. I frankly can barely even care about Zelda anymore regardless

Delays are a good thing. Ignoring consumer expectations and postponing a launch is mandatory for the preservation of quality gaming.

BotW looks like shit, seems to run like shit, is getting released for two consoles, and will be a hot mess if it launches with the Switch. Nintendo ignores every industry standard( how are you surprised by a Zelda delay? Is this your first Zelda launch?

But there's no delay, the game never had a launch date to begin with.
It's just rumour using other rumours to create more rumours and excuses to be angry at nothing.

>Delays are a good thing

It doesn't always guarantee games will be good. Or have you lost your memory of 2016's failures?

>Starfox Zero delayed, still crap
>No Man's Sky delayed, still crap
>Mighty No. 9 should speak for itself

I honestly think the only thing that could save the Switch launch is a new Pokemon game, but they're A) never going to change the formula, and B) just released Sun/Moon, so that's not going to happen. But really, a big 3D Pokemon game with new gameplay or at least just good graphics would make the system sell like hotcakes. But it doesn't matter since it won't happen regardless and Nintendo is completely fucked

Nintendo are their own worst enemy. They wouldn't be in this position if they actually knew the people they were trying to sell their shit onto.

FFXV was also delayed and its garbage

SM64 Outsold Oot

SMS outsold Wind Waker

Galaxy outsold TP

And so on.

If they have a new Mario they'll be fine.

If you thought any of those games had the potential to be 8.0 or higher, you're inexperienced. None of those have a Zelda pedigree. All of those games were fueled by consumer hype (except star fox), which proves that the average gamer has terrible observation skills.

Delaying a game fixed bugs and adds polish. You want a game to be at its best day 1.

Look at anything Bethesda has ever released. Buggy, ugly, hot garbage. Years later, nothing fixed. Mods make the games playable.

The last thing anyone wants is an unpolished Zelda game. Not only would that reflect horrendously on Nintendo, but would be a flat out insult to franchise fans. They did enough of that with Metroid. Let them take until 2018. Good games are always worth the wait.

But zelda isn't delayed at all, there was no date to begni with. it's just rumour fags freaking out that the first rumour they spread is wrong so they invented another rumour that makes it nintendo's fault.

Unless it's NSMB. Needs to be a proper 3D platformer to sell.

pokemon lately
outsell Mario easy
so switch just needing a pokemon game

You fucking idiots are so fucking stupid it's funny

That's different, you can tell when a game is going to be shit, and when it's gets delayed its to make it less shit. Also FF has to pander to extreme casuals, because of the nature of the franchise. They're more of a spectacle now.

Zelda is somewhat impervious to being pure shit. So long as the core formula stays and there are interesting design decisions, it'll be fine. You should want it to be at its best so there are no excuses.

I don't disagree, but like, even on the Wii U, which was a failure, NSMBU still outsold everything that isnt Mario Kart 8.

So clearly Mario in any form does well. I want a 3D Mario too and I'm sure it'll be a 3D one due to the footage we saw, but NSMB clearly still has juice appeal.

This could have been mildly humorous if you hadn't done it in such retarded way.

Or, OR maybe they're actually trying to make a good fucking game, unlike every other company that panders to impatient fucks like you.
Nintendo never did shit like this before. They gotta get it right on the first try too. If they release a buggy broken piece of shit like Bethesda would they don't get the excuse, they don't have the 'We're bethesda' immunity card or mods. No fucking wonder gaming is dying.

it takes time to downgrade games from actual developer hardware to iphone hardware.

Pikmin 3 was labeled as a launch window title and didn't come out until 9 months after the Wii U did

Bullshit, they just slowed development down on the Wii U version and started working on the then-NX conversion, which means porting it over to a completely different architecture.

In all likelihood the Wii U version is ready to go but is being held back for a dual launch with the Switch.

>Delaying a game fixed bugs and adds polish. You want a game to be at its best day 1.

I refer you to No Man's Sky again. Delays to fix shit, still had bugs up the ass.

Why the fuck even dedicate an entire E3 to Zelda if it's always being pushed back? At least Final Fantasy 15 didn't do this shit. They waited until a release date and had only one delay. Far less than this game.

Honestly, I'd rather they show absolutely nothing until they're sure this will be done on time. An unpolished game may reflect badly on a company but multiple delays do the exact same thing. It's a matter of trust and planning. Something Nintendo lacks both of already.

>NSMBU still outsold everything that isnt Mario Kart 8.

That's because it was the only decent game on launch. The only good game for months too if I remember correctly.


>Nintendo is delaying release
This isn't news. They've said many times they'd rather delay release than put out an unfinished game and good for them.

They won't, but I can see them not bothering with a physical release. Maybe a limited print.

>This isn't news.
It's not, because it's lies. You won't find a single source about the game having a launch date to begin with, making it impossible to be delayed.

Yeah but, again, the Wii had Twilight Princess as only decent launch game, but it still got knocked out by alot of later games, so while I don't disagree that the "only man standing" thing boosted it's sales, I don't think we can discount NSMBU's sales.

But the point is moot, since the rumor says a new 3D Mario by the Galaxy/3D World team, not a NSMB which is done by a different internal team.

Don't talk about shit you don't understand

>I refer you to No Man's Sky again.

>It's another Sup Forums takes a rumor from a nobody seriously thread

This isn't video games

This contradicts their plan of putting out games more frequently for the Switch than having months of nothing. Do they want this to be the Wii U all over again? Taking time to work on a game is fine but make sure you actually have shit between the months to keep people from regretting their purchase.

I guarantee third parties will fuck off to Xbox and Playstation again after making just one game because they have better hardware and thus will attract more consumers.

NSMB Wii outsold Galaxy 1 and 2 combined.

NMS, if it were 100% polished, would still be wildly mediocre. My point isn't that polish makes a game inherently better. My point is that polish on top of a working game makes it that much better. Look at Uncharted 4. Practically delayed a year, but when it came out? Gorgeous game, ridiculously polished gunfights, and it improved the overall game (sorry and excessive exhibition aside, it was worth playing).

There is a HUGE difference between a 6 month to 1 year delay versus a 2-5 year delay. The latter shows development turmoil while the former shows a "not quite there yet but getting there" mentality.

FFXV will still have a fun game underneath, I'm sure. Probably not worth the 10 year wait.

For the record, once you announce a game, it's expected to be released in the near future. FFXV and Last Guardian have been in development hell for years.

BotW just got announced maybe a year or two ago? It's still on a realistic release track.

Stop wanting Nintendo to rush things. I'd rather play a good Zelda game than whatever nonsense they've shown this far for it. It looks like shit.

>Zelda will miss March release
>Mario Switch will be the big release game
This fits the rumor of the Switch reveal being delayed because of Mario not running well. And Zelda is very likely Nintendo's biggest game so far, and their first "big" open world game with loads of mechanics working together in a sandbox way. Of course they'll want to take as much time as possible.


But it's a system seller, why the fuck would they delay it?

It's like they want the Switch to be DOA.

>No reason to buy a wii u at launch because no killer app
>No reason to buy a switch at launch because no killer app


The fact that they were successful with the wii sports bullshit literally went to their fucking heads and now they think they can get away with it


Yeah, remember when she said female Link was going to be a thing in BotW? (Thank God she was wrong)

Slut can go jump off a bridge.

Which has nothing to do with anything, since the argument was about Zelda being a "launch title".

You know what? After the shit they put through people who bought Wii Us, you'll forgive me if I have no more faith left in Nintendo. Wii U never even got an exclusive Zelda title. Not to mention, there's barely been any good titles on Wii U so maybe taking their time to make something for a console that collects dust isn't going to cut it.

And maybe if they didn't use so little of their IPs, there wouldn't be as much frustration with Nintendo pushing back what is one of their only good looking games in years.

Ok, now tell me who ever said that if a game is delayed it's then guaranteed to be good.

>inb4 Miyamoto
That's not what the quote means.

Nintendo Land is a good example of this. Expect something similar for the Switch.

>This fits the rumor
Dude a rumour made by the same people fits the same rumour whoop the fucking doo. You are fucking rewriting histories with rumours, wake up already you gullible twitter slave.

Even if it is """launch window""" it might be December 2017 before BotW is available.

I was never quoting anyone. It's just this mentality people seem to have and it's only going to crush them when the game they finally get turns out to be trash. Nintendo is not entirely immune to this.

It's a baseless rumor from some random attention whore, you fucking retard.

Jesus fuck, what a bunch of fucking pieces of shit.

Read what people write in their fucking post.
Nobody said that Zelda will definitely come out within 6 months because they said "launch window". Nobody made that argument. NO-BO-DY. You're arguing something you came up with yourself.
What was said is: they didn't say it was a LAUNCH TITLE, so it not coming out at launch isn't weird or a betrayal.

Of course it's a launch title. Why do you think botw was delayed until the NS?

>literally make less than 1 game a year
>its always another sequal
how do people defend this?

>It's just this mentality people seem to have
That mentality is in your brain. Nobody, ever, not in this thread or elsewhere, said that "the game is delayed == the game is good".
What people say, and rightfully so, is "the game is delayed == the game will be better than if it hadn't been delayed", which means that delaying is RELATIVELY a good thing.

>Believing Emily "Gender options in Zelda" "Voice acting for every character but Link" "Mother 3 is being localized" "Devil's Third Won't be Published by Nintendo" "Star Fox is not in development" "Make the same predictions every few months until they come true" "The only true rumors come from other people first" Rogers

>Of course it's a launch title.
This is the last straw, you are fucking insane. Try to prove that bold claim. I dare you. then you go call a fucking doctor because you aren't right in your head, kid.

I've seen multiple times that people think a game will be good or better when it's delayed which is not a good stance to have. Getting your hopes up will only make you vulnerable to disappointment. The longer it takes for a game to come out, the more hype there will be and the bigger disappointment people will have when it doesn't live up to what they expect, which has been a lot of Nintendo titles lately.

>>literally make less than 1 game a year
This is wrong though. Nintendo as a whole shits around 10 games per year, on various platforms. They currently relocated all efforts for the Switch.

Are you 12? Everybody knows this.

>the amount of nintendrones on suicide watch in this thread

They had to do literally one thing - make a good launch title for Switch. Last E3, everyone was memeing how nintendo won E3 with one game. Well, that one game is now delayed and we haven't heard about other games, which probably means there are none.

This is the Wii U all over again. Nintendo had a really good year, everyone is nostalgic for their systems, and they don't release the one game that could pull the sales like crazy? How can they be so incompetent?

It's a rumor, you fucking retard. You took the bait hook line and sinker.

>How can they be so incompetent?

They've been incompetent for years. This probably shouldn't come to a surprise to anyone at this point.

I'm glad you "have seen" that happen "multiple times". Why are you here arguing with people saying a completely different thing rather than THERE arguing with those people?
>a game will be [...] better
In every sensible scenario, a game WILL be better if it is delayed and actually worked upon. You seem to be under the impression that "better" means "good": it doesn't. If you think people are making the same mistake, go argue with THEM instead of flipping when people are trying to say a different thing altogether.

makes perfect sense though