Today we redesign Dark Souls bosses

Today we redesign Dark Souls bosses.

Starting off with Ruin Sentinels.

Imagine it's only one Ruin Sentinel but much stronger, what new attacks and moves he gets?

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Just get rid of this boss.

You know what? Just get rid of all of Dark Souls 2.

>The One Reborn

make him a little more mobile and harder to cheese

>Vicar Amelia
yea, make her a little more mobile

tl;dr just make all the bosses more agressive

about the same with the second phase, his first phase had that perfect sense of unpredictability while he stiffened up on the second phase. Speed him up a little.

the only challenge comes from having to watch multiple of them at once. All the challenging bosses in this franchise are when you face multiple at once

No, having to fight more than one is what makes the fight fun

its very bulky and as you damage it the ornate arms on its body come alive

one of them is actively using the shield and making the boss a complete cunt

>make him a little more mobile and harder to cheese

Really needs to be done.
I'm not sure if I cheesed him but it just didn't feel like he was attacking me.

Why would you? It's the only good boss in vanilla 2 and one of the best bosses in the entire series.

What if it's still 3 sentinels but 1 is tiny (half player height), another is player-size and the third is giant (regular) size, with attack reach to match

Played through DaS2 after sotfs was released, couldn't deal with all the small changes that made combat and movement feel sluggish and unresponsive. Built a str character, enjoyed the pvp but hated the pve and pretty much summoned for every boss, and I've been badmouthing it ever since.

Recently I did 3 playthroughs of DaS1 back to back and decided to give 2 another try, building dex this time, learning to parry again, solo'ing every boss. This time I know what I'm getting into, no inflated expectations or hype, and after slogging through the shitty first area I'm actually having fun with it. Just reached Ruin Sentinels and it doesn't seem as bad as I remember it.

why is there so much mass retardation surrounding this game?


Just replace him with Freja. Freja isn't even that good but Rom is cancer.

Remove picrelated. This shit is so badly done it makes me vomit.
Like, who in the whole motherfucking world could ever think that this piece of dick is a good idea? Seriously, dude?..

But it's one of the best, most unique bosses in DaS 1.

We're talking about Souls series, leave please.

Bell Gargoyles, you fight them one at a time so a new player can actually win without a summon

This joke is long outdated, you're late to be funny boyo.

Eliminate the requirement to wear the special Ring. Put it closer to a bonfire. Hard cap of 4 Kings actually active, and they take much longer for each to appear.

literally git gud, i did it

can we fix it
protip: no it's fucked

The armor falls apart as you kill them and then re-attaches to the remaining ones. The final one would be a six armed armored monstrosity wielding three spears and shields. Here's how his pattern would be
>if you stay close his arms take turn attacking leaving no opening
>in mid-range he will occasionally jump up and slam down with all three spears
>you have to dodge three times but then he's vulnerable while he stands up
>from far range he will throw his shields with slight tracking
>he will throw all three and then run to retrieve them
>vulnerable when running to and retrieving shields
>if attacked from behind, he will impale behind him, locking the player into a grab animation for massive damaged

Those are some nice ideas.

Special ring makes good sense lore wise and it forces you to reconsider what sort of ring you want in the second slot instead of an automatic havel + something.
I agree with hardcap, and maybe also add on no more than 15 sec to the timer between each.
This boss can be a pain but it's really easy as fuck even at SL25 which is what I usually do low level runs at. Just go full havel, cloranthy ring, make sure to have a +14-15 weapon and eat green blossoms and pine resin like candy. You don't even have to bother blocking, just take it all to the face while circling to the left and estus when stamina is depleted.

Delete Aldia
Delete Nashandra
Alonne final boss of DaS2

It's garbage, but at least it's easy. Sort of like Bed of Chaos lite.

Thanks. I've got them for every boss.

Just reduce the amount of damage they do and have them get stronger when you defeat each one.

The bullshit with the Sentinels was the first one would always jump up and gank you.

Make them the Dark Souls 2 gargoyles so this user has an aneurysm.

If you did it 1v3, you should be strong enough to beat the first one before the second one jumps up.

this, DaS1 will drastically improve in quality if it gets rid of this abortion of a """boss""".

this tbqhf

Today we remove shit games.

Starting off with Dark Souls 2.

Imagine if this piece of shit didn't exist, and Dark Souls 3 would be the real sequel to Dark Souls 1.

But if we do that we lose one of the best bosses in the series.

I agree, whoever made that image is retarded.

But 3 is also a shit game
DeS, DaS and BB are the good ones

>mfw Bed of Chaos was originally supposed to fight you directly, but it got cut out

>this is what we were supposed to have, but got that shitty 4skins-thing instead

additions you guys would like to see in souls games?

I would like more gore if possible. I know its not everyones thing but i think it would make the combat much better

Also id like to see some impact whenever i hit an enemy/boss. basically things like dents, lacerations , bruises ,blood dripping etc

>Tfw it really is the easiest boss in the game and should be a cakewalk
>In fact it's TOO easy that your mind sort of shuts off
>Tfw you die to it sometimes (forget where the poison mist shit starts) and just stop playing for a moment to ruminate on what happened

Deep game mechanics right there, they lull you into a false sense of security.

I would have been fine with Jar Eel being a sort of mid-boss. Four Kings was too atmospheric and intense to cut out.

Seriously fuck off, 4shit apologists are the worst and most pathetic.

Ornstein and Smough, but reversed.

Make Yhorm a woman.


is this thing an insectoid? these movements look really fucked up.

Give him the baby he was supposed to have back.


it's part of some race of really tall and lanky ice people with great asses

I assume this is, as it often happens in Souls games, another le epic animated suit of empty armor?

Make them work more as a team instead of 3 dudes acting independently. One guy should be attacking while the other two prevent your movements and try to back you into a corner. Lower their health but make the final one standing get more aggressive.

Don't give the player the option to stand up in a corner and take them on individually.

Isn't this some le epic meme from /vg/ where one pretends to be an autist who hates the 4kings to the point of pretending they don't exist?

Remove the bullshit spinning attack. When all of them do it on a whim at the same time, you literally lose all your chances to make it out alive.

Second half of the game was very rushed. They probably hated it too but kept it because the area needed a boss and they already spent the time on it. (like the bed of chaos)

Go and ask /dsg/ yourself, literally everyone will be solidary that 4cunts is the worst thing to ever happen in the Soul series.

>real sequel
>basically the same game with nicer graphics

How would you guys fix Lost Sinner?
I replayed SoTFS and holy shit this is such an awful fight that you can simply brute force.
It didn't seem like a "Great One" at all and I almost expect to see a Lost Sinner mini-boss roaming around somewhere because it was so unsubstantial.

how to fix the second half of DS1;

can't be parried

bed of chaos:
the floor and side-points respawn if you die

four kings:
all four spawn at once, additional kings still spawn at intervals for some reason

skeletons can't be hurt by nito himself. more wheel skeletons in the fight

whole room slowly curses you. oyster things can walk past the fog

>bed of chaos:
>the floor and side-points respawn if you die

>instead of 3 there is now 6 of them
>reduce the arena size 25%
>make them use only the spining attack
>if you depleted the health bar of one of them, he will stay in place casting WOTG
>after 10 minutes all the defeated centinels are revived
>one wheel skeleton is spawned every 30 sec.

No, not really.

It's the main villain's fucktoy.

>bed of chaos:
>the floor and side-points respawn if you die

What the fuck are you on nigger?

>bed of chaos
That just makes it worse. Bed of Chaos is not something you enjoy. You're just making it even more annoying.

>all four spawn at once, additional kings still spawn at intervals for some reason

On the serious note, the only thing 4fags needs is to be fucking removed from the game. Patch when, Fromsoft?

Why do people act like this boss is so hard? I literally never had trouble with it. Just run straight at it, roll when it hits, spam attacks until you run out of stamina, regen just enough to roll again, regen and spam again. Repeat until 4 kangs are dead. Not to mention you have an infinite arena.

I'd rather redesign any other multiple enemy boss. Ruin sentinel was the only one done right. They were the only ones whose AI actually was balanced around you fighting two enemies so that it wasn't a fucking boring wait-fest to fight.

Would you rather have instead, 4kingsfag?

It used to be human, possibly one of Gwynevere's children before Pontiff Sulyvahn abducted her and forced her to work for him. She was later put into the Outrider Knights, who Sulyvahn gave rings that gave them power, but melded their skin to their armor and transformed them into monsters.

Stop spamming the thread like a retard.
If you equip full havel the grab or spinning explosion attack wont hurt at all.

Shut the fuck up, it's a meme and it gets reported every time it is spammed.

Are you just playing a retard?
NOBODY ever said it's hard, it's just fucking tedious and retarded.

Playing dark souls 1 again actually made me hate dark souls 2 more. Made me realize how shit the hotboxes and m3chanical changes really were because they didn't care about single player at all.

>Make them work more as a team instead of 3 dudes acting independently. One guy should be attacking while the other two prevent your movements and try to back you into a corner. Lower their health but make the final one standing get more aggressive.
That's... literally what happens when you fight the 3 of them at once. The more there are on the ground, the less agressive they become.

it may be a meme, but jokes aside it actually is a huge fucking shitsmear on the overall solid design of the Soulsborne bosses.

If you're talking about DS1 gargoyles, then there is a delay between the first and the second gargoyle being active. If you deal damage fast enough, you can kill the first one without activating the second one.

Or was it a 50% HP trigger? Either way, soloing is doable, unlike DS2 gargoyles. Fuck them.

>Just run straight at it, roll when it hits, spam attacks until you run out of stamina, regen just enough to roll again, regen and spam again.
Yeah no shit, you can say this about nearly every enemy in the series.

People hate it because it's either a boring DPS race if you make a good build for it, or it's just a gangbang of 2/3 bosses hitting you with massive aoe attacks at once.

Not to mention the massive run back when you die

Give her pyromancy.

>Bed of Chaos
Remove altogether. That boss is a lost cause without a major remake.

Double the damage so it's a one-shot kill if you mess up your cover game.

>Demon Firesage
It can now set areas on fire, limiting your space to dodge him.

>Gaping Dragon
When you lower its health enough it starts to slam the walls and collapse the ceiling. The debris creates a maze of sorts.

More skeletons. Double the spookiness.

Make him aggressive enough that you don't get enough time to think about parrying.

Increase the hp about 4 times. Creates copies about twice as fast.

>Four Cunts
Nothing. It's the best boss in the game.

ITT Let's be a large group of autistic fags and share our fanfictions with one another

I don't know if you've noticed, but the guy on the right's armor is not even close to Vordt's.

it gives you incentive to not die

Wow that's a good avoidance of all the key issues of the game, user. Shitpost/10

It's an easy boss like every other Dark Souls 1 boss and if you have trouble with them you are shit and need to kill yourself. I have never had trouble killing 4 GODS even back when I was a Souls noob, the only thing that fucked with me back then was Manus and I beat his ass on my second try after 4 years of not playing.

>Jar Eel died for this

He's not even a good boss. He just yet another "dude with a sword, 3 hit combo and gap closer" humanoid boss. Why not just redo those bosses to be better instead of Gwyn's Asian brother.

He looks like garbage.

Funny because my experience was them walking in a line and throwing attacks asynchronously. I don't see any cooperative behaviors based on the videos I'm seeing either.

Someone who gets it
This goes for the entire souls community

that was the best fight in the game though

They either attack one after another, all attack at the same time with a kind of attack that aims at a particular spot you need to gtfo of or they all do that tornado attack at the same time. which fucks you up if you're in a corner.

I don't think they really developed four kings later. I'm sure he was early on. Since that part of the game actually works well with the inter-connected world. Only the other 3 were towards the end of dev time. Plus other bosses really early on were shit tier design too so out that goes.

will you fucking STOP already?

I thought we were done with your shit when you left /dsg/.

>le das2 is bad meme
Better than 3

here's a challenge: fix THIS.
protip: you LITERALLY can't.

Make their hammer and shield available for the player to use.

Gwyn not being parried is retarded and nonsensical. Just make only some moves be able to be parried so you still have to fight but can be rewarded for good predictions and reaction. Don't make shit more dumb down just because you abuse it.

Make each king have a unique attack for themselves and make them not spawn more than 4.

how about we make the whole game easier so you can play it while high?

>DUDE Souls


>"each" king
>unique attack
there are no different "kings", it's just one lame faggot copy-pasted all over the place, how is it supposed to have unique attacks?