what a madman
What a madman
He has done nothing this week other than argue on twitter with SJWs
That's his life now, user.
>this week
>you will never have his life
Why live
if i made a billion dollars off a shitty java based toy i made for fun, i would make it a point to ONLY argue with sjw on twitter
>invented reddit the game
>dare roast reddit
What a fat fuck
>he missed a \
Goddamit Notch, at least emote properly.
>The joke
>Your head
not that user, but pls explain
>this week
This fatass has no friends and will not get married. He just stays in is giant mansion with a gym and gets on twitter/reddit. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he posts on Sup Forums.
Im 101% sure that he is lurking
Best life possible desu
ded meme
>he wasn't here during minecraft alpha
hello newfriend
He's missing the left arm
I don't get it
I dont get it
Reddit is missing one of his hand or what
literally our fucking guy
why did I ever doubt Notch
I should've paid for Minecraft before he sold it
so many regrets right now
>He brags about being on a shithole website longer than others
Fun life you must have.
Is he our guy?
Because of Reddit code if you try to do the emote normally, the arm poofs. You gotta do some specific janky code like have \\\ instead of \ to make it work.
The KKK image is fake tho
I don't get it, I don't speak swedish autism
>no friends
>no wife
Livin' the dream.
Google escape characters in programming. Basically you need to do two \ to print out one, since it will be escaped.
Wait a minute, how the fuck do you know this
Who is soros
How do people not know who Soros is
it's well known that he Posts on Sup Forums
fuck... theres so many things to do in this world. look at my fucking PS1 iso list. 147. i'd finish all of these in a year if i didnt have to work. and he sits on twitter all day. we should have known this would happen when he took 18 vacations a year developing minecraft
Im not murrican?
final boss of the regressive left
>literally basic escape characters
ugh no wonder you guys know absolutely nothing about gaming in general
He better buy some real dolls of all sizes and surround himself with weeb plastic crap
Live the dream for me Notch, we know you are here.
He's not just murrican either. This guy affected a lot of countries, especially after the fall of USSR. Why the fuck do you know who Notch guy is, but not know how the guy who has the power to affect and who probably already affected the global politics? I'm not just talking about politicians, I'm talking about socio cultural landscape that directly affects videogames too.
Dangerous powerful jew
He wants a New World Order with one government ruling all and makes money from destorying other countriee economies
This nigga gave away his parents to Nazis, that should be enough to tell you how evil he is
what did he mean by this?
my keyboard is not as fancy as his
man who pays protesters
man who helped the SS persecute innocent jews
man behind the british currency collapse of 1993
man partially behind the yugoslav wars of the '90s
man behind the serbian revolution of 2002(ish)
man behind rigged venezuelan and bolivian elections
man behind two(?) ukrainian revolutions (ukraine is still at war because of it)
man behind the self-loathing multikult bullshit that they force upon your children in school
a man with his finger in every pie and strings attached to almost every western leader
a currency manipulator and megakike