Someone here is going to have to apologize.
Someone here is going to have to apologize
the EA effect
The people who shit on it hardest didn't play it
The people who enjoyed it were to busy playing defend it
It's a good game
Suck my dick
>cinematic game getting a high score
color me surprised
loving this meme
4u4u4u cia
>reviews that list 0 flaws gives a 80
>same people will ist crashes and bugs on a AAA sandbox game and still give 95
>reviews matter except when they dont
who are you quoting?
>AAA game
>has one flaw, "weak gameplay"
>weak gameplay in a video game
So are we just pretending that video game reviews matter so we can act like this game isn't mediocre?
Okay then.
At the 3rd island now.
It's the most fun I've had playing Pokemon since Platinum. Only things I don't like so far is the overabundance of cutscenes, framerate issues and TEAM SKULL DOESN'T USE SCRAGGY OR SCRAFTY AT ALL WHAT THE FUCK
>based on 8 critics
Third island is best island.
It has the most cutscenes though since it's where the plot starts going full force.
Scraggy and Scrafty aren't even in the regional dex IIRC
I mean reviews only matter when it reinforces the point of your side/argument.
3DS RPGs are doomed to not get above 80-85 from most magazines.
Should i skip X/Y and go straight to Sun/Moon ?
Yes, 100%.
X/Y offers you nothing new than pretty graphics.
yes, x/y is horribly mediocre
That´s your mother you are talking about, son.
x/y's best feature was "it's in 3D"
so that's all your missing
>Half the threads are filled with people who played the leak and hated it
>half the threads are made by the same few shitposters
>the threads are filled with people loving it
>people can't keep responding to shitposters because they're busy enjoying the game
I played it too and I fucking hated it
See how easy it is to lie?
No because the game sucks
What a fucking blunder. Can't believe I've got crippling hype from this.
The only things you're losing out are a quite interesting wannabe Hitler antihero, rollerskates, a brown waifu and her backstory, the four worst rivals in the series and a fairly pathetic E4.
>played the leak and hated it
yeah that dude that keep posting spoilers and claim it's his personal vengeance toward people who didn't pirate is totally legit and totally represent the fandom. Smogonfags complain at every new game too.
So this is where all of the game's budget went.
yes, XY is way worse, SM is the best in 4 years.