How good are you at drawing video game characters

How good are you at drawing video game characters

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Like jew at charity.

i'm shit at it

Really good.

hey what's up heats

my nigga

Gygas really fucked him up


What's the uncropped pic, Barney?

Is that the Sans fight from undertale?


I'm pretty much the best

>terrible at drawing but realized i'm better than tumblrtale autists

wait hold on I got this


Post your art

tfw you will never be even remotely decent at drawing because you're dumb, have no attention span and have no free time

i can only draw touhou and touhou is not allowed here.

I drew Feraligatr, my favorite pokémon

I've been doing this. Will it actually help you git gud?

Yes, but keep in mind you need to also be drawing from imagination and drawing for fun between lessons.

still eh

Oh, god. I've been pumping through Lesson 1 and I barely draw anything else. Mostly because I think of myself as too inadequate for drawing anything with barely any experience besides it.

not well enough to actually get me somewhere

Nah, don't worry about it. Just play around with stuff you learned in lesson one. Think of it like fucking around with legos; you're going through lesson one and you have the general idea of boxes and squares and shit down, so start drawing little faces on them and making shit out of them.

I suck and drawing with a mouse sucks.

Get killed degenerate

>Not recognizing Nes from Earthbound
I though Sup Forums was 18+

I'm not bad. Could still use a lot of improvement.
I just don't draw a lot of vidya characters.
visiting /ic/ didn't really help, i think i simply just need more practice

It doesn't matter, unless you're tier Andrew Dobson
>attention span
You'll learn to concentrate. It gets fun, I promise.
>have no free time

I'm okay at it.
I haven't really drawn in well past over two years or so now though.

Just go to a local library or a book store and pick a book. When you're done with it, pick another.

Just practice isn't enough.

Global Rule 15: All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/.

Please stop posting links to mlp websites, you faggot shill.

Like shit, so I stick to the drawthread
How good are you at getting someone to draw for you?

Is that you, Oolong?

Thing is, MY only problem with my art are little things that go away in time like hairy lines and weird shading.
I mean i'll probably look at some references for when i actually start doing colors. That's gonna be a fun time.

Im trying to color and clean my shit drawings more often, so many doodles.

>posting your undertale OC

if that's your art then link your gallery

Anybody else take up drawfagging because nobody would draw their shit fetish / favorite vidya character?

I did and i'm slowly getting better, feels accomplishing man. I was literally on the edge of suicide and severe depression, and drawfaggotry gave me a purpose to live

But can you fap to your own art?

breddy gud

I want to become a drawfag to both feel better about myself for having at least some competence in a field, to draw my own fetish (even though my fetish is already populated with lots of artists, I want to draw it myself) and maybe draw fanart or whatever.

It is.
Most of my content is no longer online. I've gone under 4 or so pen names during my illustration career and would normally wipe out my pixiv/da/tumblr that I would use at the time.

I feel like I can draw pretty good when I do
but I rarely ever have the motivation to draw, and I'm struggling to learn smoother colouring

It's not the reason I started drawing to begin with, because I've been scribbling shit since I was a kid, but it's the biggest reason I still draw these days
Commissioning people is expensive and I just want more pictures of my waifu


in the early days when I didn't know what I was doing, yes I could fap.

Now all i see are mistakes, misshapen eyes and limbs, and incorrect perspective

Those tits are super nicely drawn.

Excuses, excuses and excuses. Just kill yourself now, you whiny retard.

I still have trouble drawing tits

Decent, I suppose
I draw lewds mostly


Yes, except my art isn't fapworthy just yet.


I think you need a break. You're seeing things.

Thanks. Lewd was a forte of mine. I consequently became notorious for it under one of my pen names.


To be fair, quite a few people think that Spongeposting is basically just as prevalent as MLP/Barney posting would be if Rule 15 were removed



Official Vlave art donut steel


Bill Cipher?

pls no bully

does anybody actually use /ic/ or is it really just all back to beginner general

That's a nice Avatar you got there.

But I thought ness=sans?
Did Game Theory lie to me?

Is this Spyro? It looks like a good dragon.

Rate my drawing friends

100000 hours with a mouse in ms paint


I rate it Dankey out of Kang. It at least resembles him.

fuck you

It's pretty good, have more?

it also doubles as a reaction image

I'll fill out a shitty request if you want.

I drew Braixen once

Then I drew her again

>tfw you want to post your drawings but are scared of what would happen if your friends/audience/clients found out that you use Sup Forums

I was thinking of using it as a reaction image.

Just draw some random shit for us anons

There's no way your artstyle is so recognizable that anyone would know you. And even if they did who cares

Just post the damn thing
Na, I don't have anything in mind, I've spent the last month asking for draws in the multiple drawthreads, they are surprisingly effective, it's like an addiction, I've got more than other people in years for some reason


Nothing good ever comes from associating yourself with this website sadly.


this is around my second time in a draw thread. i don't normally participate and when i do its for shits and giggles, since i have absolutely no equipment or talent to spare for this sorta thing

Quick, user, draw a kirb

sauce me up bucko

I miss /lite/

Here's my kirb. Followed the steps exactly

So use a different brush or draw with your left hand or something

I need more Springtrap in my life.
Plushtrap too, it's almost like he never existed.

What do you lose anyway, if the requester thinks it's shit, he will just force a thanks and request again the next thread, but perhaps someone will be happy with it, and the drawthread can always use more drawfags


Not him, but every time I used to draw something I would get recognized right away, even on other boards.
I "retired" now, so I don't really draw anymore. You develop pretty rabid fan/hatebases that push you to keep the hobby off the web.

i want to hug the male one


imgur extension: Sup ForumsMFAEH

has a cuntboy version too in there

you're a cool dude

Thanks for the wise words, user.

You can always modify something a bit

I wanted to draw a gundam but this came out instead


Not quite a quick picture, but I needed an excuse to try using the airbrush properly

I don't get as much practice in nowadays as I did before.