I want to finally run some CFW on the 3ds, problem is I have no idea how fast the $99 3DSes are gonna sell out

I want to finally run some CFW on the 3ds, problem is I have no idea how fast the $99 3DSes are gonna sell out.

I'm not expecting online preorders to be available for more than a few minutes due to filthy scalpers, so what would be my best bet Sup Forums?

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Buy a used o3ds xl off of ebay that is guaranteed to be on firmware 10.7 or lower.

The new ones are pretty much guaranteed to come with firmware that's not currently hackable without an already hacked 3DS. Just get one off ebay.

I have one that is 10.0.0-e27, I still need a sd card reader and so on for it to install the cfw right?

and do you still need to block some nintendo websites to stop updates from happening?

Here you go, bub.


And yes, you need an SD card reader. You can get one off of Amazon for like $7. It would also be smart to have something like a 32 gig SD because you'll mostly have digital games.

Once you have a9lh all set up then you literally don't have to worry about updates. You're going to be on CFW sysnand at that point and can just update normally, there's nothing Nintendo can really do. a9lh pretty much gives complete control of the system before it even boots.

Thanks, pal

Redpill me on the 3DS CFW.

Im buying an already hacked O3DS today, comes with Freeshop. How do I know which hack it has? Can I update it to arma9l? What about online?

Can you play online with no probs?

How much are you spending?

Got a 9.2 new 3dsxl. I was running rxtools. I followed the guide for arm9 install and now i cant even get into menuhax. I boot straight to sysnand. My sd card still has all the contents on it. Is there a way to repair or revert this?

Im a Peru poorfag, so the console itself costed me a bunch

Source? I much prefer the look of the n3DS, but will settle for the o3DS if it means I can have muh CFW

I mean I don't have a source, but I was in the market for new one a few weeks back. All the newer gen ones, the ones that were made at the same time as the galaxy one, all have 11.0 firmware. I just bought one off ebay.

Here's a serial number/FW list if you want to go shopping some time.


shouldn't have fixed what wasn't broken, mang

Is 11 hackable?

It is if you have a second already hacked 3DS to system transfer.

Does it have to be 3ds?

I would assume so since you also have to transfer over a DSIware game, but I'm not going to claim to know the answer. Maybe ask /vg/, they're usually helpful.

As far as size goes, does the New 3DS only go up to 32gb when it comes to SD/micro SD cards? For hacking purposes I mean. If possible I want to toss my whole GBA/DS/3DS library on my n3ds xl when I hack it.

You can go as high as you want but for 64+ gig SD's you have to reformat it to fat32 or some shit like that. Ask /hbg/ about it or check the archive.

>You can go as high as you want but for 64+ gig SD's you have to reformat it to fat32 or some shit like that. Ask /hbg/ about it or check the archive.

Cool. Thanks user.

Great guide. My head kinda hurts after all this, but I successfully put CFW on my newly purchased n3DS XL. Who the fuck came up with the retarded idea for SD slot in new 3DS models? I would gladly punch fucker in the face.

Tell me, my fellow anons, how do I ran DS games on CFW? As far as I understand, I need flashcart for this. But how it's works?



Just buy an R4, it'll work no problem

Like this one? nds-card.com/ProShow.asp?ProID=149

Should work.

I'm running a non-CFW n3DS on 11, and all my old DS flashcarts work on it flawlessly, I think they just stopped caring about it, even on stock firmware. You'll be fine

Hey so, u don't have another Hacked 3DS and I'm sure as hell not gonna solder the system...
So the Black Friday 3DS is no good since its on 11.0?

I don't think anyone knows that it is since it's now out yet, but it'll quite likely be since the last model generation has 11.0.

So whats this I keep hearing about buying a 2ds and returning it? I'd like to hack my 3ds, but my options right now are hardmod or scour the internet for one with the right firmware.

You can hack an 11.x if you have a system with CFW already on it. The process requires a $5 DSIware game and another game with homebrew entry like OoT3D or Smash. There's probably people who have bought a 2DS, hacked it, did the transfer, formatted then returned it. I'm not sure how well it works, but I'd guess it's doable.

Well I can get a 2ds for pennies so if that's an option, I'll go for it.

What's this about 99 bucks for a 3ds? Is that the new version and is it xl or normal size?

Ask /hbg/ and check the pastebins. They'd know better.


Doesn't say XL on the box, so I guess regular.

Yeah, it's only regular. I did some research on it earlier.

nintendo still can actually brick your system by replacing or altering the firmware image on sd or wherever. they just probably won't after the wii shitstorm.

What I did was just hack my shit from the beginning and it worked