I can't get excited about HS anymore.
>7 cost for ANY 10 cost spell+summon a 5/5
hearthstone """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""balance"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Obviously the downside is you have to build your deck around it or have that deck tracker app.
if your deck has no duplicates is such a stupid rule when it comes to hearthstone because you can only have 2 cards of a type and legendary only go to 1 anyway
This. The card's super situational depending on what's in your hand, At 7 Mana the best outcomes are
>Flamestrike, gives you bonus 5/5
>Pyroblast, obviously
>Kazakus Spell
Only the last one is really that crazy, considering Kaz can give you a shit ton of stuff. Even then, the spell he gives you is just as situational.
It does limit some of your deckbuilding though. You cant have 2 copies of best cards, but you can have one best card and then something slightly worse. Also makes a lot of "discover spells" or "add random spells"-cards counterproductive for mage if the player decides to build a deck around this card.
Well choosing to have one-ofs versus two-ofs is a legitimate deckbuilding concern, or you have to track cards remaining in the deck when it's time to play this one.
>pyroblast is playable again
now that's cool
This. HS is mechanically fucked. Aggro and minion-oriented decks will always prevail over any other type of deck, unless they specifically countered, due to how HS's combat works.
The game went stale more than a year ago, now they're trying to revive interest by introducing gimmicks like tri-class cards, when in reality Blizzard needs to rethink an entire archetype of deck types.
Don't forget this thing with firelands portal, if it's turn 7 and you would have played the portal anyway then you play this first.
It means decks are easier to play around. If you know someone's running a Kabal deck, they're likely to only have one of each removal.
Did they already cast polymorph? Good, that means they don't have another one.
Very good point. It would probably be tied with Flamestrike at that point.
I think for this, you might still include duplicates because by the time you are ready to drop this thing on 7, you might have drawn one of the removals already so it's not in your deck anymore.
This is what makes Solia a bit balanced. Most of your removal can be cast for less than 7 mana, outside of Flamestrike and Firelands. Pyroblast is usually just a burn face card and can be good in a pinch.
The scariest part will be when they play Kazakus before her and make a 10 Mana spell.
that elf is hot
>7 mana to deal 5 damage, summon a 5/5 and a random 5 cost minion
>with coin mage can summon a 5/5, a 3/3 and use a random 10 mana spell you can't possibly play around on turn 10
>playing hearthstone
Literally why
Is she making out with the ogre while looking at the camera?
Cards in hand don't affect the card effect.
Sorry I forgot Firelands portal was a bad card and no one runs it. Thanks.
>if your deck has no duplicates
>if your deck contains no duplicates
>if your deck contains no more than 1 of any card
What the fuck is wrong with Blizzard
plot twist: the condition for new cards is not having Duplicates
She's drawing a tattoo on an orc's back.
>making out
>dude is behind her, turned around
>INKMASTER, she's making a tattoo
>both looking at you
>nah man their having sex cuck xDDd
Except for the part where mage stacks their deck with shit like babbling and that 6/3 5 drop. It's impossible to predict what the fuck your opponent is holding anymore thanks to that shit, it's the exact reason why that shitty burgle works out sometimes, because they can't possibly predict what cards you have.
Singleton forces people to use a wider card pool rather than the same 15 pairs of class cards. Fucking stupid.
I'm playing Shadowverse instead. It's way more fun.
But I saw some clip made by Kripp commentating on Abyssal Infernal... A 7 drop, 6/6 that does 3 damage do everything and is a common... how the fuck does that card fit in with the established balance of other cards? I mean, fucking seriously?
Dread Infernal 6 mana, 6/6 - Deal 1 damage to everything.
Flame Leviathan 7 mana, 7/7 - When you draw it, it deals 2 damage to everything - in other words you can't control the (weak) board clear
They are fucking incompetent. They make cards like Dr.Boom and Purify and expect us to take their game seriously. Just the fact they think it is okay that players play decks like Facehunters that just melts the entire gameplay into "just him in the face, do nothing else, don't think" are okay says a fucking lot.
I beat Shadowverse has lots of imbalanced shit too, but at least the game is starting out and I don't know about them yet, I don't even know what balance philosophy the devs have - but I fucking beat it is better than Blizzards.
Also, there is not as much RNG in Shadowverse as in HS. Fuck the RNG is so ridicolous in HS.
And the hero powers are imbalanced too. Like face-arrow and dual armor is always going to be much better than the other classes, especially when they sync so damn good with the cards the classes have. Game is just a mess. Will never be fun.
Okay rant over.
He's saying the wording is inconsistent between cards.
Lots of people run Firelands Portal. It's quite good.
>fuck HS, I'll play the anime ripoff version instead
How can you possibly trust these people when they keep pulling this shit over and over? It's such fucking overt incompetence.
There is gonna be a neutral legendary like Kazakhs and Inkmaster, right?
Then why did the dog imply using greentext at me
Other card games are too complicated
why do people shitpost about other card games in hs threads? nobody cares about your dead game.
>Mage not running a card that functions dually as removal and summons a minion that in a pinch can be used to eke out that last bit of unavoidable burn to finish off your opponent
>fuck HS, I'll play the better version of it instead
Would Ambush work well against this then?
You post is quite ironic considering all the face decks in Shadowverse
Meanwhile face hunter is dead. More than half the cards from the original list got nerfed. They fucking gutted it.
Forte is cute! CUTE!!
And all of the top-tier decks are either control or tempo, they're just expensive af and face dragon and bannermemes are ridiculously cheap.
MTG just released official nephilim colored commander decks. You get 4 color commanders and some new commander gimmick called partner, that allows you to use 2 commanders if they meet the criteria.
They're mad that HS doesn't have piss poor DeviantArt-tier cards, while it's still a better game.
I swear, I tried playing Shadowverse awhile back and I went back to HS after about 3 games post-tutorial. I even had that big promotion they were doing with something like 10 packs of 10, and it still wasn't as fun.
HS just has flavor to it that a weeb like just want to shit it up.
Can't wait for that Angel Horror, Ataxia I think? Always wanted to do something with Phyrexians.
What did he mean by this?
>They're mad that HS doesn't have piss poor DeviantArt-tier cards
I really want Atraxa and Breya, but they're really hard to find.
All I can find on shelves are the Theros fags
Yeah but bannermemes is strictly less fun than every HS deck so
>he doesn't like summoning cute meidos
Honestly if you find hearthstone any fun since the shift to a standard format you are retarded, deck variety has taken a ridiculously huge hit since then and there's really no creativity to it anymore, all that's left is ladder grind with top tier decks for retards that think it means anything to be able to pilot a 60% win rate deck
>storm haven is control
so is face hunter then
It's exactly the same, dump your hand on curve and go face whenever possible.
That's literally all there is to hearthstone
She's the best precon, the rest needs work to get up to snuff. I tried a few games with her and holy shit, you grow big fast in that deck. She's the love child of Serra Angel and Vampire Nighthawk, the 2 staples of their time, so you know she's good value
>sjw the card
Wew blizzard
Storm Haven isn't an S-tier deck like Forestshit
One of the reason why bannermemes and forte.dek are popular is because they shit on Storm Haven
>this into the 10 mana custom spell
it won't be remotely consistent but I will automatically lose 1/5 games I play against Reno mage because of this instant win combo. thanks, Blizz
>excited for WUGR
>see the gay couple and their effect
pretty lackluster
Noice. Gonna be fun.
>the only one with pink hair is a literal pig
Really makes you think.
So how do we went from this...
...to this?
To this?
no fuck off
To this?
I laughed at their statues touching tips in the background of their art
>2 mana 5/4
bravo Blizzard!
We already basically had this card with Zombie Chow
Their philosophy is whatever fits on four lines or less is fine.
>reno freeze mage is going stronger
pls no
The buh overload really fucks you over if it gets removed though.
I'd say it's balanced.
Nah, this one heals both at 2/2.
Chow does 5 for the enemy at what, 2/3?
It's a mini FUNNEL CAKES
That's a regular forsaken artwork you triple nigger
>Make the group hug deck led by a couple of literal faggots
>Put Blasphemous Act into the deck
Bravo, WotC
Hearthstone will forever lose my interest because Rogue remains a non-class with no identity. Just look at the new cards they're printing for Rogue in the expansion so far.
Let's not mention the entire expansion that had zero rogue synergy (TGT)
Well, i was referencing the shitty art, which looks like a screenshot from WoW. The whole expansion is like that, look at the biker hogs for example.
I cant help but picture one of them saying
>Everything the light touches is our kingdom
A lot of older cards have their art taken from the actual WoW TCG. Edwin is a prime example. Thalnos is another, he went by another name in the TCG.
The new stuff is more stylized, you can see a bit of it in some older cards but it'z become more prominent since about TGT.
are they actually gay? I think its endearing for a partnership ruler but if they are pair of beefwhistlers, it takes the magic out of it.
Pretty sure they're from Theros, do what you will with that info.
There's a card in Theros that says they're lovers
The flavor text from the statues build in their honor in the background calls them "lovers"
>official gay colors are all colors except black
>one of them is black in the art
fucking WIZARDS
fuck off with your sjw bullshit cuck
Everyone talking about MtG in this thread is making fun of the Homo deck.
What makes you think he's an SJW?
This is beyond pushing agenda. This is slapping the damn book on your plate and telling you to like it.
he's literally financing SJW propaganda by buying this bullshit
and so are you, mtg cuck
Nobody likes group hug decks, though.
LOL, shill out man!
That's actually really bad
Man, they sure hate Zoo, don't they?
So how does it work now with the adventures? If I just buy the first wing I can complete it whenever? Do I actually have to buy one of Karazhan or will the free one suffice?
>yfw used at most 800 vials and can now bannermeme like a faggot
At best the only thinking I do is baiting out damage spell cards/effects.
>not a slang for dark defiled cum
It is absolutely comparable to zchow. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Shadowverse does not have this problem.
But nobody's buying the faggot deck. Everyone's going for the new waifu
>Thinking this 4 color slut dethrones Elesh as the best Phyrexian waifu
Blizzard is garbage at balancing any of their games. It's their fatal flaw. They makes things run super smooth and look very clean and their games are well designed from that perspective, but they always get tiring and bland because they don't know how to balance and you end up in a stale as fuck meta
I played hearthstone for like 2 years and was hardcore into it, got top 50 legend, hit legend multiple times, and had several 12 win arena runs. After a while I realized how stupid it all was, the ladder is only ever a meta cycle of maximum ~6 decks, and the amount of rng in the game is bullshit. Even among other card games, which are inherently based on chance, blizzard somehow feels the need to make ridiculous cards that can potentially win or lose entire games on a dice roll. That's part of that games appeal I guess, it's like playing rock paper scissors mixed with a slot machine. Losing to an insane rng roll is incredibly demoralizing, but also gratifying when it happens to you, the only people who play it are gambling addicts or casuals
that's not really a balance problem but a design problem
and you can bet it's indended
Oh absolutely, it is fucking calculated to be addicting, they do that with all their games, they know how to design skinner boxes
>Hearthstone will forever lose my interest because Rogue remains a non-class with no identity.
Just like WoW!