Killed Sega

>killed Sega
>raped Nintendo
>murdered Microsoft

The PS2 straight up destroyed the competition and is easily the greatest console of all time. I fucking dare you to find a better console

Other urls found in this thread:

Backward compatible PS3.


>Easily emulatable even during its gen.
>Too many jap games / PC gaming was still alive.
>PS3 had a more diverse library, most PC devs migrated to the consoles.
>PS3 had the best tech of its gen.
>Ps3 is the most secure console ever.
>To this day PS3 emulators can't into playable AAA.

>I fucking dare you to find a better console

>worst multiplats, always the shittiest framerate, shittiest graphics and longest load times.
>shit controller compared to xbox and gamecube, had to buy a multitap to play 4 players.
>the exclusives are either outdated or were always shit, seriously name one.
>shovelware up the ass

GodHand is better than anything else on any system at the ime

Now take your (You) and leave

>library is mostly weeb shovelware (it was basically the Wii of 6th gen)
>DVD player attracted normies to gaming
>lots's of casual Western titles, set the stage for 7th gen i.e. the end of video games
>terrible controller
>long load times
Sony have literally never made a good console. It's bizarre Sony is circlejerked so often on /vr/.
>PC and Saturn ports: The Console - No Straight Lines Edition
>Basically an even worse PS2, architecture made multiplats run like trash, no games until later in it's launch cycle. Relaunch probably cost Sony a lot of money.
>Shittier version of the PS3, would have been trashed if the Xbone hasn't shot itself in the head. Pretty much every site was openly mocking the PS4 up to launch for giving people no reason to upgrade, hardware was more locked down and the console was inferior to the PS3 in every way except graphics.

It was a glorified DVD player to many people and they marketed it heavily in 3rd world countries, FIFA was made for the PS2 in south american until 2013 TWENTY FUCKING THIRTEEN

how did Sony make it so small? It's wizardry

DC > GC > Xbox > PS2

gaming would have been so much better today if the dreamcast and gamecube were more successful

>It's bizarre Sony is circlejerked so often on /vr/.
That reminds me of that screenshot of one of the mods saying that 6th gen was not allowed on /vr/ because of moot specifically mentioning sony fanboys.

>how did Sony make it so small? It's wizardry
And it only uses only 15 W while playing PS2 games. It's basically a Nintendo Switch.

>Easily emulatable even during its gen.
Maybe during the end, kinda, sorta emulatable, but still pretty fucking far from "easily". To this day a shitload of games has issues.

Still playing on my Dreamcast while my PS4 is waiting for ONE game to be released on december
What a great console

The success of the PS2 is due to it not only being able to play regular DVDs, but it also being cheaper than a lot of dedicated DVD players. A family would buy one to watch movies, maybe consider getting a game. Bam, you've just sold a console and potentially gotten someone interested in gaming.

The success of the PS2 is based on the success of the PSX.


Little did I know how valuable that $600 60gb PLAYSTATION 3 was

and both of them owe it all to easy piracy

What a terrible opinion you have there but you're entitled to it regardless

Those are doomed tho. Its litirally a PS2
Inside there with it and the thermal paste is shit. They will all die. Muh PS2 and PS3 slim combo going strong tho boi.

>Exclusives were shit

Heard you talking shit about muh yakuza.


Viper Kart when?

> Saturn ports

I mean... How can you not be sure saturn did not have playstation ports? Don't remember RE2 & RE3 on the saturn friend.

Im open to other consoles bruh, but none of your angry points matter as much as the fact we all bought PS1 & PS2 by the fucking ahit loads. This is undeniable and the source of much 20+ years of salt.

Atill playing on my PS2 while waiting for SEGA to do something cool.

which they are. Porting muh Yakuza 0 exclusivly to the PS4. mfw.

>Don't remember RE2 & RE3 on the saturn friend.

why the FUCK would they put it on the saturn when the dreamcast was out by the time RE2 was out? dumb nigger

>killing, raping, murdering
I find your values questionable OP.

Yeah, the only game in december my PS4 is waiting for is Yakuza 6.
Hopefully they will also do a collection of older PS3 titles upgraded to 1080p 60fps so I can relieve them again on PS4.

The PS2 was your first console if you think it was the greatest console of all time

what do you think is the greatest console of all time?

Not OP, but the PS2 was my 5th console and I still think it's the GOAT.

The PS1 was your first console if you think that The PS2 was not the greatest console of all time

No HDD and limited softmod capabilities.

I'd rather not waste my time with story bullshit, OP.

Make Console Great Again

>januari 1998
>november 1998

>dumb nigger

oy vey the irony

>durr hurrr

You mean 2 whole years later?

NES produced more classics.

how the fuck is that two years?

>>PS3 had a more diverse library

This is objectively false.

Nice gaimus.

Don't forget to pick up the cheap goodies too like dmc,R&C and jak


>Prove an opinion wrong.

Why do fucking Sup Forumsirgins need to justify their tastes like it actually matters at all? Especially among fellow Sup Forumsirgins?

My gens went

>megadrive + gameboy
>PS1 + gameboy colour
>PS2 + GBA
>(discovered N64 and Gamecube with fisrt teen job)

Still got muh PS2, PS3, PS4 and N64 nigs. mfw.

The Dreamcast no doubt. The DC was the "Bruce Lee" of consoles.

Back to /vr/ with that shit i say though.

Nice. I have no chance of finding one this christmas though, they all sold out!

Sorry. Make that nearly THREE years if burger.

There is no better console.

Been playing PS2 for 15 years and I'm still finding hidden gems that I didn't know existed.

Gen 6 is truly the pinnacle of gaming. PS2 with its insane library, Gamecube had a handful of incredible games, Xbox was a powerhouse, and Dreamcast had the arcade-perfect fighting games.

This user speaks the truth


fucking bland-ass pal spines

the PSOne is what "killed" sega and nintendo, not the PS2. the PS2 could have been anything and it would have been a success. people were excited about things that the PSOne introduced, like dual analog controllers and final fantasy.

3D final fantasy i should say.





>not appreciating the elegant yet bold design

Bland-ass pal spines are aesthetic as fuck

Thats fine user, but remeber you started it with your "stupid nigga" shit.


Just replace the thermal paste with a higher quality version, get the less hot power supply with the APS-231 model and get the 19 blade fan.

That or cut a hole in the bottom so the hot air vents out.

What's wrong with PAL spines?

Or don't waste time and energy and more reliably have a slim PS2 and Slim PS3 seperate? Not every PS2 game played on the ol' 60GB that well...

>a better console

>and is easily the greatest console of all time.

Thats not a console i have ever heard of user.


>Ps3 is the most secure console ever.

The only people that could possibly think PS2 is the greatest console are 12 year olds or those that grew up with fucking Kisszone or Killzone or whatever.


PS2 games aside from a few mentionables have aged like shit but PS1 platformers and puzzle games are fucking amazing.

1. genesis
2. snes
3. ps1
4. ps2
5. dreamcast

genesis and snes are changeable though

>cheap DVD Player
>Killing anything

Reminder, a large portion of people who owned PS2s owned them for DVD capability.

Well im not 12 im 26, and i have owned a PS2 without ever playing a single killzone. Dis grow up with Tekken though i guess.

So what should it be user? Im guessing if you are american it means you are gonna say a Nintendo console or the dreamcast.

>The only people that could possibly think PS2 is the greatest console are 12 year olds or those that grew up with fucking Kisszone or Killzone or whatever.
I got my first brand-new PS2 in 2013 and I still think it's the best console.

All the things it 'killed' didn't have shovelware

PS2 is automatically the worst, and you're autistic if you think otherwise.

Everybody knows what the greatest console of all time is, I don't even have to say the name.
You're 12, congratz.

A shitty console with no good games on it, wow what a fucking achievement

Meanwhile PC alone has the tiny amount of 'games' PS2 had

Yeah, but that YLOD.

>No good games


Worse than Imagine Party Babies

Lol God Hand sucks.

I like video games, especially the video games video games. I don't really hate any videojuego console because they allow me to game more video games, especially during sixth gen, where every video james console was good and had many good video plays.

Im still bot buying this new meme. I was there in 2001. My dad already had a DVD player a year or even 2 years before this.

Me and ALL my buddies were not excited to have a DVD player in our rooms. We were excited for pic related, GTA 3 and Crash bandicoot. DVD playback while we mostly still owned VHS was a bonus. If we really wanted to watch DVDs there was a perfectly good player downstairs.

This is just another salt excuse i think. I didn't know any boy or girl in my class who played games who did not buy the PS2, and buy it for vidya.

Wrong. If it was, I would actually remember what games it had

No, shitty ports from older/newer systems don't count

Except now Microsoft is giving Sony the dick.

Why did you post a shitty DVD player OP? That's not a game console.

You just made an absolute statement that strong with the tagline of calling others "autism"

oh i am laffin.

>PS2 is bad now

It's amazing how contrarian the people on this place can be

>PS2 is good now

Fucking underaged fags who weren't here when Sup Forums was new

Try collecting games for thing in (current year). Prices have risen to retarded levels. You'll end up spending more than a PS4 just for the entire Megaman series.

Do we?

Nah, these faggots aren't actually contrarian. They are just shitposting hard for (you)s.

do some research dumbass the japanese didnt give a single fuck about dvd technology until the ps2 came along. there were stores that didnt even sell video games and they were selling the ps2. just because your faggot friends and classmates didnt buy a ps2 for a dvd player doesnt mean that everyone else did

Nobody actually liked PS2, it was only 'hip' because it was the cheapest DVD player

Neo geo? SG1000?

Calling anyone new is the biggest giveaway that you're new yourself

Nintendo still made more money than Sony on the GC+GBA despite PS2 outselling both combined

Keep in mind that PS2 was all yuropoors had and Sup Forums is still heavily European right now. I had every console from the sixth gen. GameCube is the one I ended up playing on the most by far.

Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War
Ape Escape 2
Ape Escape 3
Armored Core: Nexus
Blood Will Tell
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Champions of Norrath
Champions: Return to Arms
Clock Tower 3
Dark Chronicle
Dark Cloud
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Disaster Report
Downhill Domination
Dragon Quest VIII
Eternal Ring
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Firefighter F.D.18
Forbidden Siren 2
Front Mission 4
God Hand
God of War
God of War II
Gradius V
Haunting Ground
Hot Shots Golf 3
Jak 3
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Jak II
Jak X: Combat Racing
Jet Li: Rise to Honor
Katamari Damacy
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
Kya: Dark Lineage
Maximo vs. Army of Zin
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Mister Mosquito
Monster Rancher 4
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
PaRappa the Rapper 2
Radiata Stories
Ratchet & Clank
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Ratchet: Deadlocked
Rise of the Kasai
Robot Alchemic Drive
Rule of Rose
Shadow Hearts
Shadow of Rome
Shadow of the Colossus
The Mark of Kri
Time Crisis 3
Time Crisis II
Twisted Metal: Black
War of the Monsters
Way of the Samurai
We Love Katamari
Wild Arms 3
WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It
Yakuza 2
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner

stay fuckind mad

>Sup Forums thinks the PS2 is the greatest console of all time but the Wii is an underpowered piece of shit filled with only shovelware and gimmicks
I love the irony