>argue with somebody about video games
>they use a food analogy
Argue with somebody about video games
>arguing with people about games
>argue with somebody about food
>they use a video game analogy
>>argue with somebody about video games
>talk about vidya on Sup Forums
>arguing with people
>about video games
Ah, I remember when I dick never smelled like pussy.
What was the food analogy?
>Getting into arguments about videogames
I like food analogies.
>sandwich artist
Liking video games and hating food analogies is like ordering a pizza with everything on it and then picking off the things you don't like.
It's like the games I like are really good food and the games you like are shitty food I don't like
>food analogy is used
>automatically assume it's not valid because everyone on Sup Forums told me to
>I love food analogies but it's weird that you don't
Eat to live, user, don't live to eat.
What kind of analogy you would use when talking to an autist like yourself?
You don't know shit about anything besides vidya, but one might still presume that you know something about food, since you're alive.
>argue about food with someone
>they use a video game analogy
Like people who order food from Wendy's. Their opinions are immediately invalidated.
>argue with somebody about videogames
>they use Sup Forums slang and smug anime reaction faces
> videogames are art
that has good ring to it, I like it
I don't understand the "food analogies are automatically invalid" meme.
I realize most people who use them here are stupid but that doesn't make food analogies inherently wrong.
>posts an anime reaction face
>they use a food analogy
fucking americans every goddamn time
not smug tho
I think that sprung up because people tend to use really bad food analogies.
I have a feeling this is the case as well.
Ultimately it's just another excuse to disregard arguments, basically on the same level as pic related.
>argue with somebody about video gamrs
>they use niggers raping women analogy
quick someone make a food analogy about food analogies
>argue with somebody
Food analogies about video games are like having a burger with bananas mixed in, they don't work together
>buy a burger
>complain it's not a hotdog
Analogies aren't arguments, they're something you say to guide a person into understanding your argument followed by the analogy. If it's just by itself, it means jack shit.
What's so bad about food analogies anyway?
Sup Forums uses food analogy
Sup Forums's counter culture requires all anons to hate food analogy
so to answer your question, nothing really.
Videogames are not food, so any comparison is going to be incorrect regardless.
How is this even possible
>using an insert to discuss something is wrong
>Me typing is litterally using an insert that means a certain thing to the brain and has nothing to do with video games in the slightest but I can still use it to argue about video games
just saying.
t. Sup Forums's counter counter culture
It turns the argument into how the analogy is or isn't applicable rather than actually arguing about the initial topic.
>some guy says I can't use a substitute for the recipee
>guys so autistic that because I'm substituting squash for pumpkin in a pumpkin soup recipee I'm litterally missing the entire point of the recipee
No shit.
And when there is a food analogy, Sup Forums will disregard the argument it's paired with.
Whos this cute girl?
>Implying its ever paired with a argument
I believe shes litterally hitler
Case in point.
Bullshit. No one talks about vidya on Sup Forums.
>guy tells me to get the bananna bar rewards card so we'll get half off on smoothies
>no bro we'll TOTALLY go there all the time to buy bananna smoothies
>two days later hes telling me that the strawberry bar is the big deal
>just bought a reuben at arbies and I'm at the condiment dispensers
>buddy comes up to me
>dude that's not what the chef was thinking when he made that sandwich
>You're just adding random stuff and totally messing up the chefs original vision
>No I just think it's better if I add this
>guy starts flipping out and grabs a potted plant and starts rubbing dirt on his burger
Fucking arbys