>NX not even close to being released


This nigger has an NX, they're unavailable currently.

What could this mean?

Nintendo buys out streamers?

Could this lead to some serious controversial stuff?

Could developers be giving access to off limit consoles/games in order to sway opinions of multiple people without even trying?

Making 5 NX's would be trivial for Nintendo, giving them to streamers for free for thousands of potential sales for little to trivial cost.

I can't be the only one losing my mind here. I understand in the past developers have sent out exclusive copies to people of significant noteriety.
But a fucking console with such huge expectations behind it?

Tell me Sup Forums am I in the right to get mad over this?

It only means its fake you fucking butt nugget

Does anyone have the actual image? Thread 404'd before I could save it

Thats just standard marketing. Used to be mostly magazines than/recently youtubers and now streamers

>they're unavailable currently
for real??? :O

Fuarken based alpha nigra desu fampai

My gf thinks this dude is hot as heck, yo.

Also dont worry man, Nintendo will win this. They always do, because they're the best! They're the one ray of light in the darkness of the world, dont forget that, user!!!

dumb phoneposter

stop posting this fucking fake garbage

Why doesn't he get taken down for saying Nigga?

It's not a real unit you retard.

Where are the games?

I wish these threads would go down as fast as Piccolo dick ones.

It just means you fuckers got btfo and all these years of you hating on LPers and streamers have come back to bite your ass. Just think, if you weren't such a shithead you could've started your own YouTube channel and gotten early access and be paid to shill a product too. Now it's too late.

You're a faggot

>"Hey, we'll give our product to you in it's current format so you can test it. All it'll cost us is the unit manufactoring cost and a bit of shipping. You can make your online, funny money and we get free PR."

Yes, Nintendo seems to have finally gotten over their fear of the internet if a streamer has their product early. Good for them.

It's bullshit, which is why he won't turn it on and play it.

It's either a marketing prop, or 3D printed.
Fucking, move on already.


Dude its fucking fake. Those buttons are atrocious. Not to mention the right stick looks like its just stuck onto the side.

Mobile posters need to be fucking banned already.

Stop giving this monkey attention.

>Blaming e-celeb bullshit on mobile users