Why are Malkavians so superior?

Why are Malkavians so superior?

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they're not. the voermans are proof of that

But user, Toreador best clan.

they aren't too bad

>rebel scum
>best clan

Oh, boy, I remebered being 13 again.

Is this game ever going to get an HD remake?

>rebel scum

never ever
It actually aged quite well, it looks pretty good for its age.

you posted a Brujah though. The "Damsel is a Toreador" theory doesn't have anything behind it except she did nude shots in college. Good taste though

Toreador is best clan, Damsel is best girl, I only posted that image because Voermans a shit.



posting superior clan

How old where you when you realized malkavians sucked because they are basically the lolsorandumb/damaged/harley quinn of the white wolf universe?

Tremere masterace

Do you guys think Diogenes a Malkavian?

>mfw playing a full Thaumaturgy Tremere currently

I second this notion.

What does damsel have to do with being a toreador?

I spoilered it because it wasn't meant to relate to the post.

Wasn't he the dude that saw an Ethiopian kid eating white bread and said "Look, the night envelops the day!"?

damsel is a fat fuck


Your mother is a fucking cunt and you're a walking pro abortion advertisement.

shouldn't killing pisha warrant a masquerade redemption?

I'm mean you're getting rid of a vampire that has to kill humans. seems like you're doing everyone a service killing her.

So would Paradox get away with a character like Jeanette or VV in a new VTM game?

Solving the quest one way or another gives redemption

Probably not.


Only thing I wished for in this game was cmmore character customization

Pisha is best girl.

Maybe as DLC.

why was this game so comfy?
will we ever get a game as comfy as this?

Pretty comfy

i dont know why people keep pushing for a sequel

itll just be a casualised, watered-down mess, a mere shadow of the original like every other sequel in the last 10 years

The writing could still be stellar.

hi deb

Let's just give up hope then, lol

>the only vampire with empathy
>the only vampire to not use the player
>genuinely nice
>cares for humans
>that lingerie
How can anyone not love Velvet Velour?

>faked toreador empathy
>manipulating the player just the same

She's undoubtedly manipulating the player and using them. But she does care for humans, literally no other reason to let David Hatter live

This is what a sequel would be like:

>No choice in bloodline
>No choice in stats to pick, you're automatically the best hacker, locksmith, gunslinger and fist-fighter that ever lived
>You play as male "vampire of prophecy", destined to become the most legendary vampire that ever lived
>You don't like being a vampire, but you must reluctantly drink blood as it is a NECESSARY EVIL, ew
>Dialogue wheel: Yes, Yes, Yes, Sarcastic Yes
>Good and bad ending, if you drank blood from humans, you die at the end, if you stuck with rats and blood packs, you save the damsel and get soapy titwanks for eternity
>Forced multiplayer/always online
>Day one DLC and microtransactions
>Dubstep soundtrack

The White Wolf bit of Paradox is run by a weird Larper goth who calls himself Dracula. He recently pushed them to republish a story collection from 1994 called Dark Destiny with an additional "totally canon" story by himself which featured the following immortal lines:

>So we whiled away the long gloom of anticipation before the hunt pretending to fuck like a suburban couple, red satin sheets and plastic tarps under the mattress hiding the blood-cum stains... She screamed as I sucked and threw me straight through the solid pine wall as she came.

>Screaming in lust from the concentrated spunk in my groins- blood, the Akalia started to wriggle out of its dirty jeans, still gagging on my bleeding junk. It let go only to suck in air, preparing to turn its centuries- dormant sexual organs into full ass-rape stiffness.

God only knows what a new Vampire game would be like with him in charge.

>>manipulating the player just the same
>She's undoubtedly manipulating the player
In what way? She isn't forcing or misleading the player.

the first one was better

They're not, they're a meme race.

britbongs amirite?

She acts weak and helpless so you do all her dirty work for her and put your unlife in danger. Convinces you to do it by appealing to your cock and pouting. Toreador are literally the most manipulative clan m8

You know, if that shit can be published, maybe I can get published too.

>open it
>it's just a meme

dont listen to this poster, he's trying to trick you

dont open it

Are you fucking new to this side or something?
I bet you think malks are the best clan too

There's nothing incorrect about my statements though, inside is literally just a fucking meme.

>>manipulating the player just the same
Everyone does, this goes especially for Toreador fucking shits, they just can't help it, probably don't even realize they are doing it, its in theire nature

I always had the theory that Damsel is a severely overcompensating Toreador.

She's got the passion down, and I can imagine that she's all communista because she was embraced in the 60s and it has stayed the fad she's been obsessed with.

>>So we whiled away the long gloom of anticipation before the hunt pretending to fuck like a suburban couple, red satin sheets and plastic tarps under the mattress hiding the blood-cum stains... She screamed as I sucked and threw me straight through the solid pine wall as she came.
>>Screaming in lust from the concentrated spunk in my groins- blood, the Akalia started to wriggle out of its dirty jeans, still gagging on my bleeding junk. It let go only to suck in air, preparing to turn its centuries- dormant sexual organs into full ass-rape stiffness.
Thats ill nasty yo, tfw we get sexualized vampires
one can only hope

You don't see her not being weak and helpless though.

Gary seems pretty up front about manipulating you IIRC.

In theory, vampires are not allowed to kill other vampires without the consent of the Prince.

>I always had the theory that Damsel is a severely overcompensating Toreador.
>I always had the theory

>le "don't open it" meme

daily reminder that Beckett doesn't even believe in Caine and thinks that the Cain & Abel story is an allegorical representation of hunter-gatherer versus farmer tribal identities

despite Caine working as a cabbie in the same fucking city

>consent of the Prince.
I always thought it would be cool as shit to be someones hitman/trashman, but instead of killing vampires that committed crimes you would diablerize them, growing insanely powerful with out anyone ever knowing

>Toreador are literally the most manipulative clan m8

Except for the Ventrue, Lasombra, and Setites.

Toreador typically make great short term manipulators but lack long term planning.

Nosferatu are like that, but consider this:

Since Gary stole the sarcophagus and didn't open it, it's very likely he knows all about the surprise.

So while he's helping you find it, he's still working an ulterior motive without you any the wiser (in fact, you're deceived into thinking he isn't trying to get you to do anything at all).

While that may as well be Caine, there is zero evidence to prove it. And even if it is, it's not like his presence in the city changes anything. He's a cab driver.

Because Dementation is fucking powerful (at least in the tabletop game) and they are the most interesting.

I'm a Lasombra fan but there's basically no sensible Sabbat material and nobody wants to play Sabbat games.

I thought she was brujah

>a mere shadow of the original like every other sequel in the last 10 years
This is true like 99% of the time. But then every once in a long while we get something like Deus Ex that is actually pretty surprisingly solid, and that keeps the faint hope alive. It's not actually IMPOSSIBLE for a genuinely decent followup to be done, where even if it doesn't quite live up to the original it's still perfectly decent on its own merits. Not 10/10 but 8/10 anyway.

So the flame eternally burns when it's all speculation and hopes, there will always be people who dream of that 1% chance of a miracle revival. At least until you know who is doing it, at which point ugly reality can start to rear its head if it's a shitdev and you know they're going to rape it.

probably because no self-respecting undead wants to be a fucking shovelhead

Have you all seen the CQM update ideas?

Interesting stuff if he can get it to work. I just want some new content desu

Your aura is permanently stained by diablerie. Anyone with Auspex 2 can tell you've done it.

However, there are occasions where the prince (or archon or whatever) officially allows you to diablerize someone who has earned the price on their head; this is usually how princes pay off Assamite assassins.

However, just because you diablerize someone doesn't make you automatically super dangerous. You only get stronger by feeding on lower generation vampires, who become exponentially more dangerous the lower the gen (and have the advantage of being thousands of years old).

Plus, sixth generation and older vampires have a tendency to just possess the body of the vampire that diablerizes them.

Fuck this angsty Marxist cunt.

Jeanette is the superior waifu.

>Deus Ex
>actually pretty surprisingly solid
Neither HR or MD are "surprisingly solid". Actually they're firmly so average people praise it purely due to brand name. The original, sure, but using it as an example against that anons point is counter intuitive because it proves their point exactly.

>tfw I ran a Sabbat game that was literally just the Warriors but with vampires

Sabbat is most fun.

Shovelheads aren't as common as you'd think, and rarely make up the more permanent ranks of the Sabbat. The majority of the time, embraces are as planned as any other embrace.

The way I look at it is just absorbing their blood points and spending them on myself

I've been wanting to play this for a while, does anyone have a GoG download link or a steam copy laying around?

Why are you upset by this? I'm not saying its fact, just the feeling I've gotten from playing this game multiple times.


Pick one.

Antitribu can also be awesome. Ya'll motherfuckers need Caine.

aren't Lasombra just not-Ventrues with an even bigger broom up their ass

>Nosferatu are like that, but consider this:
>Since Gary stole the sarcophagus and didn't open it, it's very likely he knows all about the surprise.
>So while he's helping you find it, he's still working an ulterior motive without you any the wiser (in fact, you're deceived into thinking he isn't trying to get you to do anything at all).
Why would he be in on the assassination attempt though? He doesn't like the prince but he still is part of the Camerilla.

Maybe you're right - I haven't played the game in so long I forgot Gary stole the sarcophagus to begin with.

Tzimizsce should be playable.

So if an old generation vampire is diablerized, does the one who consumes their power become as strong as them? Is the power of vampires constantly deteriorating as new generations take over, or does the power of the older generations linger?

Not to mention the upper-up clans don't fucking do the whole mass-embracing anyways,so unless the ST specifically wants a story about shovelheads,you won't play as one anyways.

Blood points aren't things you spend on abilities. That would be experience. Blood points just power abilities, not buy them.

Diablerie is a big event and moral dilemma and a good Storyteller shouldn't let you treat it as a big stat boost for cornering a vampire grandpa.

HR and MD are some of the best recent games around though.

They have some similarities but they generally act more ''wild''.

Anyone would auspex would know, right? Doesn't it xhange someone's aura? You'd be a pariah.

I mean its pretty fucking dumb, considering that your theory isnt even debatable, its staked in wikia that shes Bruja and if you recruit her with follower mod she uses Bruja abilities

Sounds awesome. I've been wanting to run a similar campaign for a while, but rather than The Warriors it would be A Clockwork Orange. So rival youth vampire gangs out there committing some real horrorshow violence while an authoritarian state (run by Camarilla gone extreme or even another faction like Mages) tries to control them. I could see it working as a hunter, mage, or vampire campaign. Hell, even werewolf.

Dudelmao lets look like aliens

i only go to these threads for the tits desu

No, not really. In all aspects other games outperformed them. The only aspect that is actually worth praise is how much detail went into the main hub in MD.
Without a doubt, if neither had the Deus Ex name, they wouldn't be looked at positively.

He's part of the Camarilla, but he also hates the Prince, who he has the suspicion of being a double-dealing Kuei-Jin allied pissant.

It's a win-win for him. He maintains his reputation as a primogen in the city regardless if the prince opens it, and if the prince dies, well, it doesn't really matter who is in charge - Gary has been the boss of the Nosferatu in Hollywood since before the Camarilla showed up.

>mfw fire axe
Why is it so good?

>Diablerie is a big event and moral dilemma
For mortal beings ?

>purchase through steam
>install the unofficial patch
>backup the game files
>uninstall and refund through steam

Instead of putting enemies of whoever to the stake or sun, I would eat them, would be a shame to waste all that exp :)

What's wrong with it? Nosferatu don't look human either.

why do bloodsuckers keep siring women with magnificent breasts if their dicks don't work anymore

Tzimies make themself look like saturday cartoon boogeymen, because dude leave humanity behind lmao
I guess it would be interesting to see flesh crafting mechanic and the whole intergalactic space virus meme

As a rule, every generation has less potent blood than the last. The farther their connection to Caine, the weaker their blood. 15th generation vampires are effectively thin bloods (though thin bloods can happen as a result of any embrace).

Vampires always get stronger with age, regardless of generation, and the nature of new, less potent generations makes the lower generations much more likely to be much older, and together that makes elders and methuselahs dangerous motherfuckers.

Diablerie on paper makes you as strong as the vampire you consume, but it's not like you gain the abilities they've spent years developing - just because you ate a Tzimisce fleshcrafter master doesn't make you capable of fleshcrafting, unless you learn it from someone else.

By the way, it is a very bad idea to diablerize Tzimisce, unless you like eventually becoming a meat puppet to their antediluvian.

>go to pirate bay
>torrent the GoG version with most seeds
its that easy.

because Harley Quinn has nice tits

> its staked in wikia that shes Bruja
If they got that from the game itself, you got me. I never looked at the wiki or at the game files themselves, so I wouldn't know that.
>and if you recruit her with follower mod she uses Bruja abilities
Mods are not canon, Toreador share 2/3 of their disciplines with Brujah, and any vampire is capable of learning the one they don't share (Potence).