Why did nobody tell me about this masterpiece?

Why did nobody tell me about this masterpiece?

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They did. It's been years since it came out.

>being wrong

wats dis about

Is there a game with better, detailed, asses?
It delivered on that 199%

If you're a retard who's been living under a rock then sure you might not have heard about it but let me tell you something seriously important there are monsters underground and one is one of the girls who fell off the cliff

Because Sup Forums just saw "PS4", "cinematic", and "your choices matter", then decided it must be shit because that's what gaf likes and Sup Forums isn't allowed to like anything gaf likes.

Its time passed, it's been discussed to death
YouTubers ruined it
Josh deserved better

Resident Evil 7 had amazing asses and a lot of moments where you got to stare at them.

It was Josh

I'm assuming you mean 6 and you are correct. The nude mods were good too.

Well when it came out it was 69,99$ in Canacuckia. I had to wait 'til it dropped to 29,99$ to buy it.

>Cheap horror movie-like game with Heavy rain "Gameplay" whose plot is even worst than the average horror movie.
>Calls it a masterpiece.

Why is this allowed?

That one motherfucking Wendigo inside the trap

Most unfair death of the whole game. You spend all your time opening doors and lockers but suddenly inside one random room there's someone that will kill you.

Also Mike is the best character.

Definitely worth a rental but not full price. I wish they'd make a The Thing version. I'd pay full price for that.

I'm not even sure I can remember that it's been so long.

What was with the VR tie in? I don't really understand why it was anything Until Dawn related

Matt's potential death bothered me.

The totem tells you that you should give him the flare gun, but if you decide to agree with Emily earlier, about going to the tower to call for help, he immediately wastes it for no reason.

>What was with the VR tie in?
I think it was just a way to cash in on recycling old assets.

>bitch in the hat kills you if you do what she asks you to do

>play at release
>at cabin playing as mike trying to get that slut naked
>guess the game doesn't let you
>find out you actually can get her in her undies
>realize I'm as bad with women in vidya as I am in real life
>fuck it I give up
>make doctors appointment and get on hormones
>finally realize my true potential

Thank you Until Dawn


It's good because it's one of those movie games that doesn't try to pretend it isn't one.
>Guy who you think is a dudebro ends up being one of the only sensible characters in the game

Because Shattered Memories did the psychological therapy sessions idea better.

Peter Stormare was a lot of fun though.

no fuckin way...

You made him an idiot and then he did something idiotic. It makes sense.

>mfw I'm Asian, 5'2", and 100 pounds

Maybe I should just go trans too

But wasn't it released last year

because there isnt a single likable intelligent character

because the game runs at 15fps, not even exaggerating

>no its just a prank bro posted
I am disappointed in you cucks desu

>because there isnt a single likable intelligent character

Mike and the hunter

>because the game runs at 15fps, not even exaggerating

24 fps like a movie actually

Just a prank bro

>lol y u no meme gud?


That's a weird way to say "worst of the series by far"

What series?

>video game fps = movie fps


How old are you son?

>Absolute no way to save Josh



Never mind I thought it's a Quantic Dreams game, no wonder it's so much worse.

>explying that Until Dawn is worse than the Sadness Trilogy
Thank you for confirming the quality of your opinion.

>Quantic Dreams "games"
>any good
Only relatively good game they've produced is Omikron. Other interactive movies they've made are worse than Until Dawn and full of retarded and pretentious garbage.

But there's no correlation at all between the two events.


>kills you because you do what she says and don't kill yourself


it's good game but it still has Heavy Rain flaws


>Thank you for confirming the quality of your opinion.
The irony is so thick it has a heartbeat

>she sees your cock

Nigga, if you fail QTE, your bitch dies.

Because we talked about it like a year ago when it came out. Where the fuck have you been?...

I'd fuck you user......I'd fuck you hard.

It was just a prank bro

Picked it up on a whim for a party. Everyone seemed to dig playing the start , but I haven't played it since.

Seems cool but goddamn the controls suck.

sausage fingers

What was with those percentages? I don't remember seeing them.

It gave me a new fetish


can you fuck this thing?

>gets someone killed because he chose to save himself instead of her earlier
I never really understood this. I couldn't really blame the guy. They were just friends

>b grade horror movie

>Its okay to shoot me, chris
>shoots her
>doesnt open door and gets you killed because of that


game was praised again and again on here mate. don't know what else to say.

First time I played this the only person who survived was the black dude. How badly did I screw up?


I only had 2 survive. I forgot who they were though. I think the sister and the jock.

only ones who I felt bad for were jessica and chris. ashley made me mad as fuck when she betrayed chris.