Are Morrowind and Oblivion any good?

Are Morrowind and Oblivion any good?
Never got around to playing them.

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If you like the lore in the series, they're both good games in their own right. Morrowind's combat is kind of unforgiving and hard to get into, and Oblivion has a pants-on-head retarded leveling and difficulty system, but they both have pretty good quests, world building, and RPG elements. Mods also fix most of the glaring problems in both games.
>inb4 joke webms of mudcrabs and warhammers

Oblivion has awful graphics and combat but the quests are 10x better and more diverse than Skyrim and the main quest is better too

Morrowind is amazing if you can get past the mechanics.
Oblivion is generally awful outside of the Shivering Isles, which was great, and few guild quests.

morrowind and oblivion are RPGs, so if you're a fan of skyrim you probably won't like them.

just remember that the further back you go the more emphasis there is on rpg and less on good combat. morrowind combat sucks if you dont know how the game works and it can be difficult for the first several hours

Oblivion is goddamn awful

Oblivion is comfy, quests are awesome.

Morrowind is possibly one of the greatest RPG's of all time. Oblivion is a pretty comfy RPG.

morrowind > skyrim >oblivion

Morrowind is the ideal RPG
Oblivion was a let down, but in retrospect is was okay.

Oblivion is technically shit but in a non-offensive way. It can be fun for a few hours.

Morrowind takes a lot of effort by comparison. The combat is underwhelming; you might enjoy it if you like the atmosphere and setting.

Oblivion is fun, just remember that it's a game from 2006 and set your expectations accordingly.

I loved Oblivion, but hate Skyrim. I've always tried to play Morrowind but every time I do I just get turned off by the random hits. I've tried just modding it out but then it's painfully obvious the game isn't balanced around every hit hitting. How do i make my hits actually connect? What stat do I care about?

They are extremely fun. Admitidly I have never played the main quest, but I love just fucking around in them.


when you get your skill up to about 65 most of your strikes will land. just be patient. if you're not patient then you're definitely playing the wrong game.

is a big franchise

You can start the game with 85 agility. Focus on that and a single weapon and by level 2 and up you should notice a good deal more accuracy.

Honestly this OP


The relevant weapon skill for the weapon you're using.

Your fatigue also plays into it, you'll miss more when it's low. And agility gives a small increase to hit chance and luck a smaller increase

Morrowind is the best of the bunch, but it's still rather bad.
Being a mage sucks since spells are too expensive to cast, whereas you can effectively have an infinite amount of enchanted items which recharge and can contain any spell you want.
Quests are flat-out shit.
Conversation is a chore since the dialogue system resembles Wikipedia, and you'll have to scroll through dozens of articles to find the right one.
Not much exploration; there's absolutely nothing of worth to be found in 99% of the caves and other locations.

You should play Gothic instead.

they are good but installing few graphical mods to fix models is good idea, especially for oblivion

morrowind is the best in the series, oblivion is one of the worst

What the other guys said plus watch your stamina levels. The lower that green bar is the higher your chance to miss or fail a spell.

Nope but I would still play Morrowind since its max comfy

someone didnt pick atronach

>Not much exploration; there's absolutely nothing of worth to be found in 99% of the caves and other locations.
you've got to be fucking kidding me
morrowind is the only game out of these three where you find stuff by exploring shit instead of smithing in skyrim and finding level scaled bandits wearing deadric shit in oblivion

graphical mods + rebalance mods + bugfix mods and they'll both be pretty good to play

Oblivion is probably the worst when you compare 2, 3, 4, and 5, but even then it's not really bad. Daggerfall is incredibly dated, Morrowind is pretty great, Skyrim is kind of shallow, and Oblivion is the middle ground between each of them

>Not much exploration; there's absolutely nothing of worth to be found in 99% of the caves and other locations.

You pushed it too far here.

i disagree with every single point

>start a new game with character using medium armor
>check tomb near vivec that i never explored yet
>two skeleton champions
>sneak by them
>suddenly im owner of orc armor at level 3
I actually sold it because i prefer bonemold armor and joining redoran for maximum comfiness but still... you will never experience shit like that in never TES games with randomized dungeons.

>complains about expensive spells
>recommends Gothic instead
Come on bruh

There's nothing in the vast majority of caves. Practically all of the daedric ruins are pointless diversions; outside of the quest shrines, most are totally barren. Every dwemer ruin is the same as the last dwemer ruin. Morrowind has some ups, but it's mostly forgettable trash.
Yes, I have. I know how to play with the Atronach, but it's so fucking dull compared to playing a warrior, and casting the same shit with a magical ring of 500 whatever.

I recommend both. Both are fun, though imo Morrowind is a little harder to get into.

Much better than Skyrim Enhanced Edition anyway: atleast you'll be experiencing new things.

Op here
My PC is a standard ass dell, probably can't run mods
So will probably get the games for console

>played oblivion like 5 years ago
>want to replay it
>remember how much of a bitch modding was
>rev up Wrye bash
>mfw it's even shittier than I remember

Why can't there be a decent modpack for Oblivion like for Morrowind?

just the first cave by the silt strider in seyda neen is a good example of what made morrowind great. it rewarded you for exploration, had hidden items scattered around and the option to free or kill slaves if you felt like it. if it was one of the newer elder scrolls it would just be a copy pasted goblin cave or a generic draugr tomb with the same spinning snake whale puzzle and dragon priest at the end.

NOT THE CONSOLES user! seriously

If you can run it on low at least you can enjoy the gameplay mods.

>free or kill slaves if you felt like it
You mean, click "set free", and carry on with defeating Dagoth Ur while the slave stays put for the rest of the game. Morrowind had no reactivity whatsoever.

I don't have much of a choice

This except 1.25x instead of 10x

not to buy a bethesda game on consoles, thats your choice

Vanilla honestly is a bad idea. I've played on both and I can say that its playable and you'll have some fun with it. The modding community for TES is one of the best. Dont miss out

I'm not sure if I can run it, and i don't want to waste 15$ if I can't.

The newest of the games is five years old. If your PC is newer than that, you should be fine.

Get morrowind for the PC. The game is fucking ancient so if you don't throw on a million visual mods you will be more than fine.

At least post your specs, so we can tell if it's really a lost cause or not.

Gameplay/rebalance mods don't really change performance, and both games will run on literal toasters. Base graphics you can live with, and morrowind at least can run better bodies/better heads to make the character models not ass. Oblivion has some character model changes that aren't too graphically intensive, either. The graphics outside of character models are tolerable, though.

I understand that logic but I can't run shit like CS:GO on 1080p without bad frame drop
And for shit like overwatch muh grafix need to be at low for decent frame rate

>give some drunk nord in vivec money for another drink
>he gives me a key while telling me a story about some dead guy
>brush it off because its probably some shitty garbage
>some time later
>find tomb
>turns out i have the key that fits the lock to some labyrinth
>walk through it while killing bonelords
>suddenly find massive cave with boat that contains skeleton with shitload of loot
>use levitate to check if theres something hidden above all of this
>find daedric helmet
that felt great

You're talking just about Morrowind and Oblivion?

If your computer is good enough to browse the web nowadays, it'll run both games fine, unless you're talking about Morrowind Overhaul, in which case you don't exactly need in order to enjoy the game.

aight gimme a second

Oblivion is hands down the best out of the three.

I don't know what it is with Bethesda and shit, clunky combat.

fuck it
to confess i'm a normie to computers in every sense. my processor and ram are "Not Available" and I have no clue how to fix this.

Don't fall the memes like "durr u cant hit anything in morrowind ::^^^)))"
As long as you use the weapons that depend on the stats you major in, you'll be fine
If you want to cheese as a melee character just major in axes and give the healing ring to Fargoth and you can buy a cheap axe from Arrille

>paying for games over five years old

Regardless, and I'm serious here, unless your PC is older than ten years ago, as in it has a "Windows XP" sticker on it from the store, it'll run Morrowind better than your Xbox can, especially since that version still has unpatched bugs.

Oblivion, that thing recommends 128 mb DirectX 8 video cards. Unless your PC is super old & running integrated graphics, or a netbook, it can run Oblivion better than your console can.

Oblivion with mods is GOAT nigga. Even if you cant mod it's worth a play.
I assume you are a kiddo so just go ahead and skip Morrowind.

it was still a neat touch and you could actually join a hidden faction if you freed enough of them

hurt my feelings

Hell, I had a 6 year old PC that had integrated graphics and it still ran Oblivion better than the 360 did. Base Oblivion and MW can run on literal toasters without much trouble, you can't install MGSO or many decent Oblivion graffix mods, but you can pretty much at least fix the character models for both games, get some bug fixes, and gameplay overhauls that majorly fix the bad parts of the game. Look on for some help with specific mods, has some good mods for oblivion/morrowind as far as I remember. Plus you can probably grab MW and Oblivion GOTY in a Steam sale for 5-10 bucks here in a few weeks.

Don't be retarded man. I played Morrowind and Oblivion and a standard ass Dell from
>2 0 0 5
and it still shit all over the Xbox for Morrowind.

Shit, was meant for

Reminds me of older Bioware games. Clunky animations everywhere, feels like you're not hitting shit. Some western RPGs have really good writing, if only they could learn a thing or two from Japan...

>being a mage sucks in morrowind
Being a mage in morrowind is the best shit ever senpai, you can become overpowered as fuck so easily.
Unless that's what you find not fun

Morrowinds MQ is the best in the series.The rest is caveat emptor.

Oblivions side quests were the best in the series.
The rest improves on MW but still has flaws.

Skyrim Is second to the other two in regards to side quests and main quest but gameplay has vastly improved over the prior two.

This is the truest answer.


You cannot have an opinion regarding that.

I'll make one if you write all the steps.

>make an imperial axe warrior
>no points in stealth and shit
>still steal a fuckload of items that improve my equipment

I love stealing in these games

For you.

Oblivion (with mods) > Morrowind > Skyrim
Best lore book.

Trying to play Morrowind. Might replay it again but the walk/'run' movement is so fucking slow.

Oblivion is great. In the guilds, you actually feel like you're working towards something, till you finally get to Grand Master. You have to do just under 20 quests before you become Master in the Fighter's Guild.

Skyrim, you do less than 10 quests and then BAM, you're head of the Companions.

Get the games on PC. If you upgrade you can still keep them in your Steam library.

why are there no Elder Scrolls novels?

There are several.

Oblivion is great desu, even the fetch quests are cleverly disguised as engaging adventures, havnt played toooo much of morrowind but it has some pretty good unique aspects like the journal and way more weapons and armour slots and i thought the ui was neat. Oblivion has a verry low render distance on ps3 though just a warning that some of the more open areas can be jarring

Skyrim was the best one. You aren't missing much.

Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind

Oblivion > Morrowind > Skyrim

Oblivion has the best quests and atmosphere. "Comfy" and just fun to do stuff in, as you don't instantly turn into a legendary hero. You work with the Blades in the background during the main quest, and it's pretty fun not being the center of the world for once. There's actual stuff to do, unlike skyrim. Shame about the level scaling though.

>loaded up my save from long ago
>character is a fighter
>medium armor is main skill
>heavy is not even in minor skills

why did I do this?

You have to be at least 18 to post here.

>least comfy
playing morrowind is not comfy at all, but the world is
Skyrim's world might be less interesting but playing it is comfy af

Also how is Skyrim's gameplay better than both Oblivion and Morrowind? It's more intuitive yes, but it's far more shallow.

There is nothing comfy about the snow unless you are indoors. In Skyrim you are mainly outdoors besides when in caves. Skyrim's cold is also harsh winter. Not the fun comfy kind at all.

Skyrim has far better combat mechanics that feel a lot more fluid than it's predecessors. Oblivion was even a vast improvement over Morrowind. All what Skyrim needed was more variety in enemies like Oblivion.

morrowind is fantastic but the main quest is a bit boring
the lore and world are godlike, as is the spell making

oblivion is super generic but the shivering isles expansion is great

Because medium is best armour


Morrowind is my all time fave. You can do so much. Great loot. Grat character building. Great spells. The roll of the dice combat makes it hard to stop so a lot of people cant get into it. And the graphics. Also you need it read, if thats a deal breaker...

Morrowind's good and the combat isn't as much of an issue as people think. Oblivion runs like trash for a 10 year old game and has some really shitty mechanics but is still pretty charming.