Yfw you realized Casuals and Liberals are the same people

>yfw you realized Casuals and Liberals are the same people

Liberals are just Casuals IRL

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>Sup Forums - video games

Yui is best girl

Mugi is best gril


Liberals/Casuals ruined video games, this is entirely related.

How soon we forget GamersGate

I want to sniff Yui butt.


That explains every HG101 review where they bitch about difficulty.

Eat your cake Yui

This logically means conservatives are pirates and hackers who cheat the system just to ruin the game for everyone else.

Fuck off Sup Forums shill


Wtf i hate conservatism now

>yfw you realized that people that think that Casuals and Liberals are the same people don't have any arguments to back up their claims
Also video games

That sounds about right.

"Liberals" and conservatives are both retarded.

Smart moeshit poster

Lolis are for ________?

Oh shit is this the yui thread?
please don't sexualise the keions

i'd say it was more greedy corporations wanting to get a larger playerbase

i mean who cares about quality when you have a bunch of mouth breathers that will buy anything you put out as long as it's shiny and has a well known brand name attached to it

honestly it has nothing to do with politics games will continue to be shit even as conservatism becomes more and more mainstream


But Sup Forums isn't full of liberals




Yui is not a loli.

I did this once

At least she doesn't fuck whites

yui best keion


This is actually true, liberals want to play life on easy mode so if you fail or just don't feel like working you have a massive welfare state cheat code. Conservatives are more small gov/libertarian, where you either get gud and succeed massively or end up poor and die.

real in my heart...

I have masturbated to the K-on girls so many times despite never watching their show.


>tfw the only reason dumb NEETs can be dumb NEETs is because liberals fought for their right to be dumb NEETs
>Zero gratitude

Do you seriously think we'd have Sup Forums, video games, all this porn, and the right to shitpost about whatever we like if conservatives had the say?

They socialized game difficulty and rewards.

Everyone's a winner now!

Video games are trash because of it


Centrists are casuals irl. Why do you fucking amerilards have no idea how politics work?


It's not about winning
it's about having fun

Okay let's try this again then.

Yui is for ________?

Conservatives = Pre-LK WoW
Liberals = Post-LK WoW

but they all look the same, you pretty much masturbated to the idea of dumb anime girl for dumb weebs with shit taste

Give me your most lewd yui





That would explain a lot.

TRYING to win is fun.

Stop being a girl


Please do not sexualize the keions


You mean get gud at making rich people richer?

because americans believed that obama (a centre right democrat) was a socialist and thought that bernie sanders was a radical socialist when in any other country he would be considered a moderate social democrat

tl;dr americans are deep in ideology

>le games that I don't like are for the people with an opposite political point of view than mine

this is my fav hot meme!

Are you guys really too young to remember how conservatives try to outlaw video games?

trying to win is fun, but if you try too hard you'll forget to have fun

and no

Say that again you little shit

No I mean becoming one of those people for whom other people are working to make richer.

both kinds
