Speculation aside if you could add any class in stormblood what would it be?
Xiv thread
Non-dpsing healers.
I dont care, all I want is an AoE attack for PLDs, also more balance between the tanks, it is so fucking unfair that PLD/DRK have to fight for a spot on raids while fucking WARs get a free pass
Judge job
Samurai I guess. I just think it would have a cool aesthetic.
If they do add Samurai, I'm hoping that their katanas will have scabbards and each one will have a different design, kind of like how Bard has unique quivers/arrows for all its weapons.
I'd also like to see Dancer or Chemist as a TP-based healer that uses healing combos instead of having cast times.
I finally have all 3 gatherers at 60. What the HELL am I even supposed to do now to make money? Do I have to buy some stupid expensive gear first?
Get good enough gear to get 600 GP. Look up how to grind blue scrips and do that to get blue scrip gear. Use that gear to get red scrips which you can use to upgrade your blue scrip gear.
Then grind out 30000 blue scrips to buy the 6 mining/botany folklore tomes. Then you can sell the materials from those for money.
Alternatively just do bitchwork and grind out stacks of shit everyone needs but no one wants to gather e.g. ore, lumber, whatever.
yoshi told us to look at the art for clues
i really believe sam will dual wield swords and special scabbard as part of it's arsenal
>Certain processes used in “the Palace of the Dead: Deep Dungeon” has been modified as a preventative measure against illicit activities. (Updated Nov. 15, 2016 1:00 a.m. PST)
Whelp, guess that means no more auto-map/finding-invisible-traps/chests. Not that the server should have trusted the bloody client with that information in the first place.
either this or you sell shitty materials like logs and ore, logs are especially expensive on my server right now, you could probably make a few mill in a day if you get a couple of stacks
I never knew that was possible
ARR trusts the client with too much shit in general.
git gud
Best ideas I've seen so far are an Iaido stance where all your moves have a cast time added to them because they require a sheath and unsheathing but they do more damage, and using TP like BLM uses MP, they can regenerate it at will really quickly but can only fit a limited amount of their powerful spells in before they have to switch to a regenerative stance
I hack in xiv regularly and it really doesn't, mp and tp regen, cast times, player health, buff duration/activity are all handled by the server so you don't get to do anything fun
elaborate, what could you do previously and why was it never shared in these threads
Server has to verify that shit, otherwise 'world first' would be stupidly easy for cheaters.
They also recently (since 3.2) started putting kill-zones in boss encounter rooms so you can't just POS out of a bosses' reach and kill them with zero damage.
I thought world first means nothing without video proof anyway.
i know we need an ot instead of a third mt but i love the flavor of guardian and the idea of building stacks from taking damage to use on moves sounds like alot of fun to me
Tell that to the Elysium BLM cheating extra Fire 4s.
Geomancer as a DoM tank.
explain ive never heard of this
Is there any reason at all to level alts in this game?
RDM tank
if you do sales you can use them to sell one chest/two chest runs or if you want to play multiple classes of different roles it allows you to gear both roles
Server has a 0.5s grace window for casts, which is why we can stutter-step at the end of our castbars. It's there primarily to help mitigate latency differences.
You can abuse this grace window by sending packets that let you start a new cast immediately during it, instead of waiting on your client to resolve the cast/queue-the-next-cast on its end, so you can effectively get a free Fire IV every rotation on BLM with the two seconds saved chain-casting Fire IVs via this method.
Only if we can have Gabranth's voice lines.
Maybe watching the introduction quests for the other two city-states someday you're bored/curious enough.
Well there's that and there's outright teleporting out of boss reach. The latter is much more obvious.
Chemist or Geomancer. Conjured/WHM doesn't count
>no new race in 4.0 confirmed
ive never seen this happen with any spell ever do you have to press at a specific time?
Thank God. Now they just have to remove Miqo'te and Au Ra in 5.0 and the game is perfect.
Geomancer would be neat.
Midan fists.
Which art is he talking about?
If you're an autismo crafter who needs all the specialists at all times.
What's your favorite Heavensward map?
From design alone, I would have to say Sea of Clouds, because I'm a sucker for flying isles and the soundtrack is GOAT.
But the Dravanian Forelands had the most character, with the chocobo forest, the dragons and the Vath. Traveling through it with Ysayle and Estinien made it even better (the same applies to the Churning Mists).
if we get GEO i hope their af looks like the ff3 oufit
Sell materia from PotD, if you wanted I could buy them from you at a low but economically viable fee! Infact we could start you on a payment plan with a -criminally- low interest rate! Just five down payments required.
They fixed the Out-of-bounds abuse to an extent already with the killboxes.
They should just keep the Chinese/Feng Shui motif from FF11
Churning Mist, I guess.
i really dont like the ff11 motif for geo i think it looks really dumb
No they shouldn't, I want my comfy Eskimo look.
Why do Alexandrian weapons look like such hot garbage
Hey anons, why don't you commission art of your character?
Why? It's completely pointless.
Because I can just do it myself.
Is the easiest way to get 600GP from melding the white 60 gear?
FFT GEO master race
Why play the game? It's completely pointless.
Hint: becsuse it's fun
I just did, do you like it? Only cost me $750
because money
I'd like arithmetician or considering we're wrapping up the dragonsong war and already have au ra, dragonkin
Abusing shitty netcode is not cheating.
How would Geomancer work in FFXIV though?
Their signature move is to use different abilities depending on the type of terrain they're standing on. I wonder how that could translate in the game.
>do you have to press at a specific time
lol it's not something you're going to be able to do accidentally/manually.
Only $750 for that? What a steal!
FFXI also has you covered on that.
then how is it possible to do if i cant do it accidently or manually
>abusing and using exploits
>not cheating
Gomenasai, Smash tourneyfag.
Like shit, just like AST
Tarus are so much better than Lalas it's not even funny
Can't figure out how to use cards huh?
How do you not know what he's talking about, start casting then step when the cast gets right over 3/4 the way through. Your bar will show cancelled but you'll still cast, it's the same reason that you can get petrified on bosses even while turned away if you do it to late.
I was talking about cheating out extra fire IVs, not slidecasting which is pretty common knowledge.
>You can abuse this grace window by sending packets that let you start a new cast immediately during it, instead of waiting on your client to resolve the cast/queue-the-next-cast on its end, so you can effectively get a free Fire IV every rotation on BLM with the two seconds saved chain-casting Fire IVs via this method.
hes not talking about stutter stepping please read the whole conversation before making an ass out of yourself
That's slide casting. The abuse he's talking about is being able to cast right when you start moving even if your cast is not technically finished.
There was a huge shitshow about some blm being able to cast extra fire 4 because of that.
IIRC nothing came out of it and they just made their fflogs private.
Holy fuck why is enrage timer on a12s so fucking long?
because shitters still whined about midas being too hard
Because enrage timers are a shitty mechanic that boils every encounter down to "durr hit it more harder", instead of levying a challenge in varying manners
Your client knew were all traps, chests , etc were it was just hidden to you thearlier player. You could read memory and essentially maphack
Yes it involves moving at the end of the cast to start the next one before the old one finishes using the spell queuing, elysium got shit on for it and they started hiding their logs, your the ass here
thats why the next tank is gonna be OT ya monkey
>IIRC nothing came out of it
Except they fixed the exploit.
It's honestly kind of pointless in my opinion.
If you can get pass 4 mega holy adds you won't be hitting enrage ever anyway.
SAM Tank
DNC Healer
As if OT in this game means anything. If the next tank is on the same level as Warrior you can kiss goodbye to Paladins and Dark Knights forever.
SAM dps, RDM tank, DNC healer
I will accept it.
>SAM Tank
pls nooooo
Optimal dressup experience.
>BLM relic with 119spell, 115det and 6pie
Better not shit yourself when WAR gets nerfed into oblivion then.
>not designated OT for a reason
>Det on the a BLM Anima
>2 magic tanks back to back
fuck off
That they didn't go for full 129 spellspeed instead to get one more pie bothers me more.
you say this as if they can"t MT better than the other 2 as well, and the only reason we don't see 2 wars setup is because it gimps the limit break.
>getting pissy about the fluff of a class relating to its role
Geez you're fucking weird, kiddo
>One or more players are new to this instance.
When was it announced that DRK was gonna be a tank?
Second fanfest after Dark Knight shirt reveal?
A lot of sprouts lately. Going straight back to 1mil players, baby!