If someone gets trips ITT I will steal a copy of Pokemon Sun or Moon from my workplace and take a picture

If someone gets trips ITT I will steal a copy of Pokemon Sun or Moon from my workplace and take a picture

I probably won't actually since there's a very slim chance of me being alone with a box long enough to nab one but this will be a fun thread anyway, I'll give it my best shot

only trips around these parts are three O's

But you can have this five instead.
Do it, fag.

Do it fgt

on the way

Check em

I forgot Sup Forums doesn't have repeating digits anymore. I guess a post ending in 18 will do as well

>on Sup Forums

Game's already been leaked, why do you think we'd jump through hoops just to see the fucking cover art?



Gonna get that 18

Games been leaked already, everyone with a hacked 3ds played it already. Not really a big deal


You fucks are the worst.

>we will never get a new season of Plastic Nee-san

do it

evolved humans dont steal, friend



I don't know what I did to wrong you user but I'm sorry anyway


As close as we can get to trips, don't be a fag OP.

Easy peasy fag

>OP gets caught and fired
>they press charges, OP has to pay a $500+ fine
>mfw imagining OP in a future job interview trying to explain how he got caught stealing a fucking Pokemon game from his employer

heres your TRIPS

check em

Post your hands, Oh pee.

>Faggot regulations delays like this
I miss X and Y when some stores would sell early if you asked them to look in the back

dont op

we trippin now

>included an image of his store's exact address in the image
>and pokemon is already leaked to begin with

OP might be able to get in trouble if his boss finds out he was even joking about it. From my experience they take shit like this very seriously in retail.

>mfw imagining OP in a future job interview trying to explain how he got caught stealing a fucking Pokemon game from his employer
>Mfw OP has to explain he got fired for trying to steal a child game to impresse peoples he never seen on a moroccan basket weaving forum

>implying he wont just say "my friend dared me", or something weak along those lines

whatever fag just check my 18

I'm not in a store, I'm at Purolator obviously. That's not the address. Also there are 65+ people working in the warehouse at any given time, I'm not worried about anyone somehow discovering I posted this

And here I was going to drive by and give some minimum wage schmuck a hard time. Oh well, I guess I can try for an 18.


I refuse to believe.

I'm sure OP is gonna deliver now

inb4 404
also check my 4

I'll try my best, I have to wait until nobody's looking. I'll post a new thread in an hour or so, or post it in here if he thread is still up

op no. this 5 says no.

your kung five may be strong, but check my karateight
