Play ps4 pro for a while

>play ps4 pro for a while
>smell burning plastic
>the console is literally melting
Why is this allowed? the worst part is that fanboys will defend it and keep buying instead of asking for quality

Other urls found in this thread:


>retards on Sup Forums will fall for this

It's clear that he took a lighter to it or held something hot. It's melting inwards. Plus there's absolutely nothing on the ps4 that would make it melt right there

>Even the original PS4 didn't melt when it hit temps of around 70C, but many users reported various malfunctions due to higher temps including system failure and cracking thermal paste. It doesn't help that the PS4 gets so hot it apparently melts crayons.

lmao this damage control

how does it feel to be not only wrong but also a cuck?



>implying plastic doesn't melt inward towards the heat

Cool fake image, i'll still buy one just to keep avoiding playing with autistic PC players :)

>fake image

every website claims they aren't sure if it's real
Just more autistic PCucks blowing fake images out of proportion :)

>OP being a fag and using other people's images as his own
All you had to do was link the story to be a little more credible

>b-but it's the pcucks making it up!!
>Sony would never release a garbage console!!!
keep eating shit poorfag lol

desu I kinda want to buy one now to piss these cucks in this thread off

Is there something funnier than sonycucks?


>that fucking temperature jump from the 2nd to 3rd image

That's why you're not supposed to play for like three days straight you fag. Any console would start melting if you playing for way too long, and even if it was a problem just buy a cooling fan or put plastic bags filled with ice on top of your console like I do. It's honestly not a big deal

>put plastic bags filled with ice on top of your console

>paying $400 to play 30 minute sessions
so this is the cucking of the ps4

Hurr this is a super common problem that's why every time the exact same picture is used! BTFO!

>not playing 3 days straight
but people doing that was the entire reason bloodborne had that widespread boss ai bug

Here's another one

Why do people blindly defend a company and eat whatever shit they make? if any company makes a bad product you have to let them know it's bad

It's not that strange. It's the only reason I ever really buy plastic bags anymore. It's cheap and cost effective

>2 Sections

Isn't that the original PS4 you fucking pctard?

140f is only like 60c that's perfectly normal for a conputer

That's the same of OP.


Another one

>One game

This damage control is hilarious.

>Spending $800+ or $1000+ for "Master Race" parts just to play 2 hours of Undertale

So this is the cucking of PC kids.

How bad will the Scorpio melt shit if this is what fake 4k does?

>Let them know if it's bad
>Millions and millions of units sold
>Less then 2% are defective

We'd happily let them know if the product was bad, but the PS4/PRO isn't bad.

I don't know if you are blind or something, but the 3 pics are from the same console. Just look at the form and the desk.

Keep trying bro.

And all those games that aren't exclusives, because exclusives games are rare these days. Plus the leagues of other shit you can do on a PC by comparison.

Okay anti-Sony shills, who is the company in your opinion keeping gaming afloat?


I thought only Nvidia shit did this, not AMD?

I don't give a shit about companies, I just want good games

>bad product
>only one """""case""""" that was already debunked the day it was spread, but Sup Forumstards being an /r/pcmasterrace outpost non stop shitpost about it

I swear PCucks are worse than CTR. I have never seen such rage over a company's success like this.

valve , blizzard and riot

>play ps4 pro for a while
>it doesn't melt
>still the graphical upgrade is barely noticeable
Why is it allowed indeed?

Then you only have one choice.

The 8th Generation. One game. One meme. One Legend.

If the Switch gets a Bloodborne 2 my sides will leave this plane of existence.

There still incredibly pissed about Bloodborne. Seriously after Bloodborne was confirmed a PS4 exclusive they still havent gotten over it.

Chalice Dungeons are awful
Weapon Selection is boring outside of maybe 3 (DLC is far better)
Half the bosses are interesting

Honestly, its probably the weakest Souls game in terms of actual gameplay, the dashing and more fluid nature is neat, but there isn't a lot of variety to keep it afloat. Strength/Skill builds honestly all feel the same as do the majority of weapons in the base game.

Setting is cool as hell though.

Problem is, weapon selection in souls is generally even more boring because there aren't enough attack variations available to you with one weapon. There are too many weapons and too many become outclassed even with the upgrade system that was supposed to prevent that.

And it is fucking leagues better than DaS2 in gameplay, but that turd was all around awful anyway

What dumbass let's their console get that hot

>still posting this

ayyy lmao

someone that bought a meltstation

What console owner thinks they actually need additional cooling for a prebuilt PC?

>b-but the pcucks
Lol, everytime.

>Inb4 the autistic Sonycuck

I'll give you that, I don't know, there was just something about Bloodborne's selection that just felt very base to me, it might just be because there is a low amount by comparison, whereas Souls have tons of weapons all over the place, though granted a lot of them worked the same or had similar movesets, they were just marginally different enough.

I felt in BB that Blades of Mercy for the base game was like the most fluid and really only useful weapon outside of the Axe's R2. And the strength's equivalent of BoM from the Chalice Dungeon, Beast Claws? I feel like they should have taken more weapons from Souls and added them to BB, like the Hammer/Sword is cool and all, but it feels wonky to use the Hammer ya know?

I guess it was their first venture into something the same, yet completely different. Hopefully if they ever do decide to make Bloodborne 2, they add tons of new stuff in, the DLC weapons were all rather unique and fun for the most part.

I'd really love to see Armored Core Souls or some type of Cyber/Sci-Fi Souls, you could really do a lot with that gameplay in a Bloodborne style.

>tfw you didn't fall for the pro meme

b-but it sill plays 4k right?


>Look mom, I posted it again!

Plastic shrinks away from heat, not toward it, this proves this shit it fake, now fuck off with the platform war bullshit
The guy who originally posted this deleted his tweet too

I feel like a Sony employee made that and spread it around, because its hilariously retarded.


Funny, in the over 30 years I've been playing video games I've never had a console fail on me. But this year alone I've had a DOA Waffle Maker, Espresso Machine, flowing water bowl for my cat, and my new cell phone got recalled because it was a potential bomb. I'd take the cooked PS4 over all that. I was so excited to make waffles. I had the batter all ready, trying an interesting recipe from I book I got just for the waffle maker and the damn thing just wouldn't heat up. So instead of delicious waffles I spent that morning playing Metroid Prime eating dry cereal.

The question is

Will it melt?

They are sending marketers in. This is the blunder of the century.

Neogaf literally on suicide watch.

Whoa.... so this is the power.... of the sony defense force....

If you already had the batter put together, why not make pancakes?


>differences in those guns
>even runs that much worse

Oh god my sides, my old computer I had like 8 years ago could do better than that shit, jesus christ.

top kek

What's the problem with the console melting? Won't Sony just give you a brand new one ?

PCucks grasping at straws here.. how's that petition going?

muh heatpipes

Spent about close to an hour reading the manual, googling my problem, and trying in vain to get it to cook a waffle. Between the wasted batter in the cold waffle maker, frustration over it not working, and the mess I made, I just said fuck it and ate a fucking bowl of cheerios. Worst part was I used the last of my milk on the waffle batter.

>imagine your son turned out to be a piece of shit like that profile picture
I'd probably have to kill him.

>Sony ever giving you something for free

Had a PS3 break down within the first 3 months of buying one after it first launched. They wanted me to pay $120 just to get the HDD repaired despite it still being under warranty.

Hell they still charge like $80 to get fucking PS3 HDDs fixed. Let alone a brand new PS4 Pro? Nah son, you better buy a new one and give them more money and be prepared to spend $200 to get it fixed.

Corporations and companies do not give a fuck about you.

>let me throw my shit
>let me throw my bigger shit

Basically what platform wars are.

>put plastic bags filled with ice on top of your console like I do

>imagine your son turned out to be a piece of shit who buys a ps4 pro

I'd probably have to kill him.


consolefags rekt again.

not at all because ever since RROD microsoft goes overkill on cooling

Feels good knowing that half of my vcrbone is a fucking fan

enjoy your loud AF ps4 tho

I get that this is bait but this is wrong
maybe when the switch comes out you pop in the cartridge and you play immediately

Ahahahaha no, only MS and Nintendo do that

>Not using steel

No, they don't at all. Sony has never done that. Nintendo and Microsoft will do that, and Microsoft only if you have a warranty.

fuck outta here those cooperate xbox slaves on youtube the only dudes sayin that shit. Lol dudes puttin lighters to a ps4 is pretty damn pathetic.

>The PS4 phat is the only console Sony made that wouldn't inevitably melt
>They couldn't even last a gen

Why are they so terrible at game systems? The build quality on their TVs and headphones have always been pretty good.

>The guy who originally posted this deleted his tweet too


>put disc in, play game

More like
>put disc in
>install the majority of the game content on the console
>download and install 40 Gigs of day-one DLC
>20 minutes later, error code out of the game because all that installing and downloading caused your PS4 to overheat


Sure is a Sony damage control thread, alright

you forgot downloading and installing the console update

>buying Sony hardware
>especially after the PS3-melting firmware debacle

You're asking for it, dummy.

Fucking retarded burgers itt

140 fahrenheit is about 60 Celsius
My pc is hotter than that right now

>He didn't buy the heating and cooking DLC


This is why you pay for extended retailer warantee. They'll just give you a new one in the store if something happens for like 3 years.

>people thinking 60-65C is going to do that damage to plastic

nigga lit it on fire, posted, deleted his tweet

pic related, what should actually start melting the pro's shell (its thin, it has far more likelyhood to melt due to the shit quality - but not at 60-65C)

>have to pay for the extra warranty because Sony doesn't give you one that actually covers anything