Sega finally released their teaser trailer:

Also some guy recorded the attract screen, ft. Remastered Beginner course:

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Does this mean there's hope in that Sega survey after all?

I'll buy this is a digital game.

Graphics looks like shit considering how far ahead of its time daytona 1 was

Yea, doesn't look very good graphics wise, but gameplay is what really matters.


You think I give a shit about how a video game plays?

>Daytona 3

Hol up


Let us celebrate by posting a course none of you have ever played.

Literally looks worse than 2. What's with the cars' shapes?

Will it be Arcade only?

It looks like fucking shit

>Arcades only
>Local arcade shut down 5 years ago

It's an arcade game....

Arcades aren't the graphical powerhouse they once were in the 90s anymore, PCs and consoles have outclassed them in that aspect years ago. But you know what? I kind like the way the game looks, nice and simple, with vibrant colors, it kinda gives off that 90s vidya vibe.

Hopefully it'll play just like the original.

Well this game is never coming out, it seems, so this better be its replacement.

Daytona 1 when it came out was almost 2 generations ahead of everything in terms of graphics.
Daytona 2 was also a full generation ahead of everything else at the time.

The main point of the Daytona games in addition to gameplay was to also showcase powerful hardware delivering smooth 60 FPS at great graphics.

Daytona 3 seems to be missing the technology leap graphics part which is very sad.

>hurr durr muh graphix

typical Sup Forums showing how stupid and ignorant they really are

Look, Sup Forums is always like "racing games are so fucking shit these days" and a new Daytona game gets announced and you whinge about the graphics?

>hurr durr I'm retarded and not paying attention to the context
It was Daytona's entire philosophy to push technology beyond anyone has ever seen before

Arcade only game that looks like shit when I can already emulate 1 and 2 with equally good gameplay and music? Why would I care? Way to ignore that SEGA sold out and doesn't care about their own philosophy. This thing is a blatant nostalgia cashgrab and you can't even see that.
You don't deserve anything but getting cancer and dying for those repeating digits.

Outrun 3/Outrun 2016 when

Ultra Hang-On when

Don't bring 2 into this. Supermodel 3 hasn't been updated in forever.

>Supermodel 3 hasn't been updated in forever.
How does it feel to be wrong?
Protip, it's being updated on weekly basis.
You're just retarded and don't know they deliberately moved the development underground so it wouldn't get shut down.

>hurr durr things have to stay the same cuz of muh nsotalgia durrrrr

Also, Crazy Taxi 4.

After Burner Next when?

I'm not seeing the problem, looks good to me. I'm pretty much looks exactly like I thought it would. I just pray that somewhere near me buys it.

>tfw have a D&Bs nearby that still has the first Daytona

I hope they replace it with this.
it's something

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed 2 WHEN?!



Tfw sonic all stars has a better looking hornet

Should of kept the boxy look

Sega Rally when.



>Underground development.

May i ask why? Isnt the model3 old as fuck?

Because they're the only emulator in existence and it's niche as fuck so taking the risk of getting nuked with a Cease and Desist isn't worth it.
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