Do you remember to clean under your desk, Sup Forums?

Do you remember to clean under your desk, Sup Forums?

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Why? that shit aint hurting no body

I sweep it about once a week. The hair build up from owning 3 cats is suffering

>no cum stains
Really, user?

That is fucking disgusting. My God I hate neets.

>under desk

It's clean, I always kick all that shit under other furniture.


if I had a phone I'd take a picture of my room, beer cans full of piss, cigarett ashes and butts allover my desk but i keep my mouspad meticulously clean

i feel sorry for pathetic fucks who actually have to have a clean work space. enjoy your girlfriends cuckolds

but sometimes I'm forced to clean, mostly when the smell gets to that sorta school bathroom that was just cleaned by the stench is eternal smell

Smokers in a nutshell

I cleaned and dusted my entire apartment today, and went out to buy new slippers.

Just did a week ago, my room was filled with mold because it gets extremely dense where I live. Turned over the bed, moved the desk and chair. Vacuumed the shit out of every corner, and wiped down the walls and bed frame with eucalyptus oil + water solution.


Confirmed homosexual.


u wot m8


I'm fucking allergic, if I don't clean this shit I will drown in my tears and snoot. Slow and painful death.

>House dust mites are a common cause of asthma and allergic symptoms worldwide. The mite's gut contains potent digestive enzymes (notably proteases) that persist in their feces and are major inducers of allergic reactions such as wheezing. The mite's exoskeleton can also contribute to allergic reactions.

>The average life cycle for a male house dust mite is 10–19 days. A mated female house dust mite can last up to 70 days, laying 60 to 100 eggs in the last 5 weeks of her life. In a 10-week life span, a house dust mite will produce approximately 2,000 fecal particles and an even larger number of partially digested enzyme-covered dust particles.

That sounds pretty suspect. Like some shit a house wife came up with.


what did he mean by this?

Yeah, I do the usual lux.

Cleaning out a keyboard though? Holy shit there can be a lot of stuff built-up underneath it.

I'm sure you're just a boring faggot who is anti anything fun but I just said I'm a disgusting piss in beer cans smoke weed trash human and you point out the cigarettes?

lol eat ass

>used to play 2v2 quake with a friend
>hear him light up fags all the time
>one day he sends a pic of his desktop for some reason I forgot
>his entire keyboard is just buried under ash
>bought him a new keyboard from the prize money we won

high moisture level in air

>high moisture level

Explains why my gf is so dense.

>having a gf

It's a gf(male).

Actually constantly.

I'm not sure what kind of floor that is, but since my floor is tiled, I can just easily swipe and wash. Most of my house is that way.

>Carpets that cover the entire floor

Americans are disgusting.

i keep my apartment relatively clean, i just have stacks of books everywhere and sometimes cat hair if i avoid sweeping for a day or two. my ex said it's very comfy though, said the books everywhere is charming. i'm just too lazy to put my books back when i know i'm going to go back to reading it in an hour.

really though you fucks should invest in some wood floors, it's 100x easier to keep clean than carpet. no stains, no loud, cord-tangling vacuuming to be done. just a quick sweep and mop and you're good.

enjoy your splinters, hipster faggot

Alright, you can stay.


Never gotten any, you dirty poorfag.

I can't imagine even having a carpet or anything of that kind in our floor, I just constantly imagine all the dust mite/dirt build up that might spur of it. Wooded/tiled floors just seem nicer and you don't have to be afraid of walking in it and you can simply mop it.


Jesus and I thought my desk was in a bad shape. This one makes mine look brand new.