Did you see that!

>there will never be a Timesplitters 4
>there will never be a Timesplitters Trilogy HD repack

pretty surprising, considering even DMC got one with only 1 good game on the PS2.

timesplitters 4 never

RIP Timesplitters, he was such an hero.




Ghosts? But how'd you see them?

Ghost Goggles


Movie when?

>That moment you gave your past self the key after getting from your future self

That was cool

>four cortezes in one room with two of them fighting robots and the other two solving puzzles
>you get to play each individual role

Heh, that was cool

Why does crytek hate money?


But what was the first cycle of this like?


Arduous and painful

What is this??


Timesplitters 4 concept art.

Crytek in general is dead m8, was a shambling corpse for most of it.
Crytek UK were partially butchered before, now they've been pretty much absorbed by Star Citizen methinks.

>Sorayama in vidya
Yes please


thats the paradox, there never was one, there was always a cortez

goddamn it, just put it in HD on steam please Video game Gods...Gaben pls...

guys...you're hurting me...please stop...please...

>F2P Trash
>Throwaway VR junk
They aren't trying anymore. Crysis or at least Crysis until it completely shat itself once the AYYs showed up was solid but everything afterwards was just bad.

You have now been reminded that TimeSplitters 4 was canned, because there was too much content and the marketers had now idea how to market it.

they said

"what place in modern gaming could a game like timespliters fit in?"

here we are in 2016 and overwatch is one of the most popular games around.

>too much content

Fucking retarded marketers and modern gamers with their attention span of a sea urchin.

Best timesplitter waifu

>Post yfw you're playing a flamethrowers-only game as a fireproof character against a team of monkeys

probably my most played PS2 game. must have spent hundred of hours making custom maps and hunting platinum medals.

oh yeah that golem fuck. only problem is every NPC had a super annoying sound bite when they caught fire.

"oooOohH it burns"


TS sure has a lot of toptier waifus

>You go first

>voulez vous coucher avec mort


the 90's perfectly encapsulated

Okay, I'm no SJW, but how the hell is this allowed in a video game? She's practically a stripper.

You have to be 18+ to post.

Really needs the sound to go along with it

God, this game was heaven for 12 year old me


desu the this character, the female cop, and venus always felt weird to be, it was just a woman sexually moaning, like....why?

>I'm meeelting!


Years ago I wrote down every TimeSplitters char I'd want to draw r34 of. I still haven't started.

Start now, before it's too late.