Why is it that so few games feel like they're genuinely trying to be fun these days? everything is so soulless...

why is it that so few games feel like they're genuinely trying to be fun these days? everything is so soulless. i think that's one of the reasons neptunia got so popular. it focuses on being fun for people who want cute girls doing cute things. the people working on it don't try to shoehorn stupid stealth missions, qtes or dumb shit in general

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It's funny because I quit the game because it felt so soulless.

The gameplay that is.

The industry is run by business men who don't even like video games and only care about profit margins.

if that was the sole reason, indie games would be a lot better in general. that said, the middle budget type games were always the best in general. the right amount of love, the right amount of risk that allows for innovative gameplay and so on

I just like the parody and commentary on the industry and topics like piracy and Console v PC found in Nep games.

That's the only reason anyone likes it. The games are boring as sin.

who is this

I want to run a train on her.

do not lewd the 3d nepnep

Because most indie devs want to cash in.

E-sports is the greatest threat to the fun of fun things, games are supposed to be fun first and if the game happens to have a high skill cap it can also be competitive

Really the only one that bored me to a point of actually wanting to stop was Re;Birth 1.
Mk2/RB2 and 3 were alright, no tour de force but they were ok. Hell even the spin offs were more fun to play than RB1, even PP.

You have her to thank/curse for Neptunia.

MOST being the key, and then you have games like Shovel Knight that were legit good
Or things like that which I hope succeds
But then you have shit like Mighty Blunder

They really should spice up the gameplay a bit.

I actually like Neptunia VII (give it 6/10) but can't even imagine anyone playing every game in the series. I got sick fighting that arfoire bitch like 5 times and apparently she's a recurring villain in the series. I just felt like there were no stakes and none of the bosses were even dying.

Thought the combat was okay desu


Noire has no friends

she's p cute desu

Stop playing Western games.

This guy understands.

It's not hard at all to milk virgin weebs, dude.

I want to look at this Nep.

>i think that's one of the reasons neptunia got so popular
It's not that popular, it's very much a niche series, and while I admit the gameplay ain't perfect, yeah the series is fun and a polar opposite of mainstream gaming, where you have the same old 40-year old males with black hair fighting for revenge/loved one/fate of the world. Nep feels kinda refreshing in all of that, that and the fact that AAA franchises just keep repeating themselves while Nep does try to keep things a bit fresh with spinoffs....to varying degrees of succes

Because so few people playing them on Sup Forums actually want to have fun.

For most of us, playing a game is just a two hour warmup to shitposting.

that explains a lot actually

>Because so few people playing them on Sup Forums actually want to have fun
It really is a shame that Sup Forums is nothing but shitpost central
>thread about dark souls
>"lol PCfags will never get BB"
>thread about MGS
>thread about any game from japan
>"lol weebshit"
It's like people are here only to contradict someone elses opinion
>Oh hey, look at this [game] I'm playing, I'm having fun, how about you Sup Forums?
>It's fucking garbage, kill yourself

>if a thing is found to be fun, it must be nothing else but fun

not sure if if i'm seeing the logic there

Does Neptunia have as much fanservice as Senran Kagura. Can I dress girls up however I want.

>generic lolis is a breath of fresh air


Contrary to popular belief there's little fansorvice, there are like 2 CG's per game that are lewd but nothign else, there are a few costumes but mostly recolors of base costumes
I'll take them over generic muscular guy

>nep's setting

Got any other words you don't understand you wanna throw around?

Neptunia has more cutscenes than gameplay

>Neptunia isn't soulless

Fucking cynically designed worthless piece of trash, fuck


>ban evading

>it's one guy
last time I got banned was 3 weeks ago for avatarfagging

>a series with the absolute minimum effort put into it, every game is shit because all they have to do is pay Tsunako to make a lot of /e/ art and it will sell
>even the jokes are barely above potty humor
>90% of the assets of each game are reused
>not soulless