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LOL nintendorks lose again!!!

no.... no this can't be!!!! god appeared to me and told me this was going to bomb... i bought a ps4 pro because god told me to but now pokemon is getting 87% on metacritic? how could this happen???

How... How is this possible? The countless Sup Forums posts told me this game was awful... How is it currently better than ORAS on metacritic?
I feel...
So mislead...


No... No...! You said it was gonna be... bad...! H-How could you lie to me, Sup Forumsros........!


it has less water


Goty? Goty.

Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no post-game" and "Masuda's a hack" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing Pokemon around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been hand-crafted for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Pokemon fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow trainers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Pokemon is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Yokai-Watch, start up Pokemon Sun or Moon, and breathe in the splendor and the amazement of your first adventure, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

First day buy, faggots.


I told everyone that it would be the best game. I knew those shills wouldn't win. Especially by lying saying they had the game early and pokebarneyfag spam. But the question still remains: who were they working for?

>Best Pokemon since Gold/Silver

That's all I needed to hear to make me buy it.

This is Sup Forums.
I can't tell if 87 is a good thing or a bad thing.

>sub 90 metacritic
>only the first handful of reviews

Come on, you know the drill. It's shit.

>Watch dogs 2 gets 85
>This thing gets 90

Sup Forums in a nutshell.

just pirate it, you mongs

.... yes? I dont see the problem.

You cant pirate 3ds games.

.cia where naggers?

>You cant pirate 3ds games

>You cant pirate 3ds games.
You can tho

confirmed goty

>.... yes? I dont see the problem.

I dont know. the mindset that if "its Sup Forums approved so its automatically good no matter the reviews if its not Sup Forums approved its shit and if it has good reviews then its fucking paid reviews" seems toxic.

I see the stupid shills have arrived...

Look at the op post. We won. You lost. Deal with it. Its sad that you keep spreading lies in a desperate attempt to win when youve already been defeated...

Literally everywhere on /vp/ for a few days now, are you blind?

look at him, look at him and laugh

No thanks you thieving fuck, I'll support the creators

Why not do both?

pokebarneyfag must be considering suicide right now

some reviews are weird, like gameblog saying the game didn't change the game enough when all the other agrees that the changes were there.

I'm going to buy a physical copy of each and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Is this bait? Not only Is there softmods for 3ds now, but there's a working emulator too.


A shill is a guy who wants you to buy the product not the fags you are talking to which are the exact opposite you fucking retard.

you have to go back


as if i'd go to that indian shitpool

More like -1 day buy. Midnight release, motherfucker.

Looks like Nintendo remembers to pay the reviewers when they're trying to sell one of there big brand names.

Having played Moon to completion I have to say it's a 5/10 at best.

why would you pirate a game you just bought?

>Not -7 day pirate

>Sup Forums

Cool lies. Even if it was real, it would be illegal

And the people are trying to shill something else.... and get them to not buy the best game ever in order to stop the competition

>Wow, look at this opinion. That's pretty stupid, listen to my opinion instead.

>buy the product
that's exaxtly what piratefags are doing. They want you to pirate the game. They say they disliked it so you get validated in the "it wasn't worth buying anyway" logic. But all of them without exceptio played the full story before changing their mind to that apathetic "meh" posting. Because they have that childish belief piracy make them special.

I pirated the game early but I still want to support the developers.
Now I can backup my saves and Pokemon without pokeabnk

>Not buying the version you want then pirating the other

>pirates only pirate games so they can brag about how epic they are later
Part for the course.

Yes that's how most posts on Sup Forums go. You're not special for pointing it out.

Why is anyone getting this? It just looks so boring. You're really gonna sink another 200 hours into a pokemon game?

Wtf happened bros!!!!!

>working emulator
Yeah, at an incredible 5 FPS.

Woah, look out, guys! This guy is a cool dude!

That's some painful irony right there considering you're posting a Pokemon image.

>I have a shit CPU
>why won't anyone hold my hand and tell me how to configure every setting



>it has a working* emulator

What I find really funny with Game Freak is that their games except Pokémon have mediocre ratings, and the Pokémon games have obvious issues anyway (bad framerate, removal of features from gen to gen, etc) but they have great ratings... I feel like Game Freak is a subpar developper carried by a strong brand name in the case of Pokémon.

The game didn't change a lot, it's mostly new names on existing aspects.

Reminder that pokemon sun and moon literally has a minimap and objective markers now.

SMT has a minimap too

This would be okay if every route in the game wasn't a straight line. Why does the game baby the player every chance it gets?

>working emulator
they haven't got it running yet, the 3d fucks up the fps causing it to run all games in sub 10fps
you're probably confusing it with CEMU the stable WII U emulator

I think they said something about trying to keep the attention of smartphone kiddos who only play mobile games and watch let's plays.

Eat shit, deniers

Maybe you should build a computer instead of using your mom's 2003 dell, user.

like it's always had?

>seems toxic

You're right, and it is. Just diregard retarded faggots and judge the games for yourself.

sounds like you don't know how difficult it is optimizing an emulator?
CEMU just got an update that made it officially stable, capable of running multiple games at 60 fps for the very first time

You should get the UK fan edition for the steelbooks AND the figurines.

Maybe you should build a computer instead of using your mom's 2003 dell, user.

>Pokemon has less time wasters now


>Buying a 3DS Pokémon
>After the travestry that were X&Y and ORAS

>not 88%

what a shame, I wanted to meme

Whats so different about this compared to the rest of the series?

One less gym, the game has a tropical theme (island challenges instead of gym, pokémon passport instead of trainer card, battle tree instead of battle maison, etc), you actually stay the champion after beating the elite 4, super training is gone but hyper training is in, Z moves are introduced which is like mega evolution but just a strong attack.

What the fuck? I'm not paying full price of 7/8 the content.

Totem pokemon are infinitely better than gyms ever were.

Some of them can actually be challenging.

>XY were shit
>they got good reviews

kys OP.

where? game? amazon?

I'm going to make a scientific prediction and say this is a new copypasta. I can only guess it's from reddit.

I want to agree with you, but your usage of >kys shows you're clearly underage.


I don't think game offers them anymore.

still has them

>telling someone to kill themselves totally hasn't been on Sup Forums since the dawn of its creation

Sure. The usage of kys hasn't, though, it's a recent thing created by a cancerous youtuber and his legion of underage fans.

>it's a recent thing created by a cancerous youtuber
Lol, who?

I pirated and played this game.

Still going to the midnight release. 8.5/10 experience.

around 30-40fps actually

Don't worry user,now you'll be seeing post calling reviewers payed shills. Sup Forums can't accept defeat

Nope, it was originally about No Man's Sky.

>you actually stay the champion after beating the elite 4

So you can't rematch Kukui?

Oh, you can. Subsequent battles are called title defense.

After defeating the Elite 4 again, you'll sit on your throne and a challenger will come.
Kukui is one of the people who can challenge you.

its a modification of a NMS copypasta

>were shit
Sup Forums praised them

Is it actually worth it or will I get bored quickly. I think some of the new pokemon look dumb.

>Sup Forums praised them

>xy were shit
Thats the minority opinion outside of Sup Forums

Can I dress my trainer in cute clothes? That was my favorite part of X&Y, spending everything on fashion.