Fainaru Fantaji jū go

>didn't care about XV
>watched movie
>nice action flick
>get interested in XV
>game is all about gay boysband they showed after credits scene
>watch Conan "playing" it
>it hits me why I didn't cared about it in the first place

Why they didn't just make game with MC from the movie?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why don't make just movie, without game?

Yeah Noctis and friends are one of the major aspects that's killed my hype for FFXV.

The overall world of FFXV seem really cool, but alot of footage is just Noctis and his boyband trudging through boring desert and plains. It all just looks so dull and uninteresting.

I know character design is a relatively small part of a game, but Sasuke in designer fashion is a fucking atrocious design.

it's like if Garrus became a teenage boy with long hair.

Nippon faggotary designs aside, worst part is that empty huge world where you need to move from one point to another just to listen some random npc who push you further

Fucking travesty

I'm sure there's personality in the characters somehow and they're going to dive deep into each and every one of their backstories in the main game.

But they look just so unremarkable. Flighty smart-alec guy, slick glasses butler-type guy, stoic muscle dude, and edgy prince faggot. All in black or some other type of dark color.

I don't think we've ever had a FF cast so fucking devoid of imagination, color variance or even any semblance of creative design.

Well I guess FFXIV is a counterpoint even though it's not really an actual single player FF game.

>virgin autists show how sexually insecure they are the thread

The boy band isn't the issue.
The issue is they removed a major part of the game and made it into a movie.

Not an argument.

It literally is a fucking boyband. Running out there in visual kei gear stomping the shit out of wildlife.

basically shoujo manga of low quality but masked as BL without BL


Noctis gonna bang more pussies than Geralt, stay mad haters

>Well I guess FFXIV is a counterpoint
Gonna have to stop you there. FFXIV has some really good characters and stories. Some of it just has dozens of hours of content between lore points.

Yeah i wouldve liked if they made ff versus instead. It didnt even bother me that noctis design was literally sasuke (instead of now he is boyband sasuke). I dont see why anyone would want to play a ff version of gta build around a road trip.

it was never in the game so it never got removed since day one it was meant to have a movie to correspond to fucktard

Why are people complaining about the designs? Final Fantasy always had gay ass looking male designs, they are just catering to their fanbase. At least these look somewhat more grounded than say, 12's designs.

I really liked that guy and the way they used daggers to teleport

what movies, anime etc i should watch before the game?

Nope. Tabata straight up says everything Niflheim was moved to the movie. We also know for a fact it was in the earlier version of the game.

>since day one it was meant to have a movie to correspond to fucktard

What do you mean by this?

I like how the King was apparently so powerful he could grant them magic and the teleporty daggers.

Stand By Me
The Hangover
Kingsglaive FFXV

Brotherhood FFXV
FMA Brotherhood


also listen to plenty of Gackt

I meant in a visual sense, since you can literally dress up in any way and in any color you like.

So this gay-ass matrix wannabe bullshit is the contrast to it.

They don't even look that gay, just really boring yet extremely outlandish at the same time. Being grounded is fine but they awkwardly stick out from the rest of the world and their outfits don't look very distinct from each other at first glance.

>whole cast is female
>moeshit otaku pandering garbage literally neptiuniu tier into the garbage etc.
>whole cast is male
>gay boysband
You fuckers are never satisfied.

Why normies are complaing about the character designs? It's not like the series has been like this since the first game.

In fact, Old Noctis is the manliest FF protagonist.

>Noctis and friends are one of the major aspects that's killed my hype for FFXV
same here

Because the old protags never looked like the Amano drawings.

>people don't want to play as the backstreet boys
Unironically kill yourselves.

You fucking weeaboo.

Why didn't they make the movie a game?

Yes, because they are a bunch of sprites, not a actual 3D model.

I know right? I was actually kind excited for a final fantasy game for once.
Until I saw it wasn't going to launch for PC

Fuckers like that are the reason why Fang was made into a lady.

Lol. These faggots are not even the Backstreet Boys, they more resemble the groupies for a Justin Bieber concert.

Yup, this.

I never thought I'd be one to complain about Japanese characters looking like dumbasses, but XV is just too much. The whole metrosexual boyband look is just offputting as fuck. It's funny that Square is so obsessed with appealing to westerners but that they can't see the one thing that turns off most people about it.

I'm actually super excited for the mundane shit. I just want a comfy game where I can go around doing my virtual shit and this looks like it. Until we get a next gen Harvest Moon, this will be my most hyped game.

I also think they'd look fine with some minor tweaks here and there
>make the few colours they have stand out against the black or just make certain things a different colour altogether
>lengthen Noctis's pants
>give Gladio a shirt
>remove the weird pattern from the bottom of Prompto's jacket
>make Noctis and Prompto's hair less Nomura-ish

>I'm actually super excited for the mundane shit.
When you put it that way, you just sound like a fucking shill, but I do agree in some ways. My favorite part of Dark Cloud 2 is going around taking pictures of random shit and my favorite part of FF8 is hanging out at the garden and playing triple triad.

I have seen the unphotoshopped version few times and I love this. Its unreal how confusing this screen is. A guy and a girl are in hotel room chatting o bed while there are 5 buttons with some progress and levels that read "cooking, fishing, survival and photography". What is going on?

>XV is just too much
It took you 15 games to finally say that the designs are too much. You're right though, to appeal to westerners we need more bald white men in a FPS based game.

You clearly haven't watched the video

Their clothes were designed by a Japanese fashion designer so I don't think give a shit about westerners.

*think he'd

Every time you go to sleep you get a screen showing you the progress you made that day. You see your buddies doing shit in the background during that screen. In that pic Noctis and Iris are having a chat before bed while you look at your progress.

No one really cares about your opinion here.
Heck your moaning isn't going to make any difference on sales in the slightest apart from some sweaty neckbeards here might not get it.
The game will score 40/40 in Japan and plenty of 5/5 and 10/10 in the west and there is nothing you can do about it.
Sales are going to be through the roof and it will be #1 worldwide.
Everyone and their mother wants this game and it will sell really well.

You only hate it because there aren't no women in the party and you are insecure about your sexuality. You could have plenty of all male parties in earlier FF games and you don't moan about them.
Again it's Sup Forums grasping on straws for the next tortanic that they desperately want so they can be a part of "muh epic board culture" and entitled PC cunts who sit 1mm away from the monitor who shit on everything so far. The games going to be great and enjoyable and the Judgement Disc has proven that with positive reviews about the demo already. You guys just bite into what Sup Forums tells you to say and leave it at that.

Nah they just have to tone it down, or at least make it more varied. All of them look like bishies. Even the supposedly gruff, bearded one looks like a twink. It doesn't have to be all bald white men or all cute girls.


Or they could make the characters a bit more distinct.

honestly I'm feeling pretty wary about this game

I was excited and I was gonna pre order it but the more I see of it the less interesting it looks

driving around on a road in a desert doing pick up things then near the end of the game the story takes over and its more linear?

i dont get why you'd want to spend all that time driving about I'd be more likely to rush through that bit to get to the story because at least that seems interesting

Sure, because Locke's sprite looks like Amano's art.

>14 sells overwhelming the best on PC in the west
>start porting every FF game to PC for mad shekels
>FF15, WoFF, FF12:R, FF7:R coming out
>lel ps4 only my dudes



>Why is this a game
>Tell me when something happens
>This is an aggressive waste of our time
>I don't know what we achieved
>I have no sense of satisfaction

Conan just described 90% of open world games. Nothing is happening nothing is achieved. He kind of sums up what I think about modern games without really knowing what he's doing. He knows that games need to be games and have good gameplay.

>You're right though, to appeal to westerners we need more bald white men in a FPS based game.

Your hyperbolic joke sadly doesn't change the fact that Nomura's fashion sense is fucking terrible. It's clear Tabata tried to undo some of the damage with alternative outfits, but it's too late sadly.

we saw your pasta the first time

pretty close given the limitations of a 16x24 sprite

I don't know, I'd probably actually buy a FF game for the first time in my life if it launched on PC.

Nice pasta, forgot to remove the though.

Thats way less exciting than I expected. I thought these were options to perform or chat options. Makes sense now that I know.

>Sup Forums
>knowing shit about fashion

I love Nomura but god damn. Why is he stuck at age 16 mentally?

>friendship is for teens only
Is this why you are are so pessimistic all the time?

Fashion is nothing but a giant meme anyway.

>friendship is for teens only
Yes my parents taught me this

i think it's a virus at squenix. i went to ff14 fanfest and the guys from the 14 devteam were the same way. soken was full "holds up spork" mode.

I think he's referring to the fact that Nomura dresses like a teen out of 2007 who's obsessed with My Chemical Romance.

>alternative outfits
I wish there were alternative haircuts too.

Took him 10 years to get a new haircut.

I haven't been as uninterested in a FF title as I am right now with FF15.

I'll bite.
It's an end chapter screen which shows the evolution of abilities. Characters are interacting on background.

if you unironically liked that piece of shit movie it's time to kill yourself kiddo

The only good part in that entire piece of shit was that last bit where the giant statues are using that 'throw sword and teleport to it" shit.

Jesus fucking Christ he seriously looks like FUCKING WOJAK.

He is spilling his spaghetti everywhere.
>tfw no gf

Because he's a grown man who dresses how he wants? Why are you judging a man based on what he is wearing when the considered "normal" dressing style is based on the dictation of society? Should we not applaud a man for not allowing the boundaries set on him by society to conform to a certain image? Or are we just more cogs in the machine forcing people to act or dress a certain way or face ridicule?

>that wedding dress part

I think the weirdest part of that Conan video is that these parts of the game were SELECTED by the devs as the parts they wanted to show off. What were they thinking including that dress shit?

You know that shit is embarrassing and you agree with me.

If Ignis could just lose this ridiculous haircut he would look perfectly fine in this screenshot.

Every games used to open with "explosions" (action). Making game starts with long introduction is a recent thing.
Final Fantasy 1 doesn't even have a cutscene, you start on the world map with no explanation and can get random encounter right away.
Final Fantasy 2 starts with a battle. I don't mean a cutscene followed by a battle, I mean you select "New Game" and it starts a battle.
Final Fantasy 3 starts in a dungeon.
Final Fantasy 4 starts with you coming back from murdering innocents.
Final Fantasy 5 starts with you being attacked by goblins while investigating a meteor fall.
Final Fantasy 6 starts with you attacking a city on a steampunk war mech.
Final Fantasy 7 starts with a terrorist attack
Final Fantasy 8 starts with a battle cutscene before waking up in the infirmary, and is followed by an exam - against a Fire guardian in a volcano.
Final Fantasy 9 starts with a sparing battle then making preparating to kidnap a princess.
Final Fantasy 10 starts with a match a fantasy sport while heavy metal music play before mysterious beasts interupt the game.
Final Fantasy 12 starts in the middle of a battle trying to rescue your king.
Final Fantasy 13 starts the same way 7 did.

In the mature and innovative 15, you push a car. And the game doesn't improve from that low point.

FFXV starts out the same way as FF1 does but with actual character building too. And it improves throughout the entire game.

FF13 started with a bang and it was complete trash.

Because it doesn't conform to your views?

i belive most quest will be cringy shit like this
the cat quest for example, jessus.

do japanese people think huge (western) noses are cool now

If you put it that way, FF15 starts with a battle against some sort of throned demon guy and then it flashes back to you hunting monsters to fix your car.

Final Fantasy 1 was supposed to be their last game because of how shit their sales was they were planning to file for bankruptcy so off course it wouldn't have all the fancy shit you see today

Final Fantasy 15 starts with a warrior king and his men surrounded by flames as they battle against a fire god sitting on a skull throne in the middle of the castle courtard. Followed by a flash back to the past with the king seeing off his son the prince for his wedding with the princess in another kingdom. Then followed by a scene where the princes car breaks down and you push it for a minute while dialog between the characters happen which is basically just a cutscene of them talking while pushing the car. Then after that you are out in the open on the world map and can get encounters right away. The game will ultimately build back up to the warrior king battling the fire god, so yes it objectively does improve.


cool response

Mine and yours

Is taking conan seriously the new shitpost until the game comes out?

Nomura didn't even design the clothes for xv

>could've had a nice on screen romance between 2 aussies
>Vanille penetrated on screen
>instead we get some half assed it's yuri but it's totally not shit

I literally just saw this two posts in a thread earlier. XV-kun and Anti-kun are the same person CONFIRMED.

this one too, holy shit

Last time they tried Enix bought them out.

He dresses like a 14 year old from 2004

If you look up the thread xv-kun got banned in, some of his deleted posts included him arguing with himself

I actually love capris