Other urls found in this thread:
>I am accusing you of cheating
>I'll look at the evidence after I publicly accuse you
This is why I'm glad I don't take part in the speedrunning community. That's a bullshit move to make.
>Calling someone out for cheating is bullshit
"Tasmalleo" is an absolute cunt. He thought he was in control of the whole situation. Prick.
Reminder that GDQ went to shit when they banned Chibi.
It harms his image to call him a cheat without even having done the analysis to determine if he is or not.
Jesus christ does anyone on Sup Forums know how to read?
t. Spergrunner
Calling them out for cheating before checking to see if they cheated is bullshit.
The way in which he did it was bullshit. He acted as if he was 100% right and his word was gospel. Fuck Tasmelleo.
I've seen this pic a million times, can someone please explain it. I get that he either cheated and got caught or was accused of cheating. What else is going on? Why is this posted so much?
Go to bed chibi
The guy who accused him turned out to be right in the end though, right?
Even if he turned out to be right in the end he should've waited until he looked over the evidence to make the accusation.
fuck off keemstar
It's twitch chat you fucking imbecile. If the guy's not cheating, no one would take the dude in chat serious.
It's just funny to laugh at Chibi. I assume you're familiar with the Tomba 2 speedrun incident?
>Be cheating
>Get called out in a formal and non-aggressive way.
>Information is reviewed by the community afterwards and they mutually agree upon a fitting disciplinary action
>This is somehow bullshit instead of precisely the way such things should be handled
Yeah I know it, I watched it live. I guess I just expected more from the pic since it's been posted so much.
Do he was right and you're mad because he wasn't a "nice guy" about it
If he wasn't cheating no one would have cared and Tasmalleo would have looked like an asshole.
The only speedrunning community that isn't a complete joke is the elite
Just your standard Sup Forums e-celeb shitposting then i guess. Wish I'd seen it live tho...
But he was right.
He was jealous that Chibi managed to pull off his own trick in 1 try.
Post the video with him cussing at his mom
He's r9k's guy
Or the guy did TAS and is enough of a autist to know how every trick in the game looks frame by frame.
Oh great maybe this is the thread to ask. I just bought a dark moon energy collar but I'm not feeling the power flowing just yet. Am I not autistic enough?
>He acted as if he was 100% right
He was 100% right.
>and his word was gospel.
He invented the skip.
1. Jumped higher than normal
2. Mario didn't make a sound on the jump
3. Didn't jump on the right frame in the first place
4. Didn't react to a jump that's supposed to be TAS only
5. Posted on Twitter he was doing WR attempts despite being nowhere near in the past
5. Even with that TAS only jump, he still didn't break the WR
yes he cheated and got caught.
"Professional" speedrunners and tourneyfags are the worst thing that ever happened to the game industry.
She should have unplugged
Ungrateful little faggot, lives for free, she cleans his fucking room, cooks his food and he talks back like this. I don't care if he's 25, her house her rules. He doesn't like it he can move out
Doesn't matter, if you suspect someone of committing a crime, you can't punish them before it's proven that they committed it
It's obvious that tassmeleo was trying to be antagonistic, if he truly only cared about the cheating he would bring it up later after he found evidence, or bring it up for review
But he was right
I think it's "stop liking what I don't like" fags, friendo.
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet, OP.
>Doesn't matter, if you suspect someone of committing a crime, you can't punish them before it's proven that they committed it
And indeed he didn't punish him. If he had been incorrect in his accusation it is tassmalleo who would have eaten crow and been the subject of mockery. If anything he put his own reputation on the line to inform Chibi of his intentions.
But they all already hate each other. It's nothing more than a bunch of hatespewing neckbeards that jerk off over the idea of a 2 millisecond faster shortcut in Paper Mario. It's no community, just digital dick waving.
He didn't say "You are hacking," he said "I am accusing you of hacking," and followed up by stating that he was going to analyze the footage and come to a sure conclusion later. Doesn't sound like an asshole to me, sounds like a cold, calculated autist who is bothered that someone would dare cheat but is taking it slowly.
>I have never watched a stryder7x or tasmalleo video
>Taking a loan to support a Kickstarter
Why do we keep having this thread?
Because we like that jump, Silly goose
better this thread than them starting the one where the chick decided to say fuck you to her husband and had a train ran on her several days in a row
Because cheaters deserve to be called out for cheating.
This is actually so depressing. That poor mother.
As ridiculous as that person is, even I didn't wanna see someone financially screw them self over that hard. I'm about 10% glad he didn't actually go through with it. The other 90% I admit would have laughed if he did.
that dude in chat is the guy who found the jump skip originally
Did he ever get some of that sweet Kazooie puss?
>playing Yooka Laylee
>talk to random NPC
>"Dude I love bagels!"
>all these triggered autists who are upset that their feelings got hurt
It is much nicer and orderly to tell someone upfront about your accusation, and how you will later examine the evidence to make a confirmed opinion.
He's formally opening up the case to formally judge it appropriately.
He's being brutally honest, if a bit cold; later when he finds out he was right he acts ruder, for good reason too.
how did he cheat?
Link to Kingdom Hearts vid?
i heard that guy started streaming (solo, obviously) again relatively recently
he used some sort of cheat engine to hover iirc
It's hard to think about how much of an empty husk of a human Chibi must be.
I mean, the guy's a shit-head and one of the biggest autists on the net, wrestling with CWC, but god damn, I honestly pity him a little.
Dude has to live with the guilt of knowing that he caused his brother's death, and that his parents will always hate him for it.
citation needed
Long story short, young Chibi was still retarded and walked out in front of a car, and his brother literally did that shit in the movies where he jumps out and pushes him out of the way of the car. Chibi is saved, brother gets hit by the car and dies saving him. It's pretty safe to assume that half of the reason Chibi is so fucking weird is because of that event, and the fact that his shit-stain mother won't stop holding a grudge either. She constantly gives him shit for no reason, treats him like a child, and even has a photo album labeled "My Son", but the only pictures in it are of Chibi's brother. No joke.
So in all honesty, half of the way Chibi is can probably be blamed on his parents, but he's still an autist for not trying to better himself at all.
>Chibi is here trying to write his own sad back story for sympathy points.
Nah, the dude's a faggo, because he can't put stuff behind him and try to better himself.
I hope you guys take speedrunning serious because see what happened to Cosmo and stuff
A speedrunner becoming a transexual is somehow indicative of how speedrunning is?
Come on bro. Narcissa is stupid, but that does not mean any thing about the sport of Speedrunning.
I'm not, what's the Tomba 2 speedrun incident?
the only thing I took away from this rant is he doesn't understand why people have hobbies
Have you ever went so fast that you transcended the gender barrier?
>chibi isn't a retard, guys, I swear
Just because someone is better than you at a game doesn't mean you have to bitch and moan about it.
Chibi livened up a boring run with funny commentary and asiago cheese bagels (yummy) but everyone got mad at him.
That is actually pretty fucked up and his parents probably contributed to him being fucked up 100%. I honestly feel a little sorry for him now.
>funny commentary
Reddit please go.
Maybe he shouldn't have been playing all hours of the night
I'd be pretty ungrateful having an annoying bitch like that for a mother too. Also where does this gratitude meme come from.
>You should be grateful that you have these things that the law demands I provide you else social services get involved!
kys senpai
>wrestling with CWC
>goose being mad that he will never get back into the top 10 points holders
Really though that's just the nature of goldeneye, it can get fucking infuriating because it relies on such optimization and perfection. In fairness though, the elite overall is the best community in the speed running scene
>24 years old
>law demands your parents look after you
Again, her house her rules, if he doesn't like it he can move out
It ain't even Goose fault that he gets bad RNG.
Suddenly I'm happy that he's banned from GDQ events.
I miss fun retarded speedrunners, but hey maybe we can see some fun speedruns happen at AGDQ this year.
God damn, I always liked Chibi, even after the cringefest that was SGDQ 2014. He always seemed like the kind of guy to get a beer and laugh at shit with. Cheating was a dick move though. It's a shame.
But everything is banned from GDQ.
Everytime I feel down and depressed
I remind myself I'm not a speedrunner. I'm not fat, bad looking, living with mom, playing 12h a day trying to beat a video game very fast.
When you think about it. You have to be mentally challenged to do this kind of shit.
Think of these guy's family.
"Hey, what is your son doing nowadays? Still no job to be found?"
"W-well, no, he's still doing his game stuff and seems not to care about anything else, I don't know what to do"
I just think it's fucking sad.
He probably forgot to vote. No sympathy
He invented the trick, he can be as much of an asshole about it as he wants.
>Not bad looking.
Keep telling yourself that, uggo.
>calling it RNG
Fuck off you robotic, autistic, INTJ faggot, this board is for story tellers
And he could easily do it if he actually got fucking gud at dam, stepped up his shit on some of the other levels where he could easily get near wr if not twr with practice like facility and egypt
Overall though seems like a pretty cool dude. Can be kind of dramatic at times but like the rest of the elite actually seems committed to the community, has a passion for the game, and is actually socially aware enough not sperg out all the time at places like gdq. Honestly I can't think of a single eliter who is even nearly as autistic as chibi and no cosmo doesn't count
Meant to compare myself to some of the ugly autismo motherfuckers we see streaming and playing at GDQ.
Guess he forgot to equip his fast pants that day
>A speedrunner becoming a transexual is somehow indicative of how speedrunning is?
He was a straight male while speedrunning. A male with a girlfriend. Everyone knew him as Cosmo the speedrunning god. All of a sudden John Numbers appeared and something triggered him after his loss to him. He rejected everyone and just changed. So yes speedrunning can destroy a person entirely. Especially when you are used to the spotlight of being the number one.
>that does not mean any thing about the sport of Speedrunning.
Its the purest form of degeneracy that there is. You do it to achieve something like world records or to beat your time. People react differently on this matter but some are so obsessed with it that they have an entire mental breakdown and end up as a transexual.
I just feel bad for Cosmo. He was really a good person. And don't tell me it was his decision to be a tranny. It all comes from speedrunning and its bad negative effects and false promises.
>All of a sudden John Numbers appeared
This meme needs to end. Cosmo didn't get destroyed in that event, he was fucking sucking at it. Whatever happened, happened before that.
>asiago cheese bagels (yummy)
i believe you
anyone got a yt vid of this?
I agree but the woman should have kicked him out by then don't you think?
Never forget
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
He accused him of cheating and after investigation, confirmed it.
There is nothing bullshit about that.
That's how (most) law enforcements work