Is this game still relevant? I picked it up again recently but matchmaking takes a fuckload of time and people leave like crazy
Is this game still relevant...
The gameplay is very stagnated. It's one of those games that are good for 20 hours.
So no, not really
Ranked is a bit better in that regard, but can be more stressful because that's the nature of ranked mode in games in general. As always, having friends to play with is the optimal way to play, but I've been going just fine with casual and I live in a third world country, so if you're in the EU or US you should be fine.
a ton of people still play the game but matchmaking has always been shit
I have 350+ hours in it and
Yes I can say I've noticed a drop in the amount of leavers as I ranked up and matchmaking takes a lot mostly when I'm with someone else
Could it be because of the new ops?
Check out the general on /vg/ we're still going strong.
It's not stagnant, it's just made for eSports type events. It attempts to be balanced and fair, and it changes the more you play once you unlock more operators to use. You change your tactics and playstyle, otherwise you're the one making it stagnant. If you rush in as Sledge every time, the same way every time, you're going to get the same experience every time.
I'm like the one Xbox player they have on that sub. I have a PC I just don't think I can run it.
do you only play casual?
also you should play with a premade group
play more ranked and use your mic. I do agree with the matchmaking tho
I only play ranked and yes I use my mic
Played free weekend, bought the season pass, love it. If you're sick of CSGO or whatever you're playing, give it a chance, it's relatively cheap.
The only real problem is shitty Ubi euro servers.
Why do I suck so bad at siege? I have 80 hours and I'm still lucky to get one kill per match with 4 deaths.
have you taken a look at the guides on the steam community hub or the youtube guides those really helped me. also practice makes perfect. don't act like you know what to do just go crazy and see what works and learn the game.
Check out Serenity17, he's got some good advice
I actually like playing the support roles in a game for once. Doc and Montagne are my favorite and I like picking last. When I die I feel like its my mistake.
the game needs more people like you. im sick of people picking operators they like instead of what the team needs my most played operators are not thermite and rook by choice
>Tfw 90 hours Pulse
But hey, my top1 atk is thatcher with 32hours
>tried the free weekend
>couldn't connect to game servers
Into the trash it goes.
just play like a cautious retard and corner peak everything, use drones or just play more and develop better game sense
It's ok user. I got 40 hours and I usually end up being the first killed and hardly get a kill in a match. Feels bad man. I hate waiting to join a match and then die 1 minute into a round and have to watch the whole thing.
From my experience its not because of thr player vount, but because ubisoft is shit at matchmaking.
If it takes more than a minute to connect to a full match, i asume the lobby is buggy and i try again.
Drone, drone, drone.
Give callouts.
Rook isnt a must pick though.
He's great on low level play, but good players just aim for the anyways.
its fine as long as you play with friends, playing alone is just boring.
Did they ever buff Tachanka?
Thanks, he's got some good map and operator guides
They're putting a shield on his turret soon
I feel like playing Blitz or Monty is a good way to start. Not getting instakilled all the time is gives you the oportunity to actually learn how to shoot or strafe.
I wish they made it deploy faster.
It's got to be either a shield, slam it down quicker, or a better range of turning.
>good for 20 hours
It takes around that time just to get to grips with the game and learn the maps.
They made it deploy and undeploy faster a couple of updates ago