Gravity Rush Remastered

Is this worth $15 ?

Did you enjoy playing it ?


Yes you will enjoy it and realize there is no other game like it

The sequel will probably be GOTY

nigga where did you see it for 15? I've been waiting for that kind of price drop to pick it up.

PSN store with ps sub

Why is that box art so much better than the shit I got?

for that price sure
is ok chaarcters are charming but combat and challnges really leaev a lot to desire, and end up doing the same shit over and over.

You got the swampy looking boxart because it's for Europe

I only played the Vita version but I liked it well enough. For only $15, you can't go wrong. It almost makes me want to get the PS4 version as well

easily worth $15

GR has problems (mostly the fact that, frankly, it's half a game) but it has a charm to it that very few modern titles seem to even try for.

>Europe got the shitty boxart but an actual retail release
>America got the nice clean boxart, but only on Amazon

I guess that's fair

Heck yes.

It's fucking shit. Bought it on vita for $1 and it was garbage.

I have it for the vita and I can't bring myself to play it after the first big mission. It's so stupid

I spent $25 on it mostly because it was cheap and I needed PS4 games to play

It's now one of my favorite games of all time. I've never had such pure, unfiltered fun with a game. It's unpolished, unfinished, and very short, but it makes up for all that with just being fun to control.


Bought it for $20 on my vita. Had tons of fun.

Would a fifa playing dudebro enjoy this game?

It will probably be free on PS+ in January to coincide with the GR2 release.

How can weebshit be remastered if it was never mastered in the first place?

maybe, maybe not

I couldn't even say that they would if they don't get hung up on the whole "playing as a girl" thing because fifa and gravity rush are just so far removed from each other that it's impossible to really compare.

PS+ never gives out good games unless everyone that wants them already owns them.

>Expecting Sony to do something smart with PS+

You will get Octodad and you'll like it!

JP PS+ had the GR Remaster for free when the GR2 demo came out.

>I've never had such pure, unfiltered fun with a game.

Lord only knows how many times I've shot Kat straight up, only to watch her crash to ground so I can say, "ooooh, that looked like it hurt."

Okay, let me rephrase that

>expecting US Sony to do something smart with PS+

Gravity Rush isn't about flying, it's about falling with style.

15 bucks? Yes. It's very short though, the combat part of the game is ass and the story isn't very interesting until you reach the end since it's supposedly going to be a trilogy or some shit.

damn I just bought this last Friday for $30

Its carried by Kat being cute.

The gameplay is a one-trick-pony and gets repetitive after a while.

That said, still looking forward to th sequel.

I wanna lick those legs. 2D women look so damn good in heels.

I'm almost finished with it. I characters are charming and the world is interesting. However, the combat gets especially frustrating and clunky once larger groups of stronger monsters start showing up, and the go-nowhere story is starting to irritate me.

Lunar mode was a ton of fun in the GR2 demo.
Can't wait.

They gave rocket league for free.

>the go-nowhere story is starting to irritate me.
Don't worry, it jumps from not going anywhere right to the final battle pretending lots of things happened that never actually did since they ran out of time and had to get the game out for the Vita's release.
It's gr8.

I enjoyed playing it, but considering that the sequel looks pretty much identical, you might want to just wait. Unless you think you'll enjoy it enough to keep you hooked for two full games.

Yes and Yes

I had a lot of fun just flying around the cities and listening to the amazing music the game has.

Because the EU region art is terrible, unfortunately.

The teleport kick is fun, but I was loving the charged kick of Jupiter too.

I'm not just thinking about the kick, just moving around in lunar was great.
Jumping off buildings into superman flying, charged high jump etc

It is worth 15 dollaroos.

On PlayStation JP's twitter they revealed an upcoming stream.

I'm sorry you have garbage taste

Bought it for Vita and didn't get into it. Bought remastered, new for 7 bonerroos, and fucking got the platinum for it. Granted that was easy as fuck, I love Gravity Rush now.

I can't wait for more footage

If you haven't played it then absolutely.