Is Borderlands 2 any good? I never got around to playing it?

Is Borderlands 2 any good? I never got around to playing it?


Krieg is fun, the writing is so bad and ruins all the chars from 1
weapon variety is shit

It is a constant stream of irritation in video game form.

It's k

its okay

krieg is most fun char and hes basically just brick from one if he had to kill to heal (so he can't go ham on bosses as easy), his skills scaled worse, he can't switch the element of his active with artifacts, he has anti-synergy with 2 of his allies (maya healing and gaige's robot can both mess him up) and he can throw his saw if you picked the melee guy to not melee

>Is Borderlands 2 any good? I never got around to playing it?

It's passable. You must enjoy FPS games though. Because there is not much in the way of interesting gameplay otherwise. You just point at stuff and watch bullets do some damage for hours on end.

It's an improvement in every way from 1, except the loot system is completely butchered and is hot garbage

So if finding new guns/collecting legandaries is what was fun for you, you probably won't like it. If the general co-op and missions/gameplay style is what you liked, you'll probably enjoy it as much/even more then 1

It's very fun and addictive. However the script and the memes are not good.

no, because the gameplay ruined it. play 1 instead.

i didnt like it compared to the first one

The mechanics are as fun/more fun than the first, but the writing and "jokes" are incredibly grating. And since there are "jokes" constantly, like at start, middle and end of every single mission, it a very annoying game to play.

The first one is better. Gameplay is almost identical between 1 and 2, but the atmosphere and tone of the game went from lonesome, edgy without being groan worthy, to being an unbearable almost self parody.

Yes, but get your fill in the first playthrough, slag requirement to do ANY damage in NG+ and on is unbearable.

It's more playable than the first; skill trees are better, and then there's just stuff like better FOV, an actual minimap, and running that doesn't break when you turn. Loot system is ass though

>slag requirement to do ANY damage in NG+ and on is unbearable

>not playing Gunzerker

It's an okay way to kill time with friends, the story/writing grates as you play though.

I got the Handsome Collection for $13 a few months ago, I'm happy with what I got.

>Gameplay is almost identical between 1 and 2

Nope, the gameplay in the first borderlands is slow as fuck compared to 2. Also, 2 had a better sidequest diversity.

maybe I was just tragically unlucky, but the weapon sway on most guns I found was just too stupid to ever finish the game. Just like first game, they were really fucking innacurate half the time, but paired with insane weapon sway I could not finish the game, just because of the aiming


It's are for games with good gameplay to put me off by their writing, but Borderlands 2 really is a meme game. Tiny Tina is possibly the most annoying character I've ever heard in a game.

I got the Dahl Efficiency skin when I started a new game which I really liked and then it instantly disappeared when I started the game which infuriated me more than it should have, also 90% of the guns are complete shit, I mean the loot is objectively awful, the main reason to play the game isn't there, it calls itself gun porn yet most of the guns couldn't even get my cock to a semi if they sucked me off, other than that it's quite fun I guess.

Maybe it does. I'll admit that I think I only played the first 5th of the game before dropping it because it started to give the same feeling that I get when my wife forces me to watch awful sitcoms. That feeling of "Ok, I really can't stand how stupid this is." It's a shame, I really liked the first one.

The writing is half and half for me, it sometimes really makes me laugh, and then sometimes it makes me cringe or even annoys the fuck out of me. I want to stab Tiny Tina to death.

I played Salvador a bit, but sometimes my OCD makes it hard to deal with not having two of the exact same weapon when dual wielding. Personal issue, but it drives me up the wall.

from a standpoint of game mechanics:
leveling to the current levelcap with all DLCs can feel a bit grindy. It's generally fun if you like these sort of shooter/RPG fusion games.
Reaching endgame, it gets to a point of having to min/max rather hard and/or find top gear to clear the bosses. Generally the "difficulty" is represented by enemies getting spongy as fuck and you dying almost instantly.

from a standpoint of writing/story:
the story is very meh and most of the humor is pun-based or of the lolsorandom variety. Not as unbearable as Sup Forums makes it out to be expect for tina but it's not exactly entertaining either, especially when you hear the same lime again on your 5th playthrough.

As one might expect, the games is best enjoyed with at least one other person in coop. Fun Characters imo are maya and salvadore. zero is best for endgame content with salvadore behind him. mechromancer is next to useless.

Not on your own, if you can't play it with at least one other person it's a chore. Also do not do every mission because the game will become piss easy and you'll get sidequest exhaustion

Don't bother with the DLC campaigns but get the characters, they're pretty fun even though Mechromancer is broken as fuck

BL1 is also better if you haven't played it yet

The most basic Tediore shotgun in 1 is more fun to shoot than any of the shotguns in 2 + Pre-Sequel

>world's deadliest 13 year old
>acts like a 6 year old
Have they just never talked to a kid? Do they not remember being 13?

How much do you like farming?

>play Zer0 sniper
>shoot at a wall for 20 minutes
>2-shot the spongiest boss in the game

Does anyone know of any other min-maxing/farming type games? Any genre is fine.

>farming for sandhawks
>trying to get different elements
>just have corrosive left
>mfw I sat down and alt-tabbed out for THREE (3) HOURS and one still didn't show up
>finally one showed up
>had the worst possible parts combination
I was so fucking pissed that I installed a save editor on the spot.

Pretty good. The dlcs are god-tier.

Good: Improved Grenades, more fast travel to the middle of nowhere, less brown etc.

Meh: Story for whatever reason you would care is forgettable, shared bank slots (4 wow!), new element (slag) debuff. Lots of quests i guess.

Bad: Loot outside of a few items you find is uninspiring and interchangeable. Gimmick loot companies effect item behavior and stat layout. 2nd playthrough and beyond monster HP skyrockets and they will tear through "shields" like butter, very annoying. 39 (FUCKING 39!?) MAXIMUM inventory slots upgraded, even tho the game has more "items" by a mile than BL 1.

Leveling feels slow as hell and most items won't keep up with your levels without farming or abusing level scaling quests. etc.(

Can you do local co-op on the PC version?

Oh God the parts. The fucking parts, they have such a profound impact on your weapons yet you're always getting the worst ones, and they're usually Bandit, every fucking time, it really triggers my autism, they're so, SO fucking ugly, and they're statistically shit, complete and utter shit, the only benefit is an increase in magazine capacity, which is a terrible compensation for the lack of accuracy and recoil control. And why the fuck would any manufacturer, these trillion dollar corporations, put these ramshackle piece of shit gun parts made by inbred mutant retards on ANY of their guns? Especially the blue, purple and legendary-tier weapons? And, at least for me anyway, most of the fucking guns I find have the shittiest parts possible. It is by far the worst thing about this game for me.

HP and damage scaling is fucked for 2 on ng++ and so on, made the game an absolute slog to solo where I easily got 5 or so playthroughs out of the first game

In my rage I forgot to say this, why can't you modify weapons? You get, say, a level 30 Legendary, but it has the wrong parts, or element, why isn't there an ability to change them to what you want instead of having to grind for it over and over, I don't know how it could work exactly, maybe pay for it with money, or scavenged parts from other guns. And as for quest rewards it should allow you to choose what kind of gun you want, instead of the current system where you get something utterly fucking useless 95% of the time. Oh and more weapon variety. Hyperion, Tediore and Maliwan assault rifles, Maliwan shotguns, Hyperion and Dahl rocket launchers.

The game needs to give players mitigation options that enemies get in droves in ng+ and also needs to make crouching do something unique

not per se, but there's guides on how to run 2 instances of the game separately through sandbox, resulting in a de facto splitscreen

>hit 61
>farm for good guns
>level cap raised again to 72

I quit

Its fucking shit. The gameplay and writing is trash

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the cuck king yet.

>tfw you're not Anthony Burch

Levels 1-50 are actually really good, but you can start to feel worn out near the end when you meet your first Rabid and Pestilent Stalker in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve.
It's when you start UVHM is where it goes maximum awful design.

I have 600 hours in this game and I don't know why.

I don't understand the appeal of those levels. I'd rather just make another character and do a new playthrough. And the numbers, when the guns start doing hundreds of thousands of points of damage and you have millions of health and shield points, Jesus Christ it's like a parody of itself.