What do you prefer?

What do you prefer?
>More levels, like objectives
>Less levels, more objectives

More levels, more objectives.

SM64 did it, why couldn't Sunshine?

people give up midway, complain, and R&D and sales reflect that this isn't actually commercially a good thing.

64's levels were smaller and less detailed. Same goes for the overworld.

Sunshine is only a few hours shorter. Both are under 10. If that's asking too much, how was OOT such a success?

Less levels more objectives is fucking awesome if the levels are big, interesting and fun to play.

more levels, less objectives

fucking loved sunshine though

I think Nintendo does a much better job with linear Mario than nonlinear Mario

Navi did a decent job getting you up to the water temple.

Rico Harbor is an example of a very platform-heavy, non-linear Mario level. If they made an entire game like that, I think it would bridge the gap between the older 3d games and Galaxy.

member Bianco hills from Sunshine? we member
Remember stage 2-5 from Mario 3D World?heck no
Not a single great Mario game since Galaxy 2 so sad

I would argue that levels like that are only nonlinear if you don't know where you're going or what the goal is
This is just my opinion, but once I have explored a level I don't feel the need to explore it a second time- I just want to complete missions quickly and efficiently. So the game ends up feeling linear once again in repeat playthroughs
But I'm also an odd duck. Super Mario 3D World is far and away my favorite 3D Mario

I prefer good gameplay

Less Mario more Zelda

>Remember stage 2-5 from Mario 3D World?heck no
Not by the number, let me look it up...
>Double Cherry Pass
Fuck YES I remember that level! It's amazing

i prefer the mario 64 fomrula

>2-5 Double Cherry Pass
Fuck I was trying to be edgy and I said a random number... but that level was truly great almost feel bad they didnt give much more use to the cherry power up only stupid cat Mario

Less levels, more objectives.

The biggest problem with Galaxy 1 and 2 is how linear they are, and how there's zero sense of exploration and "hunting" within the levels. There's also not a whole lot of verticality apart from jumping between planetoids or whatever. Levels need more open area and reasons to search all the nooks and crannies.

I get that Galaxy's gimmick is the gravity stuff, which made the levels have to become more linear like 3D Land/World, but I would really like a return to the Sunshine/64 formula with big, open levels and multiple objectives in different sections.

whose ready?>

I get your point though, there is a difference between a living breathing world that Sunshine (and to a lesser extent 6 and Galaxy) achieved and the video-gamey abstract levels of 3D Land/World. I'm not a fan of the reduced moveset in the new games, and I'll concede they are maybe TOO polished, but as someone who just likes to improve repeated playthroughs, I'm not interested in living breathing worlds. I'd rather have a more arcadey feel in my Mario games.

*64 and galaxy

I just want a Super Mario Sunshine sequel structured like Jak and Daxter.
You know how you could see the different levels off in the distance? I want to be able to run around the whole island, open world style, doing objectives and getting shines.

Low expectations. What is a coincidence that the chick gave her another control and they played something else, or is this multiplayer? If it's the latter, it's probably just 3d World 2.

bianco hills-entrace is basically a water slide with a rope at the end leading to a village. In the north east area theres a tower suronded by water and a cave along the right wall towards the south.

Rico harbor-start next or on a ship. You have walk ways up top and water down below.

Duna dunes?- Beach with blue and red duck things. Theres a coral reef next to the smoothie shack and theres a path along the hills on the right side. Theres also a bunch of solar panales.

Theme park place-beach on outside park on inside

hotel delfino- Sunset everytime you go. Basically a resort area with lots of water outside the hotel. Inside male femal bathrooms and 2-3 upper levels. You can go through rooms or the vents in the celing

Giant tree place(Favorite)-Giant trees and dandelions floting in the air. Top side you have platforms and no sign of a place where people can live and at the end theres a spa. Bottom side you have mushrooms and a bottomless pit. There are platforms you can hang on to vertically to travle.

Place that had giant eel-cluster fuck with lots of water.

I want Dark Souls, but you're Mario

More levels less objectives.

Linearity is fine in mario as long as there are multiple walls and paths to the same objective.

If they do a sequel, I'd be fine with a return to Delfino Plaza as the overworld, just with different levels in different parts of the town.

You should have used galaxy 1 as an example. The only distinct area I remember is the bee area and even then I cant remember specific details.

>Not remembering Noki Bay
Nigger that's the best level in the games.

More levels, less objectives, strike balance between robust basic movement system and powerups that allow for longterm variability in movement(e.g. 2D games/3D World system of powerups)

Cluster fuck with purple water untill you clean the giant eels teeth. One or two spirl shell towers And the walls have squars you can hit that open paths In the you can traverse like a maze. There are lfts along another path. Still my least favorite area.

This was a pleasant discussion to read.