"It's fine if we lose, as long as we have fun!"

>"It's fine if we lose, as long as we have fun!"

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I'm 5 feet tall. What would Asuka think of me?

You're not supposed to win every single one. I have fun as long as I win at least half.

Well it is fun just to play the game when it's something new to you. Then once you get the hang of it just playing isn't enough and you expect to win more.

Well yeah. The point of games is to have fun. Realistically speaking, the chances of getting into any professional scene are so astronomically low that the benefits that games provide begins and end with "fun". And in any online competitive game, matchmaking is designed to ensure your chances of losing and winning stay near 50/50.

If you only have fun while winning, then you're only having half the fun of someone who can have fun while losing. And since the objective is to have fun, then it's pretty clear they're getting more out of it than you.

That you're a fucking manlet, duh.

I wouldn't say these games can only provide "fun". They can provide a "challenge", and a challenging game doesn't have to be fun at all

If you want to challenge yourself without having fun, then go do something productive.

Video games are a form of entertainment. If you play them for any other reason than having fun and enjoying yourself, I'd highly suggest committing suicide.

evangelion is shitty overrated garbage

I can't think of anything as strategically stimulating as Dota 2, atleast something I think i'd like.

If I am not playing in a truly competitive environment I would rather have fun and lose than not have fun and win 1000x over.

The only time I find a game fun while losing, is if it was really back and forth. But it's really not fun to have a back and forth game where you're leading, but then the enemy comes back and wins, so it has to be in the opposite order.
I just don't find messing around when you're in a massive disadvantage in a team game fun, because I know what I'm doing is literally irrelevant

agreed on both points

Anta baka?

That you're tall as fuck.
Japanese people are like 2 feet tall, dude.

>having fun
>on Sup Forums

that's called fun, you fucking mong

>people who have fun when losing
Confirmed never played mobas.

It is.

Anyway, posting best girl.

>get curb stomped
>players make fun of your team
>I'm having fun guys :DD

This is true, though.
Like in TTT, there's no shame in buying the silly weapons as a T and suiciding, as long as you're having fun.
You need to mix it up with some serious rounds, but goofing off is the best way of playing games, imo.

People don't play ASSFAGGOTS for fun user, it's all about that e-penis.

>And in any online competitive game, matchmaking is designed to ensure your chances of losing and winning stay near 50/50.

This is a really important point, it's also very important to realize that true randomness has a lot more streaks in it than we as humans imagine it does.

A real series of coin flips will have quick a few streaks, and so will your games set up by a good matchmaker.

>allow opponent to win, but do it in the way that there's no satisfaction in winning and they're just left pissed and frustrated
Any scenario like this? Only times I can think about this is dealing with annoying stall teams or luck-based teams (parafusion, Minimize, Sheer Cold, etc.) in Pokemon.

No, it's a challenge. I don't have any fun playing it anymore, I just play it since it's like the only thing I'm decent at

I have never watched Evangelion and don't plan to but I always thought Asuka is one hot piece of ass.

>guy starts talking shit when ahead
>dead silent during the comeback win
No better feeling

>Goofing off but still win because you are just that good.

>get steamrolled


Haha, fuck off.
Literally the dumbest shit. Any attempts to have fun are squandered by the rigid community that will berate you for anything, even if it actually nets you wins.

I like to think in ops photo that shes taking a massive shit

>i have a decent kda
>i win lots of games
>i try to stay positive and help my team
That's what every single person that gets banned says and they are filthy liars 99.9% of the time.

But why lie when it's so easy to dig up the stats?

Either they're stupid or they think the person they're talking to is stupid.


You are supposed to enjoy the game mechanics and challenge. Not winning or losing. There is a difference.

Seriously, only autistic faggots get upset when they lose.

So you do a thing you find no enjoyment in over and over again, day in, day out, for no pay... voluntarily?

No. You at LEAST have to find enjoyment in playing to test your developed skill. Which, nig nug, is FUN. "Fun" is enjoyment. If you enjoy an action for any reason, you have "fun" doing that action.

Otherwise, why are you playing it?

I knew a dude named "The True Mask" with this as his avatar picture. Dude was fucked in the head and was mad that I was better then him for some reason.

Techies in dota. Just turns the game to shit for both teams.