Are Uncharted games worth playing?
Are Uncharted games worth playing?
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1 is a piece of shit
2 is fucking legit
3 is a rehash of 2 so it can be good or bad depending on your mood or somethin'
Didn't play 4 yet
If you are into cinematic shooter with platforming.
I beat all 3 before 4 came out and while liked 2 best, they felt like nothing special.
Go watch it on Youtube.
Originals? No.
Remasters? Yes.
Just watch them on youtube.
Uncharted 2 is pretty good. Uncharted 3 is okay. I'm talking about the PS4 collection versions.
U1 and u4 are both shit, especially u4. U4 actually would have a decent multiplayer but it's let down because it's pay 2 win, fuck that.
This perfectly sums up the games.
They're the definition of mediocre. Not bad but not good either, just middle of the road.
Over all experience.
1 is probably objectively the worst one. Worst mechanics, worst story.
2 is probably objectively the best one. Best characters, best settings, best setpeices, a bit heavy handed with the combat though.
3 starts amazing, but becomes the worst after the midway point.
4 is a jumbled mess with horrendous pacing, weak villains, a weak narrative, and way too much cinematic bullshit.
Play 2, if you like 2 the other 3 are the same kind of thing.
They're average action games that break into literal fucking pieces when you try to deviate from the linear gameplay because everything is heavily scripted.
(collection versions)
Uncharted: 5/10
Uncharted 2: 8/10
Uncharted 3: 7/10
Uncharted 4: 3/10
1 is alright just way too much combat and the game ain't great at aiming. Gut shots and melee are good. Felt the platforming was ok at least it was visible most of the time. Uncharted 2 will kill you for jumping for something that looks grab able constantly
Hmmm, the multiplayer is.
Have you played the remaster of 1? Its not amazing but its definitely better than the vanilla version because they changed the way shooting works.
>too much combat
Fucking neo Sup Forumsaginas
This guy gets it.
Why do people here hate 4 so much, actually pin point it because they are all fundamentally the same game but 4 has miles better combat than all of them and its infinately less scripted feeling, so I dont get why people hate that, especially compared to the dog shit that was 1. Dont take me for defending the game but the amount of hate the game gets at every turn just seems unwarranted.
Yes if you're into progressive cinematic experiences. No if you're a fucking nintoddler/xbro/pccuck.
>its infinately less scripted feeling,
Confirmed for never playing 4
What's wrong with scripted movies?
4 has a dogshit story, a really, REALLY bland cast, shit pacing, and the worst melee system in the series. The only thin it does best is graphics and guns. Everything else is worse.
As far as this series is concerned, I would agree with but as far as games are concerned as a whole I wouldn't give any game in this series anything higher than a 7/10.
You didn't answer his question tho
the first one was bad compared to the rest for many reasons, but it was mainly bullet sponge enemies and poor level design. I don't remember if there was anything wrong with the shooting since it has been a while, but the 2 complaints above are what I found wrong.
Literally 2 took everything bad about 1 and improved it 100 fold.
>but 4 has miles better combat than all of them and its infinately less scripted feeling
Are you retarded? Uncharted 4 has a mission where half of the objective is to walk down a corridor for 15 minutes while Cholo gangbangers mock Nate. .
Uncharted 4 is quite literally a movie.
1 easily has the best story. 2,3, and 4 all have the exact same shitty story about finding some stupid lost city.
>3> better than 1
Lol, absolutely not.
Uncharted - 6/10
Uncharted 2 - 8/10
Uncharted 3 - 4/10
Uncharted 5 - 4/10
You say that liike the other games dont do that, why is it such a detriment here when the previous games did it. Again, Im not defending the game, Im wondering why people treat 4 as a piece of garbage, its not THAT fucking bad., But the mere mention of it makes Sup Forums froth at the mouth.
Nathan does a really retarded sideways shooting thing and often gets in the way of your crosshairs in 1.
No other games do it nearly as much or as badly as the Uncharted games do. Every single Uncharted game has some stupid section where the entire goal is to just walk in a straight line for however long it needs to be, watch a cutscene or two, continue walking down the same line, then watching another cutscene. The worst part is that they can't even be skipped. They may as well just be fucking cutscenes but they aren't.
this guy has a lot of it right.
story in 4 was bad because of his brother. he just showed up out of no where and was not ever mentioned before and they even tried to explain it away in the game. he should have never been in the game ever.
I actually liked the pirate treasure adventure. that whole story is fine. his and elena on the island was a good written story. basically she tried to get him to settle down from his bad ass mass murdering psycho treasure hunter ways and so he does. he says he is happy and whatever when she asks but she knows he misses it. Then when she sees him smile and look at the treasure and history of the island she knew.
pacing was pretty bad. it is like the first half of the game is in unique places and such, but then the last half of the game drags since it is all the same place.
I don't remember anything being bad about the melee though. it seemed like it was the same in the last couple so not sure what this guy is talking about.
honestly I thought the game was good, but it was like they were taking things from last of us and merging them and added new shitty useless things.
the dialogue choice thing was pointless. last of us dialogue thing was shit as well. this is an action adventure game. give me that. I don't want to run around looking for things to talk to people about.
the only good thing they added was the grappling hook and the cliff slide shit.
>says it has "less scripted feeling"
>then says that all the other games do it
So it is less or the same? Learn how to speak english you dumb fucker.
>I don't remember anything being bad about the melee though. it seemed like it was the same in the last couple so not sure what this guy is talking about.
No brutal combos, dodging, grabs, throws, or counters. it's just press square to melee and then press triangle when grabbed. Even 1 has a better melee system than 4 which is really sad. If you think 4 is the same as the other games melee you didn't play the other games.
They're breddy fun.. Some nice modern platforming.
I wouldn't have paid full price for them tho, tbqhwyf
I felt the same way about 3 but after picking it back up after a few months when the hype was completey gone it wasn't that bad. I just think people had too high expectations for 3 because of how good 2 was and when it didn't live up to 2, 3 just seemed shittier than it was.
Watching would be more accurate. If you can get them for $10 or less each, then yeah, give em a go. But don't expect anything but a cinematic experience. Both shooting and platforming have auto aim.
Unsharted 2 is pretty good
Honestly I hate the mood in those games
Uncharted 3 looks worse than 2, has plot points that go nowhere, has a couple interesting antagonists which go absolutely no where, has a bunch of stupid mission that don't make any fucking sense, and was basically just made for set pieces.
Especially the stupid missions thing, there are certain pointless in the game where things just happen for absolutely no reason. It was dogshit.
>there are certain pointless
there are certain points in the game*
I just finished 4, I played it on hard to open up crushing. I felt disappointed that the climactic fight had checkpoints like that. I feel like I'd have preferred to just ace the whole sequence. Overall I'm highly indifferent with the overall experience. Beautiful as can be and the pirates plot was pretty fun to see play out exactly as you'd expect. I was just numb to all the ridiculous roping and climbing. Complete overkill. Puzzles were charming but exceedingly easy. Enemy mobs had an over abundance of power weapons. In the other games there was a lot more of the "improvising shootout" kind of gun battle that had it's appeals, and this time around I almost never felt that that would be a good idea, and used stealth to shave the mob in half before starting the encounter. I didn't enjoy it as much but the way the maps were laid out it didn't seem wise to do it any other way.
I remember having a lot more fun with the previous entries. There were chapters in 4 that felt like they went on absolutely forever and were tedious and joyless, and there were some fun chapters that were over in a quarter of the time.
> but it's let down because it's pay 2 win,
How is it pay2win? I thought all the unlocks you could fasttrack with microtransactions were cosmetic. And out of all the shitty loot box unlock systems in games I actually thought U4 was the best since there were no duplicates, so every crate is something new and progress to 100% completion.
Unless it's changed, I havnt played in months.
there was no dodge/counter with triangle in 4? I don't remember that at all.
3 was pretty much a carbon copy of 2. it didn't really add anything except for like the couple of hand to hand segments and the like 2 chase sequences.
but literally, they even copied some of the levels like the one where you jump from car to car in 2 is the same was where you jump was from to car to horse in 3.
even 4 had to copy it, but I guess it was better since you could drive.
>there was no dodge/counter with triangle in 4? I don't remember that at all.
No, they got rid of it.
Did they add anymore game types to U4 multiplayer? I miss elimination
I thought all of them were pretty fun, and is downright stupid for anyone to give any of them a 4/10. Just as a "movie-game" they deserve more than that cause its pretty entertaining. The combat is actually pretty fun and if you play on Crushing its not that easy (obviously not the hardest but not easy). If you aren't an autistic member of the Sup Forums community you will enjoy most (not all) of the banter and story in all 4. Doing all the trophies adds to the replayability and difficulty. Great graphics/visuals, great music, great attention to detail, great fps for console.
I think most people shit so hard on 4 compared to 2 (even though mechanically it did everything better) is that they tried to extend the amount of "playtime" of the campaign which caused them to add some filler events that made some of the missions "drag" on and feel subpar. This messed with the pacing and if they condensed the game and focused on less missions it would have probably been as good as 2. Also less SJW bullshit.
The first one is kind of shit. I only played it so I had some background which I didn't actually need.
2 was pretty fun in a big dumb action movie sort of way
3 was ok
Didn't play 4
They feel like the generic action movie you'll watch and enjoy but not think about much thereafter since it's just not special at all. That said, all of them are only about 8 hours long per game. They're solid, well made games but I wouldn't expect anything amazing.
1 is shit don't ever play it
2 is the best one because it actually caught the spirit of what it was supposed to be an Indiana Jones videogame. Also had the best multiplayer out of all the games
3 was decent
4 Bought into the cinematic meme after TLOU's success. Very little action and terrible pacing.
>tfw enjoyed 1 more than any of the other ones
It can't have just been me? Maybe it's because I started with the improved remaster. I enjoyed that it was actually fucking difficult in comparison to the other piss easy hardest difficulties. The goofy B movie tier supernatural twist was charming the first time too.
The game has some of the easiest trophies around and Crushing difficulty stopped being difficult after the first game. That said, I agree with pretty much everything else.
Nice .gif user
I didn't but i don't know if better shooting is enough to make me enjoy it
It boils down to the boring routine of shooting people, climb some shit, shoot people, climb some more and so on, those set pieces on 2 really helped keeping things somewhat fresh
What was so good about 2? I feel like I missed something.
literally was action tps done to perfection. witty dialogue. great set piece moments.
@11:20 is one of my favorite moments.
There is a lot of other parts of the game like that, but literally it is just a well done third person shooter with cool level design. take for example the train level which is highly praised.