Final Fantasy

Does this game hold up? I've been planning on going through older Final Fantasy's and I'm thinking about starting this one up next, how's the story? Also what version do you prefer? General Final Fantasy thread.

>Does this game hold up?
>how's the story?
Ridiculous and fun
>Also what version do you prefer?
GBA because PSP IV is too easy and I don't like DS IV's 3d graphics.

I enjoyed the DS version

it holds up ok, it's the worst of the “classic” FF (IV-VI)

5 is the only classic FF gameplay wise. They are all shit though and you should just skip to 7.

It's pretty good, the story still holds up today and has interesting elements still absent from most JRPG (For exemple the protagonist already has a fiancée before the game starts) while also having elements that feel nostalgic from other games and has interesting twist that may feel cliché now but were innovative at the time. I recommend either the DS/Steam version or the PSP versions, they have more content than previous versions and feature much better localizations (the original SNES localization is very poor while the GBA version is full of memes). The DS version has 3D low-poly graphics and lets you customize your character's abilities. The PSP version has 2D sprites and has character switching instead of ability customization. Both versions have different additional dungeons and bosses.

>you should just skip to 7.
Fuck no
4-6 are worth it.

Also forgot to say, DS version is hard as ball, PSP is considerably easier tough still has some challenges.

4 is as bland as the classics get and 6 was just 4 with even more characters. It's enjoyable on how broken FF6 can get but that's about it.

It feels really lacking compared to other FFs. There's no character progression system to hook you in like the others, just level up and get new shit. The story is at least 50 kinds of buttfuck retarded as well.

you forgot the best of the snes games

It's pretty good but not as good as V or VI. DS version is the most polished but the artstyle is pretty lame

V is good for a classic RPG. The job system was amazing. I'm glad they kept the tradition with Bravely Default.

The job system is the only interesting element from V. The game is piss easy, the story is awful, it barely has any character building.

You shut your whore mouth, V gave us Galuf and Gilgamesh.

IV's gameplay is pretty dull but I think the story, characters, and music are what make it an overall enjoyable experience. V's gameplay is great so that's a must play. VI, like you said, is another IV but it is an improvement in every way.
No matter what, they are enjoyable at least. The Ps1 trilogy each seem to be hit or miss for most people.

The steam version of the DS remake is the best way to play it. DS is superior simply because it has the augment system.

I think its a good starting point for the series, at least for retro FF games. Its the first FF with a "mature" story. FF2 has some mature themes, but overall, FF2 is really bland; by mature, I mean it has well designed themes and the story isn't just an excuse plot.

It holds up, as it became the foundation for what the rest of the series would be seen as. It introduced things like the ATB and over-the-top plots the series is known for.

For beginners who have no attachment to the original sprites, I'd recommend emulating the PSP collection. It has a stupidly easy version of the original game, but it is good for digesting the storyline.

For people that want one of the hardest challenges in the original FF series, play the DS version, which flips the game on its head with difficulty so brutal at points, people may end up save scumming or putting the game down. It also has a New Game + feature that requires three playthroughs to max things out, but expresslanes with fast exp from NG+ Augment / Decant.

V Advance fixed a ton of things with the modernized translation, since Woolsey's version was rather bland on the PSX re-release. FFV was always a wacky RPG that was known for its humor and gameplay, and I think the Advance version did a great job sharing that with the rest of the world.

>play TAY been going through the tales enjoying myself
>get to Paloms tale
>he starts bitching out the Troian Epopts
I'm having myself a giggle

FFIV doesn't look that great at first glance but that's because JRPGs as a genre stole literally everything that FFIV innovated or standardized. If you look at it in the context of games like FFIII, Dragon Quest IV, and Phantasy Star III, it's actually a huge step up from all of those games in battle complexity and AI.

I think it's still pretty good, but I rarely see games as dated and unplayable.

The story isn't anything too special these days I think, but it's still enjoyable enough.

>What version

Do you know Nip? If so, the Japanese SFC hard type version. If you don't, then you're fucked if you want the old gameplay with a good script. The best English localization for the game is the DS version, though the gameis wildly different from the older versions. If you want the older version's gameplay then play the PSX version or the PSP version. The PSX version has a pretty bad localization, getting nearly as bad as the J2e fan "translation" at times (seriously, don't play that unless you want a laugh, it's clear that they didn't know Japanese). The GBA version's localization is based on the PSX's but touched up a bit. The game has issues that make it easier than it should be though. The PSP version doesn't as far as I can recall, and it's script is further touched up from the GBA version.

So basically, PSX/PSP version for the old gameplay, the DS version for a more faithful localization, the Japanese SFC hardtype version if you can into Nihongo.

I don't think you've played V.

This game will be a year old in two weeks.
>Release the game with 14 characters
>Plan to have 50 characters eventually
>Plan to release it on PS4

>Took a year to release 6 characters
>No PS4 version in sight

At this rate we'll get the game in 2021

One of my favorite games of all times, though I'd say to someone new that the original version's visuals might put you off.
The original american version is garbage ignore it.
There's a classic fan translation of the original version you can find on the internet, one of the first fan translation projects to fully translate a game like this.
GBA version is pretty much the same as the original SNES/Super Famicom except with some glitches and worse music, but I believe it has additional post game content if my memory doesn't fail me.
PSP version is a bit easier but it looks beautiful.
DS graphics might put you off too, opinions are very divided on that. It's my personal favorite version because of the increased difficulty and because I love the way it looks. Apart from the graphics mostly everyone agrees that it's a great version as well. I'm a disgusting purist weeabo but even I liked the english voices (although they rarely speak).
The IOS version is the same as the PSP I think. There's a port of the DS version for the PC probably on steam but I don't like how they changed the menus.
People generally say the DS version is too hard but considering it's fucking Final Fantasy IV I have to disagree. It's just hard enough I feel. If you try to run through the game not doing any sidequests then maybe you'll find it difficult by the end, however.
So overall for me DS>SNES>PSP>IOS>GBA.

I love me some 4

I played it a number of years ago for the first time and I don't think it held up at all.
The story is bad, filled with too much mind control and pointless sacrifices and it moves too quickly to get attached to anyone or anything.
Your party is fixed throughout the story and there's not much customization or strategy you can do.

>chibi 3D graphics
>decent voice acting
>best localization of any rendition of the game
>both enemies and party members got buffed tremendously, bosses are deadly but so are you
>revamped movesets for all characters, skills are actually useful and magic is much more useful in later levels
>augment system that let's you customize the characters' moveset with original skills and skills of characters who left the party both, completely optional if it's not your cup of tea
>additional story details, The After Years is based on this version
>unlimited inventory space, streamlined equipment system (ie you don't actually need to buy 40 arrows to use the attack command for bow users 40 times)
>no post-game, no character swap, but the main game is much more rewarding, and FFIV is one of the lightest FFs in terms of sidequest

>revamped 2D sprites, they have the RPG Maker vibes but are not iOS tier
>no VA
>uses the old, outdated script
>very easy game, bosses hyped up to be very powerful story-wise are absolutely laughable, many bosses have some sort of strategy (like, don't attack with magic when it's in this state) but the stats are so low the side-effects are minimal, just ignoring them and spamming attacks and magic is more effective. Ignoring these tactics in the DS version will get your ass fried
>3/4 of the character skills are plain useless, either have no impact whatsoever or are outclassed by regular attacks or the two skills that are actually useful
>not as buggy as the old versions, but there are still quite a few bugs
>idiotic inventory space limitations, only 48 items total (counting equipment) which is a pain
>there is post-game, but it's just more attacks and magic spam fighting palette swaps of story bosses
>the only truly nifty thing is being able to change party composition in the end-game, but since their moveset is useless it gives no incentive to play around with it


>status effects are binary (ie, you either have Protect or you don't) and very effective, a minority of status ailments effect bosses too. Very easy to see who is under effect of what thanks to the bottom screen and colors changing

>status effects are wothless because they need to be stacked up (something never mentioned in-game, nor the manual, and very hard to see mentioned online too), you have to keep using Protect on the same guy to see any difference (while the older "layers" start to wear off as soon as you see it). Negative ailments are always useless and it's impossible to see who is under what.

Examples of awful skills:

Yang's Kick
>PSP - a low damage hit-everyone skill that does fixed damage of around the 40s (either that, or it scales very, VERY badly), already outdated by the time you get Yang
>DS - a high damage hit-everyone skill with lower multiplier the more enemies it hits (if there is only one target it's as strong as a regular attack), stays useful throughout the game

Yang's Focus
>PSP - a slightly stronger regular attack with a slightly stronger charge time, only useful in the GBA version because the menu are a lagging mess and using it makes you input less commands. Theorically useful for enemies with strong counters but, again, game is so easy it's not like you'll regret eating a counterattack
>DS - a self buff that can be stacked up to three times that makes the next skill do a ton more damage, whether it's a normal attack, a Kick (dem x3 Focus + Kick combos on multiple enemies) or any of the other augments you have equipped

Cecil's Darkness
>PSP - the same as Yang's Kick, only it also damages the user slightly
>DS - a self buff that makes attack two times as powerful for a while at the cost of a huge chunk of health every attack

Again, DS's version is fairly difficult, by using things such a x3 Focus + Darkness + Kick combo you're not cheesing your way through, you're playing right. And you will still probably die

>Negative ailments are always useless
This is definitely not the case in the original release of the game. Like half of the final dungeon enemies would fuck your day up ultra hard if you refused to hit them with status effects they were weak to.

So, why would anyone prefer the PSP version?

Fantastic sprites and two osts to switch between. If you just want to casually walk through IV's story and listen to catchy music then the PSP version is your choice. I play it every now and then to look at the cool monster designs.

Closer to the original.
Option to have the original soundtrack instead of the rearrangements.
When people say the DS version is hard they aren't joking.
That's pretty much it I think.

>When people say the DS version is hard they aren't joking
Does the mobile/PC version have the same difficulty?

I think so, if I remember every 3D version has the same characteristics except for stuff like meny layout.

well the post-game and character switching is still pretty cool, but it's much better to download an endgame save off GFAQs or something after you already beaten the base game on DS/PC

I was never able to beat the Dark Elf in IV DS.

That dungeon and the following dungeon where you rescue Rosa are one of the hardest part of the game in my opinion. It gets considerably easier after that, partly because you get a much better party.

i wish i could say yes because i loved it as a kid but its actually kinda bad. i still love it tho

I think it's bad and resent it more every year, but there is no reason to skip it when continuing on the course of experiencing every FF made in order (I assume this from the word 'next.'). It's my least favorite from I-VI and a horrible step down from III in particular. Most seem to really like it though, so you should be fine.

I guess we'll get it when the villains are out. (If we're lucky, since I'm thinking we'll get it even without all of them at this rate.)

Why do you hate it?

Game does hold up - to a point. The gameplay is fine at least
Story is fine
GBA or PSP, the DS version is a different game

>The game is piss easy
It's funny because it's actually the hardest game in the main series, which isn't saying very much

GBA has shitty music and one of the worst translations, and DS is hardly a "different game". It's an altered game but the core FFIV is still there.

IV was my first FF, I played the GBA version some years ago and had a good time with it, I'd say it's still worth playing, but gameplay is just your typical turn based jrpg.

I have only played the series up to FFVI, but it ended up being the most memorable one for me.

Final Fantasy is forgettable. Nothing much else to say.

Here is a dumb picture to compensate for my lack of commentary.

What a weird thing to say about series where every game is extrenmely memorable

I despise that you don't have any customization or to be precise any choice in anything, such as party members or where you go and with which classes. Your equipment and exploration and tactics are pretty much predetermined, making me feel incredibly suffocated.

The story is stupid and has ridiculous melodramatic deaths and survivals plus Golbez being brainwashed loses all previous impact of the story/Golbez himself and the moon whale in particular is the moment when I run out of patience pretty much each time. and since I really hate Cecil and Kain it's incredibly agonizing as a whole, since they are always around. (No matter how much like Rydia, Yang, Cid, Golbez and Yang's wife, they are side characters in comparison.)

The story dictated the design way too heavily. Leaving the openness of the player experience to the wayside.

There are some good things though. ATB being introduced in a game with 5 party members (which in itself is wonderfully fun) was no coincidence. It's fast and exciting. Also because you're so controlled the game is pretty well balanced on your capabilities, which is good.

idk man, I can barely remember anything about them beyond the character designs. They all just seem to blur, whether they're specifically about crystals or not. Can't remember anything about the worlds, lore, supporting characters. It's just all a fog,

I mean what the fuck happened in Final Fantasy VII after Midgar? Can't remember shit.

it's an alright game, it suffers from age (in the sense that a lot of the new and cool things it did were copied by countless games that came out afterward that refined the formula and made it better)
it was the first final fantasy to use the ATB system and the first final fantasy to have a strong story focus
it's one of my least favorite final fantasies but i don't think it's a bad game by any means
GBA version is good if you don't mind the GBA soundfont, PSP version has better music and graphics but the font they use for text is absolutely horrible
DS version introduces some neat new features (mostly the augments) but you'll want to use a walkthrough to get the most out of it and it suffers from retarded difficulty (some monsters, especially the chest trap monsters will get multiple turns of high power attacks before you can do anything and it's very easy to die on "cheap" party wipes). the 3D graphics are also hit or miss depending on taste
i'd say the definitive version of the game is the PSP version, and if you absolutely love it then try the DS version

>I don't like DS IV's 3d graphics.
Who cares what you think?

Final Fantasy's potential died with Matsuno.

>what the fuck happened in Final Fantasy VII after Midgar?
One of the most memorable and famous scenes in the entire game and perhaps the series?

when was the last time you played a final fantasy game?

The wheelchair FMV?

Final Fantasy V earlier this year.

Good call but of course I mean the slapfight on top of a cannon.
Actually meant the Nibelheim incident flashback in all seriousness, it literally happens right after you leave.

oh, normaly people tend to forget things about games the played years a ago, same for shows, but i guess it's just isn't you kind of game

I tought you mean the Aerith death scene.

I guess we've established the game's got it's share of memorable moments.

I don't remember any of these.

Its a hell of a lot better than FF7

I bet you couldn't name 3 reasons why

outside of the DS version battles run above 15 FPS
Characters have specialties unlike all being the same like in FF7
Time gage fill times on party members are wildly different rather than being all the same with subtle differences

>you prefer
Reading is hard
