Burned out

>Realize that mobas and cs melted my brain
>Try to play rpg's, single players etc.
>get bored 1 hour in never touch it again
>feelsbad starts kicking in
>stare at desktop


same here, i stopped playing cs constantly for some time but i still feel the urge to go play some MM and feel that rush. I used to like RPGs...

power through it

Yup me too. Literally can't play SP games anymore.

Same user, I really want a good SP game to like but I can't, I fucking hate it.

How does it feel when you beat a game you had no will to play?

Happened to me, you gotta take a break from all video games. Don't play them, don't read about them, don't look at them. For like a week
This will reignite your passion to stare at a screen sitting in the same place for hours on end.

Any cute traps here wanna chat? OwO =3

I don't know, just be yourself haha

Play a non RPG with unique gameplay or an interesing art style. Those are what I look for when I'm feeling burned out.

I feel miserable... I spent most of this and last year's gaming time chasing this..

...I have no words.

Any reccomendations? pc prefered.

is this a bait thread

Remind yourself that LoL has no objective, you will never gain anything from playing that shit.
Good luck quitting LoL, i forced myself out of that shit hole and it was pretty easy

This is the same for all games though.

I will. Thanks...

I hope so.

what are you getting on black friday Sup Forums

why this thread UwU

but in singleplayer games your objective is to FINISH the game (or 100%), you can't finish LoL

I know that feel. Tried to get this the past 2 months. Got to 3920ish, now I'm bouncing between 3600-3800.

It's not. Nothing gaming wise sticks to me like it did back in the day... It would be fine if I find something else to do... But I just feel like doing nothing...

a new HDD and SSD, there are no vidya worth buying atm imo

Stop namefagging and abusing ellipses.
Then just wait until your will to play vidya comes back, you cant force it.

This is your own organism telling you to stop being an autistic faggot and do something with your life besides playing video games.

You basically have to make a choice between:
Doing something useful for once
Finding some additional hobbies
Killing yourself

The fact that the idea of bitching and moaning on the internet came to you before any of the first 3 options makes the last one preferable.

I think competitive multiplayer games can really kill any passion for games you might have. You start playing hours just for rank and you forgot why you started playing in the first place. I've just been trying to play whenever I feel like having fun for a match or two instead of putting aside 3 hours to play several games I probably won't enjoy too much.

Every time I browse steam I realize that I don't want to play any of these videogames.

Instead of trying to do something to accidentally be happy, I just want to directly be happy.

Mmmhmmm sign me up

Get a second hobby.

Stop playing games for the sake of it and play things you actually want to play

>>get bored 1 hour in never touch it again

What the fuck else am I meant to do with my pathetic life?

get a sub on netflix, make some normie friends and chill with them in a couch while you watch some comfy shows

Then you either aren't playing the right games or you need a different hobby. Who knows, maybe you're just miserable in general and are trying to blame it on being "bored"

I played tons of HoN and I don't have a problem with this
Works on my machine

play a game that needs minimal player interaction i.e. a visual novel or something

worked for me at least, the problem comes when you play 1 genre/series of games too much