Remember when we could host games ourselves and kick out assholes before the game started...

Remember when we could host games ourselves and kick out assholes before the game started. Why can't we do that anymore ? Lately i escaped the EU servers to get away from the wodka's, only to end up US East, filled with taco's. Why is it that those third world countries can't play on their end own servers ? I seriously miss the days the hombres and cykas didn't had internet. Or is it me, am i just getting old ?

Blizzard needs to release Warcraft 4 already.

It'd be made by modern Blizzard.
You know it won't be the game you want it to be.

Everyone has internet and everyone has Sup Forums. Learn as many curse words as you can because you're going to need them

I have to give it a chance. Obviously it won't live up to my nostalgia but it's something.

Sometimes things are better off dead.

Remember when games were P2P hosting? Such awful times

I've been toying with an idea of a private server, though don't know how much could that cost. It also depends if others on Sup Forums want it.

So we sacrificed freedom for stability ?

Shit I miss being able to just download other people's maps on the internet and play offline with friends. Oh yeah and LAN in general. Jesus, why is that as technology advances, games actually become worse than they used to be from a technical standpoint?

for what game

What about ladder play? Was that p2p as well?

Well considering this thread is about WC3 I thought WC3. However the PvPGN server supports all classic Blizz games and some from Red Alert series.

why, there are plenty of private servers and hostbots
the game only lacks players

Well I imagined a Sup Forums-focused server would have a better playerbase that's more civilized and certainly not all about Dota.

> Sup Forums community
> civilized

holy shit how naive

Well at least you can't deny the part about Dota.
Anyways, experience with some games isn't indicative of how others are talked about on Sup Forums. Classic blizz is more civil.

it would also be even more ded than wc3 already is


Do you know what would need to happen so that WCIV would be a thing?

You need to turn the world upside down to make it good in every single aspect.

Every board is made up from multiple groups.

Sup Forums is all but a Hive Mind. Thus there are some circles that are civil.

It depends on the game. I've had some ok experiences and some awful ones.