Will it succeed Sup Forums?

Will it succeed Sup Forums?

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succeed at FAILING!!!!!

I don't see why not. The only real complaint is people bitching that it isn't somehow as powerful as a GTX 1080 while still being dirt cheap.

Once Nintendo kills off the 3DS, you'll be able to play ALL Nintendo games at home or on the go. And since it'll likely have ample power to play multiplat games, it's going to offer a way different experience than Sony or Microsoft. I mainly play on PC, so I don't give a fuck about those overpriced (and still shitty) systems.

It'll probably get plenty of buyers, won't have too many games if that trailer is anything to go by.

>won't have too many games if that trailer is anything to go by.
>Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario 3D world, Skyrim Remaster and Niggerball in one trailer
>It won't have too many games

Do you have an argument against this?

>Do you have an argument against this?
Do you have a real reason why 5 games in a single trailer isn't enough for you?

It's just more clutter

Combining handheld and console makes sense for Nintendo as a business, for the average gamer who would like Fifa + thirdparty + Mario, not so much

It will be underpowered, no way at that price does it match a PS4

NEETs with/without social lives have a lot of time on their hands.

I miss being NEET

Because 3 of those are the obvious rehashes to come with any nintendo system, 1 of those is a modless port that isn't even confirmed. What is niggerball? What are you even talking about?

it has a proper 3d mario and zelda. its already better than wii and wii U combined

Those 3 rehashes are reason enough to buy the console.

I bought a PSP to only play 2 games. MGS and Kingdom hearts

Not him but Legend of Zelda: BotW not releasing with the console is indeed concerning.


Haha. Meanwhile, you're excited for your super innovative and cutting edge next gen Call of Duty and Assassin's creed on your DEFINITIVELY ultra powerful console, right?

>1 of those is a modless port
That modless port happens to be one of the most popular games ever. But yeah, it being a port means it totally irrelevant.

>What is niggerball? What are you even talking about?
Basketball game. 2k something or other. Why the fuck to people even play sport games on a console?

>Why the fuck to people even play sport games on a console?

Is this a real question?

Didn't mean to add "on a console". I meant AT ALL?

Only if the Switch replaces the 3DS.

They weren't real:


Add to that the possibility of Splatoon and Mario Kart being "remastered" Wii U ports and you've got nothing but a new Mario.

Same reasons people play fantasy leagues.
It's fun to carve out a meta of players you think work best together. Sports games play out like RPGs if anything to the single player, with yearly additions being updates to the roster.
Multiplayer side, sports games are god-tier for couch play. They're incredibly competitive without the restrictions of having to deal with whatever's going on outside/you don't feel like going out.
NHL on the gamecube was my neighborhood's shit when that came out.

Tl;dr: Sports games are for normies and you should be glad they exist to help boost console sales.

It depends on its fucking library. People don't really care that much about specs if the games are good enough.

>MH5 at launch could have made it an instant success in Japan
>MH team decided to make another game for the 3DS
Goddammit all


I can play most of those games on my wii u. I already got skyrim for free.

It will become a cultural phenomena, apple will be jealous i say.

>skyrim remaster that doesn't exist
>Mario that won't be out till 2018
>Mario Kart that won't be at launch
>2k game that doesn't exist

and finally a zelda game that's on another platform that won't be at launch. Nintendo is literally launching this thing with nothing. Likely released in limited banches o build fake hype like the mini nes till it has something of worth to buy it with.

Compared to the Wii U? Absolutely

when it flops it will be rebranded into a Sony Handy haha

those are some neat sources there

I made this list months ago, and I'll buy it if it has at least 3 of the following:
>new Rhythm Heaven
>new F-Zero
>new Wario Land
>new RPG/Strategy game
>new Zelda (check)
>new Bayonetta
>new Monster Hunter
>brand-new IP in a good game

If it comes out at the rumored $250, I'm sure it'll do quite well.

If it replaces the 3DS then I guess it will. Pokemon alone would make it sell better than the Wii U.

I'm expecting a Switch version announced in January.

No, where's is the demand for this?

>people who want Wii graphics-level games on the go
>people who want to get the sour taste of the WiiU out of their mouths
>nintendo fanboys

>Wii graphics-level games

Tegra's not that bad mang

I think with the right marketing/timing Nintendo always has the potential to hit on something that gets the normies out and buying their products. The problem is converting people who buy into the hype into loyal and regular customers.

I'm just assuming, but it should be close to that for good battery life.

if tons of great games, why not

>Monster Hunter
It'll sell 60 million at least. That's what the 3DS sold and it doesn't have anywhere near the amount of games the Switch will have.

lmao you fuckin nerd