NO GIVEAWAYS because it will turn into begging
Do you have any ancient gifts in your steam inventory? Or humble leftovers? Feel free to post here, what you have and what you want!
[H] and [W]
NO GIVEAWAYS because it will turn into begging
Do you have any ancient gifts in your steam inventory? Or humble leftovers? Feel free to post here, what you have and what you want!
[H] and [W]
Other urls found in this thread:
If anyone has SOMA, Stardew, Grim Dawn and RUST from humble bundle reply to me and we discuss trade
Want: Stuff from Wishlist that's also been in game bundles, offers, etc.
I have a copy of Nuclear Throne in my inventory for some reason. Anyone want to trade it for something?
What are trading cards? I just checked my inventory and I have a lot. Are just the same principle as CS Go skins?
Depends on what you want for it. It was bundled so don't expect much.
Wishlist or may be list of games you'd like to get form some monthly bundle? No, don't have dogma and wouldn't trade
I'm interested in Whispererd Worlds, any game from current or past $1 tier bundles interest you?
No, you can craft a badge
or you can sell them on market
What do you have? There are a few bundles I missed I would have bought the $1 tier for. I think several of the games in my wishlist have been in $1 tiers before.
Shadow Complex for Whispered Worlds?
It's a special edition, right?
What can you offer?
>Wishlist or may be list of games you'd like to get form some monthly bundle?
reading is hard
I'm too lazy. So, what game do you want to get rid off.
something from my list:
Yeah, I'll do that trade. And yeah, it's for the SE.
steamid: fm_salchemist
>what game do you want to get rid off.
Fight the Dragon
Defense Grid 1
Portal 2
Castle Crashers®
God Mode
Heavy Bullets
Orbital Gear
ORION: Prelude
I know this is an extreme longshot but does anyone have the humble code for the Small World 2 plus ROYAL BONUS DLC?
If so shoot me a friend request on Steam and we can make a deal.
Will do in a minute
H Borderlands 2 and Castle Crashers
W Literally anything worth
Anything from this list
how the fuck do I get this gum
it would greatly fucking improve my game and I never get the drop
H Spec Ops the line
W Hitman Absolution
I have rust
what do you have ?
Nah, I have most of the interesting things, sorry
What do you want? List or wishlist?
I got one post trade link
>W Literally anything worth
kek so much for anything?
post a list of what you want at least
Prison Architect
Rebel Galaxy
Styx Master of Shadows
All this
Grey Goo
12 is Better Than 6
Interested in Salt?
If you want it to keep collecting just in the inv just let me know.
I will be $1 in the bundle eventually
too expensive for me and I recon last sale memelands were even cheaper on discount
Something from here
Nah, thanks for the offer though.
Anything else specifci you want besides these 2 games?
[H] (all steam gifts)
Alice Madness Returns
Dark Messiah Might and Magic
Orion Dino Horde
Ys Origin
Serious Sam 3
Have: Crusader Kings II
Want: Something fun
is steam trading still locked behind an authenticator?
w cards or tf2 items
use link only
also trading games on inventory for wishlist games
Waste Walkers has been in a few bundles, kinda interested in that. There's a series of 2 games, indie tactical RPGs, that I can't for the life of me remember their names but I believe they've been bundled too. Just various stuff. Main reason I mentioned those was because they're in a still active bundle I'll probably just end up buying myself.
Heading out now, though.
Interested in Portal 2 or Salt for ALice?
How many cards per each:
Space Enginners
Shadow Compex
post full wishlist
I have from your wishlist:
Tales of Symphonia
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Don't Starve Together
I might be interested in Salt for it, but why does Alice seem like it can no longer be purchased on steam?
I have that skimo and fox game laying around
it includes all the DLC & OST
Anyone interested?
no idea
plenty of cheap keys in g2a tho
Forgot to post my wishlist.
Want something here for Portal 2?
Let me know if interested to trade for Salt.
If not that's fine
I have several of those games. Want something for Alice?
Ys Origin for Chroma Squad or Galak-Z?
child of light for alice ?
Also, yours is an inventory item, so I can go 2x1 or 3x1.
I have plenty of keys fo Alice I'm selling on g2a and Kinguin
They go slowly so if anyone wanna trade let me know.
[H] 3x Trails in the sky FC and 2x Trails in the sky SC
[W] anything on wishlist or any dota hats worth anything
Ori Definitive Edition for FC+SC combo?
Man, I was gonna trade it to that Salt guy, but 3 for 1 would be a pretty sweet deal. If you'd be willing to trade Renowned Explorers, Banner Saga, and Divekick, I'd give trade you Alice. Otherwise, it'll go to Salt user.
Add me at
I can do that for Galak-z
Can give you stardew valley and some random hats I have on doto for SC
I will do that just for Renowned Explorers and Banner Saga if cd-key is fine?
Interested in Alice, got Terraria and some other humble bundle stuff
Sorry guys, gave it to Salt user.
you alive user?
Have a lot of HB leftovers, looking for offers
Just Cause Collection
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Van Helsing II
Hitman: Absolution
Kane & Lynch collection
Half Minute Hero
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete
Sid Meier's Civ III Complete
Sanctum 2
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Surgeon Simulator
Serious Sam 3 BFE
Orcs Must Die GOTY
Dear Esther
Intrusion 2
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
[W] Offers
Interested in CRAWL and Talos Principle.
It's the newest THIEF, by the way.
Won't be trading Crawl and Talos for these, not even 3:1 user
If nothing else then forget it
What Payday 2 DLCs you got?
i have 1 copy of obduction and 1 civ6 for free first come first serve
GameMaker Studio Pro
Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Deadly Premonition
Company of Heroes
Black Guards
Atlas Reactor loot pack
Alienware Ra for Smite
Frozen Synapse Prime (Latin & south america only)
Super Time Force Ultra
Uncanny Valley
Enforcer Police Action
Gorky 17
COH 2 Ardennes Assault
Slime Rancher
Tropico 4 Collectors bundle
Grim Dawn
Ghostbusters: The videogame
Dragon's Dogma
Scythe (Tabletop Simulator DLC)
Age of Wonders 3
Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts
Tiny Guardians
Warlords Battlecry III
Immortal Defense
The Room
Pixel Puzzles UndeadZ
This War of Mine
Wasteland 2: Directors Cut
Senran Kagura
Rock of Ages
Nuclear Throne
Renowned Explorers
Other strategy titles.
Do you? Civ looks nice.
Selling Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition steam key :^)
dragan, bank heist and weapon cage
I have Gurumin bruh, you want?
Could do Dragan and weapon cage for both?
You're getting jewed bro, those two games were in $1 Humble Bundle.
sure, they still can be generate into gift link right? on bubmle mumble page?
I got FC left if you want that
They sure can, user. What's the weapon pack? And your steam ID?
I've got a PS4 code for REmake for anyone with a code for Dragons Dogma from the Humble Monthly.
Fuc kyou OP. Giveaway time. Just bought 1 copy of the Unreal bundle. Tell me what game you want and it's yours. First come first serve.
Here is what I have:
Payday 2: Dragan Character Pack
Payday 2: The Big Bank Heist
Payday 2: Gage Mod Courier
PAYDAY 2 Lycanwulf/Below Masks
PAYDAY 2 Alienware Alpha Mauler
PAYDAY 2 E3 Mask Pack
>mad jew stil mad
No you didn't.
Read rules, N5 specifically
See ya in 3 days
I want the golf thing
Ethan Carter
[email protected]
Vanishing of ethan carter would be amazing.
[email protected]
There are no rules about giving away free games
>I have free things!
>they never pull through
Purposely shitposting in the thread is against the rules.
See band list,a lot of people getting ding-donged for their shit with rule5
Dragan for my 2 games?
Giving away games for free isn't shitposting
He has nothing he made fake post to derail thread
How do you know it's fake?
>instant reply from mad shitposting jew
The culling would be nice
[email protected]
How does giving away games make anyone a mad shitposting jew?
>mfw remembering how fucking dead spiral knights is whenever somebody posts this in the op