>Overwatch has started an update.
>Overwatch has started an update.
It happened an hour ago.
Another female character yaaaaay
Anyone else wanna bully Sombra for making us wait so long?
sometimes when i play overwatch with my friends, i get really self-conscious about how much my ass is getting kicked in a match and get remporarily depressed. i by no means take the game seriously, and take pride in showing good sportsmanship both when winning and losing, never leave a game without sending "gg" because that would make me feel like shit.
why is this happening to me Sup Forums? why do i get so sad when i play overwatch? i don't even blame it on my friends, and i apologize to them for being trash and tell them that they don't have to play with me if they don't want to
help me
you are such a pussy beta faggot is this a copy pasta i haven't read yet please someone call me a new fag for not recognizing it
it's not a pasta, i'm just a crybaby that gets depressed over losing in a video game
but i don't blame anyone but myself, and i never insult anyone i'm playing with or against
If I don't get a call in the next half hour I have no work today
Wish me luck lads
Youre cute user
I broke my headset in two when I lost a shit ton of comps in a row
Don't feel bad
good luck
i've never broken anything, it just kills my mentality
dont take it so seriously man. Let me guess do you play on pc?
Why is blizz obsessed with brown waifus?
Like I get it, one if good, two is fine, but they're going overboard this time.
We don't even have a redhead and most of the female cast is brown/black or purple.
Complete shit taste.
>Getting butthurt over this
Wow who cares
butthurt? are you 12 or something?
I just want my dick to have more options, choco butts are alright, but this isn't an african game.
She's mexican you tard.
Pale redhead without freckles next please
yay indeed
I wouldn't mind if every character from here on out was female
more fap for me
>3 black female characters
>fucking SJW agenda fuck this game
Take a break from Sup Forums
Compare it to something like dead or alive, they have a wide array of ethnic beauties, without filling the roster with shitskins.
>Sombra can hack Reinhardt's shield
>a character with no ranged effectiveness aside from Fire Strike, whose only worth is soaking up hits
>be trans
>never played Overwatch or paid attention to threads here
>just heard about healslutting
>just downloaded Overwatch
Ok boys, how do I be a heal slut?
>two Egyptians
It is diverse in ethnicity, can't help if all of those have darker skin.
>pick mercy
>left click
People still play this game?
>Sup Forums then
delicious brown
>Sup Forums now
>Sup Forums then
>Sup Forums from its inception until now
im okay with this because im a fucking cuck
>Sup Forums now
oh wait you're already on your cancer containment board
yeah, because that's exactly what he said
Rolling for justice
for a friend
Are you arguing with a neet from Sup Forums?
If you would go eat shit it would be more worth of your time then to talk to a Sup Forumstard
>Have to win 1v1 to get lootboxes
>I'm fucking terrible and can't win 1v1
this has nothing to do with Sup Forums, if the game keeps getting more colored characters, transexuals and deviants, next thing we'll get is a preggers handicapped senile transwoman and this will be full blown /d/ territory.
We need an actual Japanese moe girl character next, D.VA is Korean so doesn't really count
you get lootboxes each level
>samefag got banned
thread's pretty much dead, why not
the answer should be clear to see my friend.
git gud
I don't give a crap about Sombra, are Soldier 76 and D Va actually good now?
Well they are hitting up a lot of different countries and a lot of the world is brown.
Here's hoping they decide to go with a women if they get to Ireland though.
I know dva got a small buff in the form of 100 more health and faster movement while shooting. Its gotta make her more useable but I didn't play much do I can't say if thats enough or not.
D.Va was good before the patch.
D.va was ok, but got destroyed by Zarya and Mei. Now Zarya is a bit less potent but still present and Mei just doesnt get ult as fast. Overall I'd guess that she'll get a bit better but wont soar in tier lists. But im a sub 3k skill rating so take it with salt
Fuck off weeb. We already have two Jap characters.
>Hook, line and sink
Free lootbox.
>Game server connection error when trying to log into live server
>I have two agent.exe running
>agent folder is over a gigabyte for some reason
>delete it and a new one with the same size appears again
>can't restart battle.net without deleting otherwise nothing loads
thanks blizz!~
is it seriously going to take them this long each time they release a new hero
>Ultimate costs have been increased by 25% for all heroes
>Nano Boost
No longer increases move speed
>Particle Barrier
Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%
Projected Barrier
Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%
What did you do with my game, double faggots?
>Quantity instead of quality
Off yourself.
They made it objectively better?
>relying on crutch heroes like Zarya and Ana
You deserve to be angry.
Blozzard has to panhandle to babys who cant advance becusde they dont know how to deal with russian shield bitch and brown grandma sleep lady. I do agree with the mei ilt nerf as she could pump that shit out 3 times in two mins
Do your stats get tracked in No Limit/Arcade mode?
I want to feel free to shitpost as much as possible with no consequence
>they still didn't add the ability to 1v1 or 3v3 your friends on Antarctica
It's trash
Good. Zarya pre-patch was the most retard friendly tank there was. No fucking need for positional awareness with the shields.
Later pleb
The new brawl system is fucking shit. 1v1 can be alright but most 1v1 heros are fucking dumb, like Bastion, Symmerta, Hanzo. Then you have 3v3 which is a try hard central where if you don't have Roadhog or a meta setup you won't win jack. The gamemode playlist always sets you up with those shitty ''one hero/ one type of hero'' modes, instead any of the fun ones like arcade. Fuck this
Wow actual good balance patch.
As a soldier main I don't like the change.
He needed a buff, but they simply should have dramatically reduced the hit spread and left the damage alone, putting it back to where it was pre-nerf.
Soldier 76 is amazing now.
please respond
Why do you care about stats at all, do you have autism?
>enemy team picks a Sombra
>my team doesn't
easiest couple games of my life, free rank climbing, thank you Blizzard
>tiny 17.6% dmg buff
>increased bullet spread
>amazing now
>Pale redhead
Great tas-
>without freckles
apply yourself
>thinking those are bad
mercy's regen cooldown reduced from 3 to 1 second, now that's crazy
on the other I really like those pharah, d.va and torbjörn changes
he hasn't already played the new version
I think they are a sorta fun, regardless if they are balanced or not.
They should just add a silly 20v20 or timed deathmatch bullshit for arcade.
>1v1 with Symmetra, Winston, Zarya, Mei, Lucio, Pharah, Bastion
Who the fuck thought this was a good gamemode?
>he plays ow below at least diamond
Why even bother playing?
>not liking 1v1 Pharah
Next time actually play arcade mode.
everyone enjoying the huge wait times in qp now that arcade mode is the new quick play?
Winston, Bastion, Mei and Zarya are pure 1v1 Kino you fucking pleb.
>2890 rating
>friends in Diamond stopped playing ranked altogether because MUH RATINGS GON DROP MUHFUGGA
>too scared to play with randoms for the same reason
Peace faggot. I barely even use his shield. If you don't suck dick, he can completely maul the enemy team in anything below grandmaster tier.
As a player who generally plays support, fuck 1v1. It'll be fun with friends but otherwise fuck that shit,
3v3 is a salt mine in its own right if playing solo
Is that really a problem? I kinda wanna try out some characters and gains too Sombra but I don't wanna deal with 5 other Sombras too
This desu. They're both still stupid strong so there's nothing to whine about honestly.
in aus it is
>5 min wait times
>lots of sumbrahs
pick 1
>play healer
>one of those games where nobody on your team is killing anything and just standing at a chokepoint
>average overwatch player is THIS dumb
Where is my sombra sfm porn!?
>trying to fix torb
KEK. I like how they recognized Sym was broken and announced a rework and it took them a month to realize Torb was broken as well.
They should have recognized it sooner and done a "builders patch" with a reworked Sym, Torb and new 3rd builder.
I would make it a separate game mode desu
why is the average overwatch player so dumb and bad at the game?
>S1 rank 60 was top 6% of the playerbase
>rank 60's stood still while shooting and played with console sensitivity
Nigga I demolished sombra as rein, torn and mccree. She is no threat if the player sucks ass. Get fucking gud.
>have to win a 1v1 for a loot box
>lose 5 straight games
>want to break eveyrthing in my house
stop getting mad at quickplay. that's the only reason nobody would 1-2 sombra as soon as they see she is hacking you.
that or you can just charge you know?
have you tried aiming and having the slightest semblence of situational awareness? How high is your sensitivity?
>play 1v1
>get two perfects on the guy in a row
>he rages
>try out the new 3v3
>Roadhog, Ana, some random dps
>Roadhog, Ana, some random dps
>hate overwatch
>friend convinces me 3v3 is fun
>begrudgingly play it
>have fun
>implying that comp won't get rekt by pharmercy now that pharrah never has to land
roadhog can take out most of the cast in just 1 shot if they're close or at the cost of a 6sec CD and -minimal- skill.
ana has highest HPS
personally i think S76 should always get the dps slot since there are no medkits around his biotic field is invaluable even with an ana also his ult works a lot better on that map than mccrees since there are too many corners and he does got long ranged damage. mei is okay but what if there is a pharah fucking around?
>its a "someone picks Sombra in 3v3 even though shes fucking worthless since no health packs" episode