Is VR technology a proper step forward into the brave new world of vidya, or just a shitty gimmick (like 3DTV)? I want to know about your experiences and thoughts on this subject.
Is VR technology a proper step forward into the brave new world of vidya, or just a shitty gimmick (like 3DTV)...
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the world may never know
world may never know
It's been, what, 2 years since it's been available to the general public? But there's never been an attempt at serious game built for VR. Everything that's out for it is just a novelty.
Shitty gimmick.
Blatant gimmick. I think something akin to VR may actually be the future, probably some kind of goggle AR ala dennou coil.
But the current offerings? Unless they come down in price by a fucking order of magnitude, nobody will ever bother, and there will never be any reason to bother.
>like 3DTV
Well, if VR becomes the next step in gaming or even entertainment then we have a lot to thank 3DTVs for how far it's gotten. They're related and any mistakes or issues that 3DTV had can be rooted out in VR, be it processing two different cameras, what's comfortable in that type of vision, and the importance of alignment.
It's a shitty gimmick and it's not the first time they tried it. We had the Virtual Boy years ago. The technology improved but it's still a shitty gimmick because the technology is not the problem, it's the idea that's shit. Just like 3D isn't actually new, they had 3D movies in the 50s, the technology is better but the idea is still retarded.
The dream died before it was born thanks to Facebook buying the Oculus. At least the Japs are slowly making some attempts at working VR concepts.
The current headsets are a great first step to the VR experience that everyone wants and dreams of. The roadblock now, is input. Until we get something better than controllers, it'll be a gimmick with shallow games.
based slavs seem to be onto something with it
but I wouldn't hold my breath
It's not dead, but it's still early. If NVIDIA are right sales are high enough to justify continued VR development, with PSVR being a major platform. I think once we have fairly generic engine support (which is more or less there, and will be pushed as a near mandatory feature on PS4 releases) we'll start to make some sensible progress.
The touch controllers will be a step forward towards immersive and interactive VR, but we're almost there within the scope of full FOV 3D gaming.
dat snaggletooth.. MOAR
The latter, of course, being sufficient for cockpit experiences.
3DTVs ain't gimmicks tho
Yeah nah
the only 3dtv ready film in existence was avatar
post that webm where a guy helps his friend with some vr porn game
for the laughs haha
I'm using PS3's joystick and camera on my PC, the same way we will use the Rift without Facebook's software
Who gives a shit about 3D movies, I'm playing games in 3D, and can also use 120Hz mode
I get so butthurt at people that spread this gimmick meme all over new tech
Remember AR, remember that huge fuss over Google Glass? Remember that 3D boom with TVs and shit? Current VR has nothing to sustain interests until the good shit is developed
Oh! I know that miku model. She swallowed me alive once.
I was all hyped up to buy one, then I tried ps vr at a demo, and it was basically the same as the DK2 I have. Not sure how much better the Vive is, but I want to hold off until I can at least emulate the experience of looking at a 1080p 22" monitor on one.
That said I'm confident vr is not going anywhere and everyone will have a hmd by the time the next elder scrolls is released and geared towards vr.
Post the link to that full video.
user is going to have a fun night by himself
Is anything wrong with that?
If I get the link I will.
>by himself
Haven't fapped in 2d since.
Append miku is best miku
good for porn and first person games. that's it
and any driving, fliying or spaceship game
I will never not find this funny