Starting my first playthrough

Starting my first playthrough.

Javelin any good? Thinking about going 2x Javelin.

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How about you try using the javelin and see what happens.

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How long do i have to wait to kill verse ?
Do you need max fear for that or is it just a story choice ?

I don't want to take something that's shit.

Started playing this yesterday.

This shit is awful. When does it get better?

Have decent Fear or Loyalty with her.

Side with Graven Ashe.

Have her with you when you first visit him during Act 2, at his Blade Grave stronghold.

He'll ask why you have a Chorus whore fighting for you, you can either defend her, dismiss her or execute her on the spot to appease him.

If you don't like it from the start, you probably wont like it

Thanks !

You'll get a chance to kill her before the Day of Swords if you pick Graven Ashe.

If you ask me, she's not neraly as annoying as Eb and she gets a little better later.

It doesn't.

>tfw I threw that bitch off the Spire
feels good to be a bad guy

Why are the Chorus so shit?
Like, I tried to be importial for as long as I could, but they're just fucking horrible, even my 15-year-old self would've thought they're edgy and stupid.

Javelin is great, OP.

i think the main objetive was to make them Chaotic as oppossed to Order.
But they ended being plainly stupid.
This happens when the writers are not really imparcial and give zero shits about researching on real anarchic-non lawful philosophies

Man I'm having a tough time with the character creator. Usually I can find something cookiecutter but I'm having a tough time here,

Are attributes used as skill checks throughout the game?

In the grand scheme, they're not shit. They just got the Caesar's Legion treatment.

Keep in mind that the Disfavored don't care about the people or the land they're invading. They kill everyone that isn't a Northerner, they destroy any land that isn't Northern, they leave behind nothing but corpses and salted earth.

On the other hand, the Scarlet Chorus recruits and enslaves everyone that they come across and they preserve all the land that they claim, using it to feed and house their burgeoning armies. They actually rule over the land they conquer, instead of ruining it and defiling it.

I haven't seen any, only stuff like Athletics or Lore.

Lore, subterfuge and athletics, all good to have if you want to get advantages in dialogue, which I've put in order of most prevalent skill checks

The order is correct but you're failing to note that a lot of the athletics skill checks are funny

Athletics checks are the best.

Well fuck.
I'm playing a sword+shield soldier with conversation notifiers turned off. I've dumped points on Wits and Resolve because I was sure they'd be used in conversations.
The fucking desctiption even hints that they have uses outside of combat.

Who should I focus on in the prologue (conquest)?

Chorus seems the most fun as Disfavored literally sound like No Fun Allowed. Or am I wrong?

Chorus is the wacky random chaos guys and Disfavored are sticks in the mud.
It's worth noting that the Archon of Secrets is a piece of shit, though.

He's a badly written piece of shit to boot.

Do you want glorious order bros or edgy chaos fags ? Because while both sides have good and bad points disfavored are set up as cool dudes that are more or less friendly while chorus are just edgy wankers that ruin everything.
Also Disfavored for murdering traitors and Chorus for letting traitor scum live.
It is also viable to herd cats or betray everybody but that requires some serious determination

Well attributes increase skills by a factor so they help.

Why are you playing a game called Tranny?

>go full Disfavored in conquest
>Ashe is a cunt who turns against me when I choose to send the Chorus to fight the rebels because Disfavored barely have the manpower and who gives a fuck if Chorus shits die
>Chorus already hates me for going full Disfavored until now
>betray the Chorus during the battle
>throw Fifth Eye off the spire
>chill with my bro Bleden Mark afterwards

Everything went better than expected.

So do all of the companion texts have speech enabled on them or only some? It's really jarring going from Lantry actually talking about psychedelic inks to having to read when talking about what magic he uses.

You don't really need to single out any part of this game as badly written. It's all pretty crap.

Although it sounds like they told his VA "do your best Mark Hamill Joker" and it wasn't very good.

Speaking of, what increases Lore and Athletics?
I know you can grind Subterfuge by switching to stealth mode and moving around for a few secs before every encounter.

Sirin is cute and not for bullying!

>want an improved chaos orb from magic tree
>need to dump points into shit skills

I've yet to meet her but based on her into I'll bully her to hell and back.
That gem stays too.

You can change it from no spoken dialogue to 100% spoken dialogue in the settings. I think by default it's set to 50%

It's not like you have the option to remove it or Barik's armor. That sort of companion progress is reserved for good games.

I thought that option was just combat taunts or something.

Why would that be the default? That's the stupidest thing I've heard.

That's just action responses.



Well the voice acting is really bad, so it'd make sense

>really enjoy Bariks company
>hits like a truck and holds threat
>can barely upgrade his armor

It's a god damn shame.

So what a decent alternative to this game? I'm itching for a good party based rpg that's not BG, IWD, ToEE or NWN since this one was disappointing.

Heavy armor is terrible in every way on hard and above anyway. 10 more damage reduction is shit versus light armor's chance to deflect and turn hits to grazes when enemies can hit for 100+.

Dungeon Rats for god tier combat
Dragonfall/Hong Kong if you want interesting characters combined with surprisingly good combat.


I honestly wish they game was 99% making judgement calls and acting like a stern judge, jury and executioner. That's where I got all my enjoyment

it's unplayable for me at 1440p, 125% font scaling doesn't help
I need bigger UI in general

when they announced it I thought it was going to be exactly that
but they had to make another generic crpg knock off

>killed off every follower when I had the chance because they are annoying as fuck and so poorly written it made my teeth hurt
>it's just me and Barik now
>can't get any Disfavored soldiers or mercenaries to fight for me
>can't make my own replacement team mates

Thanks for giving me the option to fuck my shit up but I think I'm done with this garbage.

u wot

Eb is one of the only reasonable one, especially compared to EdgeQueen Verse.

>Dragonfall/Hong Kong

Both of those are significantly worse than Tyranny.

It's been a while since I've seen this much shit taste in a post.

fuck all these games are unplayable for me why developers can't be make for proper UI scaling? and it's not like i'm fucking alone, a lot fo people complain about how hard to read in these games with smaller text

Quality Sup Forums response.

you don't deserve more

Except the Chorus don't rule over anything. Just because they recruit every worthless peon into their army doesn't mean they have any connection with the people they're domineering. They HAVE to because it's the only way for their ranks to grow and they've gotten to the point where it's their only choice to continue functioning as an army because they're a cancer.

And you definitely deserve this shit board

You make your bed

He's right. Your tastes are undeniably shit and you should be quiet.
You can scream samefag if you want too, I am writing this for his benefit to let him know that he's right.

How? It's limited as shit, unless you count Conquest.

>superior companions,
>arguably better combat,

>bullying your daughteru

I don't actually, why the fuck would I make my bed when I'm just gonna ruin it in the evening. Unless you meant building it in which case you need to stop being poor and pretend your DYI "projects" are worth anything.

Anyone knows if the Royal edition of Pillars comes with the White March expansion?

>meet Sirin in the Scarlet camp
>she's a stupid bitch
>side with the Disfavored
>Magic Mr. Manyface gets BTFO
>go to Latrine Crossing
>for no reason Sirin is hanging out in the bar
>a Scarlet archon
>in the middle of a Disfavored city
>no option to ask why or how
>all I can say is "come with me" or "fuck off"
>take her with me
>make it clear to her that I am absolutely loyal to Tunon, the law and Kyros
>"well it doesn't matter" she says
>"you're gonna kill Kyros anyway"

This. It's the top seeded torrent and I need to know if it's the only thing I need.

fully upgraded it, was dissapointed it didnt change apperance, was expecitng it to get more flashy when it was fully upgraded

I've only just visited Tunon but both Dragonfall and Hong Kong felt better written to me so far.

Is Dungeon Rat's basically the Fallout Tactics to Age of Decadence, or does it have gameplay outside of combat?

From what I'm reading the Royal Edition if you buy it, it doesn't come with the expansions only some bullshit extra content, but the version that is on TPB has everything, because it's almost 16gb size, that can't be only from what is described here

This game isn't finished. From the endings to game ruining bugs that occur too often and the grammar errors it's obvious they just shit it out without giving a fuck and slapped a $45 tag on as another fuck you.

It's been happening too often lately with CIV 6 and Dishonored 2 being other examples of rushed shit.

Wait, were you supposed to meet Sirin before you take the spire?

kill yourself shill piece of shit

Spoilers ahead.

The game is great in its reactivity but its limited. I role played a person utterly devoted to Kyros's and her law. In the middle game I felt shoehorned into one side.All the "Break alliance" options were far to vain and peace breaking. I was able to justify staying since the other side attacked me on site. But many options were "I WILL DO THIS FOR THE LEGION!" or "I COME OF ASHES BEHALF!" Which was very annoying since I was only on his side because of circumstance from almost the beginning of the second act I wanted nothing to do with him since he was a filthy peace breaker and I had the proof.

Then it utterly fell apart in the final act. Suddenly no option I could give in any way let me follow Kyros. Tunon himself bowed to me for simply doing my fucking job. Then the archon of shadows attacked me and forced me to kill him despite having FIVE reputation with him. Nothing I could do would lead to him surviving. Then I had to kill the voices DESPITE the court finding him innocent. I couldn't reason noting. It was a mandatory fight. I wanted to preserve Kyros's tools but NOPE. Then the game FORCED me to betray Kyros. There was NO other option. It was literally to proclaim an edict on Kyros's capital to end the game. My character would of killed himself if Kyros ordered it.

This really restricted my enjoyment of the game. The first half was a fucking BLAST. I was having a ton of fun but then I was just locked down in what I could do and then I was FORCED to betray Kyros. It was such a letdown. Hopefully my next character which is a power mad insane mage will be better since his goal more align with the available roleplay options.

Super spoilors
Aparently there are only four endings posible. You side with Ashe and he betrays Kyros. You side with the voices and he betrays Kyros. You side with no one and betray Kyros. or you side with Tunon and somehow betray Kyros. THE FUCK MAN.

She's in the Chorus camp.

>every single line describing has to mention how he shits himself non-stop and smells like a rotting corpse
>he's a laughingstock unable to do anything about it and just have to take the abuse
>all the women on the team keep teasing him sexually
>he can't jack off even if he wanted to

Nice male chastity belt fetish there, Obshitian.
They forgot to emasculate Lantry though. Strange they didn't make all male sages eunuchs.

You can meet her in the Chorus camp unless you're a fag who rushes the main quests.

Eb I think wanted to see what kinda heat he was packing beneath the armor.

Well, I did the side quests for both the Chorus and the Disfavored and I had five days to the Day of Swords when the siege started.

I guess that way they won't have to justify choosing one of the endings in the sequel

allowing Kyros to destroy you should have been an option though

Game is bad. Seems promising initally but then it just becomes bad.

>First major choice at the end of act 1 forces you onto a railroad for the entire rest of the game
>Act 2 is fetch quests
>Act 3 is three quests and then a cocktease ending and cut to credits

>>First major choice at the end of act 1 forces you onto a railroad for the entire rest of the game

That's good though, choices actually have meaning, instead of just being lip-serviced.

Witcher 2 did the same.

Pretty much that, it has as much gameplay outside of combat as Tactics Ogre (preparing for next combat and going there).

That's the absolute worst reason not to include endings. Even more so for this game since the ending cards are all TEXT. One guy could have hashed out 20 in an afternoon.

that bit really pissed me off.
"pick one to be vanguard or else"
"no work together"
"nuh-uh! pick one"
"fine, these guys"
"Ermagherd I hate you now and we are at war even though Kyros could and would kill us for this retarded shit."

why was there no option to call them out on being retarded?

>That's good though, choices actually have meaning
No, mate, ONE choice has meaning. Witcher 2 made lots of choices matter. You still had freedom within the route you choose. In Tyranny you are essentially typecast as the role you pick in act one. The fact that people who stumble into the 'anarchist' route can't start negotiating with the local tiersmen and build alliances is unforgivable and a restriction that has no reason to be there.

Tyranny also has plenty of freedom within the route you choose, mate. Just as much as The Witcher 2 had in its two different paths. Tyranny has four.

Did anyone else feel a bit overwhelmed by the pace in which you receive all the companions? Like, the combat is a shitty mess when you've two characters alone, let alone five.

Is a solo run doable at all?

>Tyranny also has plenty of freedom within the route you choose, mate.
It really doesn't.
Maybe you didn't notice this as much because the things you wanted to do coincidentally lined up with the script, but as someone who was constantly trying to do something other than the one thing my route would permit, it was fucking atrocious.

There is absolutely no point having a faction relationships system in place if they have no bearing on how you can interact with them past your act 1 ultimatum.

Except Witcher had a great 2nd act, while Tyranny became boring as shit tower collection game, with almost no difference in how you go about it.

>tfw no option to lawfully diss them both on the grounds of insubordination.

Shit fucking game.

Sadly this is right on.

I was playing as a real agent of Tunon character then got to that bit and my only option to call them out on their shit was to capture the keep with one of them even though my character absolutely would not have accepted them ignoring Tunon's law up to that point then turn on whoever I sided with, not because they were being insubordinate, but because I was "so angery"

There is no Neutral choice for Act 1. Get over it.

Never said it was about neutrality and I wasn't trying to be neutral during my playthrough.

>Dungeon Rats
>god tier combat

>Dragonfall/Hong Kong
>surprisingly good combat.

Jesus wept

Modern gamers everyone

Haven't finished the game yet, but in Act 2 the large choices were between Zdenya and the Iron gal, then between going to stalwart for the unbroken or azure for the beastie boyettes,

Unless it's going to turn out that I have to go to Stalwart anyway then the choice between two different areas is pretty significant, and much more than say, Mass Effect where the only result of a choice is a change in what you hear in the elevator.

To be fair, betraying whoever you are forced to side with after taking the tower is the 'neutral' route.

As a side note, I heard you can kill all the Archons, what do I need to do to set this in motion?

Ok, what recent game has better team turn based combat than dungeon rats ?

And dragonfall/hong kong are objectively superior versions of nuXcom kind of combat.

>Meet Kills-In-Shadow
>The fucking thing won't fall in line
>So I decide to beat the shit into her.
>No option to outright execute the motherfucker after the battle.

For what purpose?

Because you're in the Rebellion route, mate.
That's the one thing the Rebellion route allows.
Try another route and see how fucking mindless it becomes when you are just following every single order and killing every single NPC who isn't in a faction that you sided with ONE TIME at the beginning of the game.