Is this any good? I've never played any xenoblade games before

is this any good? I've never played any xenoblade games before

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Massive disappointment. Critically missed opportunity with the setting. Mid-end game are marred by making the world, it's best feature, completely irrelevant with the flight module. Player-avatar protagonist sucks a great deal of flavor out of the narrative.

8/10 Strongly recommended.

6/10 story
10/10 gameplay
9/10 mechs
10/10 monster design
8/10 soundtrack
10/10 sidequests
10/10 world design

One of a kind, great game.

The best RPG to come out on consoles this gen.



I just started it this week. I love it so far but feel pretty overwhelmed since I'm only in the first ten hours or so. My inner autist makes me want to finish every quest.

The story portion of the game is okay.

Playing through post-game and really delving into the mechanics and the toughest enemies makes it all worth it, though.

It's fun and I highly recommend it, despite getting bored and dropping it 30 hours in.

The game teaches you absolutely nothing about how to do anything or work with the mechanics.

Finding out about them is the best. I had like three or four epiphanies over the course of the first month playing it on release.

A fantastic game, just don't go in expecting a compelling story, because that aspect was a massive disappointment. Now the trade off for that story was some of the best gameplay and world design in a modern JRPG.

Ground combat is fantastic and has a few mechanics to take advantage of such as Soul Voices, artes combos, and positional attacks. Mech combat is underwhelming but still fun to play around with.

Open world is huge but fortunately the sprinting is quite quick and mechs help with traversing the terrain. The flight module does make exploration non-existent but it's a good forty to fifty hours or so before you'll get hold of that. Map never feels too empty and is down-right beautiful.

Story, as mentioned previously, was a disappointment and pretty damn lame desu. The side quests and Affinity Missions do make up for this somewhat.

All in all it's a great game.

Open world densely-packed JRPG with shitloads of mechanics to the combat and light on any main plot like Nocturne. The citizens in your town will end up getting more characterization and focus than your main cast or plot will. If you want to explore and colonize an alien planet in a scifi setting with some deep gameplay systems involved, it's great.

If you don't want a game that's like breaking into the Monster Hunter series for the first time or a more focused experience, you might not like it.

I really liked it though, and it's nothing like the other Xenoblade so that might help to not have those expectations going into it too. Reminds me more of Mass Effect 1/2 in the setting and basic loop of the game, but with world design and gameplay of course being different.

The big thing about RPGs is story, and this game disappointed majorly in that regard. I was having fun when it first dropped talking about it to Sup Forums, but ultimately got bored and wasn't compelled to finish it, despite it being pretty fun mechanics wise.

If you like MMO-like combat with some added complexity of chaining together certain abilities and attacks for massive damage, you're in for a treat combat-wise.

Also the world has alot of secrets for you to find in it and many of the side quests feel like their own stories that breathe life into the world.

Despite how much I enjoyed it, I sympathize with this user. I never beat the game and just moved on to fucking around with end game content.

This whole skell insurance thing is pissing me off.

I keep getting one-shot from some stupid flying octopus and now I don't want to keep paying the repair fee.

That's understandable since a lot of post-game is just grinding for ages so you can solo super bosses on-foot.
>600 potential blossom dance builds

running and jumping around just to explore never got old. the world is massive. You feel tiny, which is something I havent experienced in a long time. A lot of the music is on point, especially the zone themes. Completely open-world from the get-go.

the story is bad, some of the writing is absolute shit and theres something fucky going on with the sound-mixing after a few chapters (music is so loud it's hard to hear what people are saying).

One of the worst parts of the story really is the whole shit with Lao. They never bothered to explain how he acquired classified information about the ark selection process.

everything besides the story is amazing.
The story just stretches out what would normally be like the first act of an actual story.

They either pushed all of that story back to their next game or just decided to drop it all and focus on learning how to develop an HD game instead of worrying too much about telling a story.

Every third person in the crew is corrupt. It probably didn't take much work to find out what happened to his family after they went to space.

> I've never played any xenoblade games before
You haven't even played Xenogears?

Shame on you.

I don't really get the "the story is bad" complaints. Like are you just not including any of the sidequests and all those character interactions/outcomes for consideration in it? And is what's really there "bad" in quality? It feels really mislabeled when most of the time it's complaints about not having enough of it in one area that takes up less than 10% of the game.

Especially when there's other games that actually have BAD story, and not just minimal story with heavy character interaction.

Oh shit I forgot about how fucked up some of the folks on that ship were.

GOTY 2015 alongside bloodborne imo

>heavy characterization
See that doesn't really apply to everyone, especially not a lot of your party members. The main cast doesn't get much screentime and barely makes an impact on the story. The main story of the game isn't bad, but coming off of XC it's not hard to understand why people were less than impressed. When viewing the game as a more 'slice of life' story of humans on a new world as apposed to the war between humans and aliens it starts to seem much better imo.

This image causes me to have a Vietnam flashback

It's more accurate to say the main story is kind of lackluster for a JRPG but the total range of story you can choose to experience is pretty good. It's just that almost all the good stuff is optional.

>xenogears platforming
>pit of punishment enemies

Great game


i think youre giving the story too much credit. what it gives you is relatively unremarkable and simple. what it fails to give you brings it down thoroughly. id give the story a 4/10 at best, but the game is still fantastic. i agree with all the other scores

Muh nigga

>dude, how about we jump up this tower in our giant flying robots

Its maybe the funnest disappointment you will have honestly.

Story is lacking, and whats worse ends on a cliff hanger which we will never have the answers too.

The rest is pretty great, oh, and prepare to have your WiiU on for hours at a time with the directional stick pointed in a certain direction so you can gather resources, that should waste about 60 hours of game time right there alone.

What are JRPGs with good stories in the first place?

Xenogears, which makes XCX only worse because you constantly think about what could have been.



Best thing about the game is exploring the world and trying to figure out how to get to places to set up probes without getting killed. The game does a great job with setting up the sense of scale when it comes to the world and how it feel giant when you're traveling on foot and gets a bit more manageable when you get your first mech. A lot of this is thrown out of the window when you finally can fly though but there are still a good number of caves and stuff you can only explore on foot and flying isn't always safe because of the big flying monsters that ignore you when you're on foot but are aggressive when inside you mech.

That was not only 18 years ago, but the shift into Disc 2 is worse in tonal and pacing whiplash than anything in XCX. Not to mention the structure railroaded the gameplay and made it second fiddle to the hours of cutscene after cutscene.

There's something to be said about not overreaching and being content in just telling a story instead of shoving 100% of the whole universe in a single game. XCX is a small scale story, while Xenogears was a planned 6 episode epic that ended up so unbelievably rushed that they got forced to condense it to a single episode and start it at 5.

Xenosaga pulled the same shit, and even with 3 episodes it was unfinished, despite how long it spent on so much nothing in episodes 1 and 2.

In over 200 hours I have not run out of a single of my 3 insurances

how do you keep fucking up the prompt to eject?

Why is this Lion guy so fucking hard?

that was the biggest fuck you battle in the main game, either that or the final boss

The one that jumps in his skell after you beat his ass? Hardest main story boss for me.

His aid wears self-groping clothes with transparent belly mesh, how could he NOT be hard?

which phase?

Whats the upbeat song that plays at the end of Affinity missions?

by my side?

>Beat him after a long while
>That huge mech fight either after him or shortly after

Worst part of the game, easily, next to the music.

>battle to the death
>he just fucks off after his skell malfunctions

fuck you Ga Jiarg

That was it, thanks user

The first one, where I'm not allowed to use the mech I dumped all of my money on.

Are you machine gunning him when he turns on his spike aura?

>next to the music
But user, we're on a whole different plaaaneeeet





What did she mean by this?

XCX is an excellent game, easily the best on the Wii U. That said, it is the lesser of the two, when compared to its predecessor. While the graphics and sense of scale are the best the console has, and in the latter case perhaps the most astonishingly well done ever --seriously, nothing compares to finally flying a mile above a world you were the past seventy hours running and jumping around on-- it is still more of a hit or miss game. It seems like in every way that it tried to directly surpass XBC, it only succeeding in further complicating the system.

For example, one of the few idiotic but persistent complaints about XBC was that the combat was similar to an MMO. I disagreed then and still do, but it appears Monolith Soft took those complaints to heart...and made it more like an MMO. Instead of feeling customizable, it feels rather onerous. I would have rather had a character with an established personality and role, rather than using another silent protagonist that only serves to inhibit the plot. That's the main issue of the game, really. You play as a character that more or less watches events unfold, instead of being a main character. There are others you can recruit into your party, but the plot basically revolves around Lin and Elma, and because of that feels woefully limited.

Despite all of this the game is fantastic and should definitely be experienced by all JRPG fans. I'd highly recommend it, just don't expect the same sort of polish that was found in XBC.

problem with the story is that is basically ended at what seems more like a halfway point than at an ending

> 8/10 sound track

I agree with all except the sound track. I thought that the sound track for X was terrible.

Dont go in expecting a story about a cast of characters going on an epic adventure. Instead, the story is nore about humanity itself coming to terms with losing Earth and ajusting to Mira.

You have people coping with it, people not coping with it, and people outright trying to forget and reject it entirely (that second Hope affinity mission what the fuck).

The story is really all in thr sidequests. I still find it incredibly hilarious that Xenoblade has a huge focus on immigration from all the xenos and the affect it has on NLA and all its residence, in a complete reflection whats going on in the real world.

I love the game and cant wait for whatever Takahashi has up next.

>10/10 gameplay and 8/10 soundtrack
Seriously cannot agree here

I personally loved it. I legitimately believe it will be the best RPG of the 8th gen when all is said and done.

Only reason i gove it a 6/10 instead of a 4/10 is because of the world building.

the combat in XCX is far superior to that in XC though, unless you can't git gud and figure it out

I agree, but it's not like it has much competition.

Best comfy and huge game you will ever play. I got my WiiU just for it and Bayo2. You could download it now on the Wii U emulator and enjoy it. But the online was fun too

The Wrothians and Orphe are probably my favorite aliens. That whole quest with the prone tree was hilarious. I feel like the story may be weak but I think the side quests make up for it and there just so much shit to do.

I hate to ask, but aside from censoring some costumes and removing the breast slider (all of which can be restored with a patch, right?), how's the localization? I can borrow the English version from a friend, but if it's that bad (and it was localized by NoA so I feel silly even asking), I can just pirate the Nip version instead.

Nothing of note aside from the usual topical references.

I think you can patch in the costumes from the JP version

as for localization I'm not sure since I can't compare to JP, but the VA is good. The only time I remember not liking it was on the main villain's personnel

>I still find it incredibly hilarious that Xenoblade has a huge focus on immigration from all the xenos and the affect it has on NLA and all its residence
I only wish the game had allowed you to be more openly hostile to xenos. After the first quest with Alex, you're only allowed to say "DUDE, YOU'RE WRONG, XENOS ARE GREAT"

Pirate the Jap version. The voice actors they got are decent, but there are a bunch of them that are annoying as fuck and ruin it.

It's functional. They changed a few things like what BLADE is an acronym for, Dolls are now Skells, Blue Bloods are now Mimeosomes, but nothing major and nothing that outrageously goes against the original intents of the creators. The dub's ok, but the sound mixing is shit, with background music being louder than characters speaking a lot of the time and dropping any and all attempts to keep believable lip-syncing after the halfway point.

All in all, it's not the BEST but it could have been far worse and I never found myself going "fuck I wish I could turn off this awful dub and just have Japanese voices on" like I do for many JRPGs

You don't miss out on much by not playing Xenogears.

You can even modify the breasts With a 3rd party tool without even hacking the Wii U. For the Whole party actually
>mfw hearing this for the first time

As someone that absolutely loved Chronicles, I hated everything about this game.

you're right but you might if you miss out on xenosaga for XCX, and you'll miss out on XS if you don't XG

sounds like you're looking for a hitler simulator

best I could find:

Best fucking taste. It's my favorite track.

Xenosaga is garbage, though. You miss out on even less by skipping that than you would by skipping Xenogears.

Aight here's the deal.

Xenoblade x is a great game, assuming you're not looking for a good story. The setting, music, gameplay and graphics make up for the mediocre story. Usually i look for story first in most JRPGs, but x is made well enough for me to look over it and consider it a great game.

Xenogears is a meme game. Everyone that hyped up that game only remembers disc 1. Disk 2 is so fucking awful it kills the brilliance that was spilt all over disc 1. It's still worth playing for disc 1, disc 2 is only like 5 hours.

there are a lot of xenosaga references/parallels in XCX

It's ok.
Better play Xenoblade Chronicles first. (Is on the online store of the WiiU)

>tfw told her to take a shower
>tfw you killed the pigs
>tfw you cut the red wire
>tfw told to go west
>tfw he gave me the last drop

Folks, here is a more honest and succint review than you 'll find anywhere else

There's only 2 flying octopuses in the game and they're pretty damn hard to not notice. Just save and reload if you go to fight one.

Not any more than Xenogears, and really the closest similarity XCX shares with any of them is what would be Episode 1 of Xenogears, which only exists in concept in the Perfect Works book about the game.

it's remarkable how much the soundtrack varies from pretty good to complete trash


Xenosaga is episode 1

Xenosaga is like a alternate universe of episode 1, at best.


>tfw you killed the pigs
But that's the good thing to do.

it's "alternative" in a means to avoid copyright issues, nothing in XS1-3 contradicts episode I of perfect works

>tfw you made New LA great again

I hope we hear something about Monolith Soft's next project soon.

>problem with the story is that is basically ended at what seems more like a halfway point than at an ending

God I hope for a direct sequel and do a levels carryover similar to the Trails in the Sky 1st and 2nd chapter

I mean, the assets

I absolutely love the story and the dolls, but the post game grind and farm got to me pretty quickly. The lack of NG+ or multiple save files was fucking disappointing.

God forbid you avoid that giant ass monster roaming around if you're exploring in your Skell

Why does me wanting to roleplay as character that doesn't like aliens in an RPG filled with quests about exactly that make me an edgelord?