What is he even doing?
Switch thread
someone explain what's going on
Etika used to be a bro before he got into drugs and alcohol. It's kinda sad to see him fucked up all the time now.
stop giving attention to this dumb nigger
Getting sued, that's what he's doing!
How did MadThad get his hands on the Switch?
How 21 savage get a switch?
It's a fake, look at the ABXY buttons, the letters are too big.
Who is this guy and why does he have a switch?
Christine a cutie
>rides the hype train on whatever the fuck now that Smash is down
>was into the fucking Leafy drama at one point
And he used to be cool.
that dude is black as fuck
lmao this is hilarious where can I watch this guy wilding out
It's so small. Like, way smaller than I thought.
why is he shirtless
So how did he make it? A 3-D printer?
Is that black guilde?
virgins saying thick when she's fat as fuck. Look at that belly sticking out like she's pregnant but she's not
He pulled up on Nintendo with that AK47.
people are seriously buying this nintendo publicity stunt?
>nigga nigga nigga I don't give a fuck nigga
I'm sure nintendo is behind this
it's fake
Perfect delivery
Who /joyconnboys/ here?
I doubt any nigger would be smart to make a model on 3D software then go print it on a 3D printing machine
Is there any other reason why they would give a prototype nintendog to a popular twitch streamer?
No, there isn't.
I wish I had black privilege like him
Imagine if he bought it...
Really makes you think
>black privilege
>getting shot is a privilege
>being called nigger is a privilege
>having bad education is a privilege
Lisen here white male scum
-That you have good education oportunities
-A good job oportunity
-You have rights
Agreed, it's no even a pleasant curve, it's just gross
I don't have a nintendo switch tho
Being drunk. Or high.
It looks so small and cheap. Rip ninty
Check your privileges again you white cis
Women doesnt have the rights you have, its harder for women to get a job, family and education
Just inagine how hard for womens to get a decent family
/joyconboys/ reporting in.
>Chef Ramsay
that's where I couldn't handle his shit anymore
is he still doing that shtick
Nah, that was only a week.
>having a bad education
If you took your education seriously, you could have gone to any high school in the country, any college in the country. Instead you're raised to treat everything like shit.
Doesn't help that your "culture" and communities have become so shit that even other black people who DID take their education and attitudes seriously and DID move on into the world, will unironically call you a dirty nigger because all you can do is get mad and threatening over dumb shit.
Just because you're too fucking dumb to take advantage of your rights doesn't mean you don't have them. Smart black people who didn't buy into the ridiculous brainwashing of people who were bitter and full of hatred for how they got treated understand that times are different. White kids grew up with black people side by side in school. They learned together. They played together. They grew together. It's your fucking """culture""" that's tearing them apart by teaching black kids bullshit that isn't relevant anymore in this day and age.
Hopefully nintendo blacklists this stupid nigger now.
now imagine how hard it is to get a nintendo switch right now
>It's harder for women to get a job
It is actually considerably easier, because people have been afraid of being considered sexist, they get special privileges in that regard.
Maybe if women weren't raised into an environment where they were rewarded for fucking then holding out for money and control over the man, your families wouldn't be so fucking shitty.
>ctrl f
> 1/1 found
>your post
are you calling yourself a virgin or something meta?
He's talking about the stream chat. Which is literally a living meme. Literally.
Look at the chat
>they've stolen "OwO what's this"
is nothing sacred
Holy fuck is the controller really that small?
who the fuck wears a shirt at home?
Chat's behind by 30 seconds you mongoloid.
>font on buttons is too big
>home button outline is white not transparent
>colors are too contrasting on the controller
Either this a 3d print or one of the controller the acyors used in the switch commercial.
What's the point of having a fake Switch? Just for this one bit before people realize it's fake?
Fucking niggers always having to undress. Jesus Christ man, try to cover yourself up at least once.
>black privilege
>getting shot is a privilege
Are you implying whites also don't get shot?
>being called nigger is a privilege
Are you deaf? Did you even hear how many fucking times Etika said the word? Or are we doing that thing where we pretend that there is really a distinction between "nigga" and "nigger" other than pronunciation.
>having bad education is a privilege
Blacks LITERALLY get free college at basically anywhere simply because they are black thanks to the thousands of scholarships for minorities and affirmative action. Straight white males, on the other hand, have about 2 options for scholarships.
Never whore yourselves out, never stream kids.
/Joyconboy/ reporting. Saw this shit live
>that Femui poster
That poster doesn't deserve to be there
Wia calm down dude, its just a bait
Sorry man, I didnt think you would take it so seriously
Is this guy the reason sheltered white boys on the internet think they can use ghetto slang?
quality bait
you can REALLY tell this is some kind of prototype or mockup for promotional purposes. alot about it looks off compared to what nintendo usually does.
button lettering font is WAY off
joysticks look outright 3rd party crap.
edges of buttons especially + and - look sharp when nintendo favors slightly rounded edges.
it has zero branding on it (it don't even say nintendo on it)
plastic on the joycons looks cheap and oddly squared off on the sides.
>some kind of prototype or mockup
>joysticks look outright 3rd party crap
>plastic on the joycons looks cheap and oddly squared off on the sides
You just described original Switch.
I'm uncomfortable being shirtless.
if you compared the one in the picture with any wii/WiiU/3ds products it don't even look like they attempted to reuse already molded plastic peices so i really question it not being a 3d printer made item and thus complete bullshit.
Holy shit this dude is so annoying
Can already feel the hand cramps just looking at that tiny piece of shit controller.
>someone explain what's going on
he doesn't give a fuck
>he still hasn't finished Awakening
>no wires
fake and homosexual
>he hasn't finished Conquest
>he hasn't finished Pokemon
>he hasn't even finished his own stream
Nigga never finishes anything and his cancerous fanbase doesn't help
Youtube and Stream money is a hell of a drug.
>My response to his question was going to be "because he's a dumbass"
>read your post
>realize I'm shirtless at home
Okay then
Etika is huge
Pulled up on tendo wit tha extendo
When did he get into drugs? Proof?
If Trump can become president, then the NX should outsell Xbox1 and PS4 with ease!
niggas are prison homos