Pokémon Sun/Moon best game since Gold/Silver


>Tearing up the rulebook but bringing back the fun, Pokémon Sun and Moon make for the best generation in more than a decade.


Yeah some review is sure gonna matter.

People trust reviewers so much.

better trust dem Sup Forumsirgins, am i right? they surely played the game before claiming it's shit!

who the fuck even plays this shit anymore? it's the same formulaic trash they've been peddling for 2 fucking decades.
>start off in a house
>get 1st pokemon
>run around collecting badges until you beat the final boss
the worst part is there are people who pay for this trash.

Because there's some people that like it. Like me.

>run around collecting badges until you beat the final boss

He doesn't know.

I played the leak and it's not grabbing me. The battle system is so fucking slow that it saps the fun out of the game.

This one is actually changed.
You dont do badges
You dont do gyms
Heck there are no badges or gyms at all

This is the first one to actually change formula drastically which is why oldfags are butthurt

So it's shit then.

This game is the greatest proof in Sup Forums history that it literally does not matter what developers do. The same autists will always complain, and nothing is capable of changing their opinion.

pokemon is literally garbage no matter how you try to conceive it though



>start off as mass murder
>kill people

holy shit why are people even playing shooters?!

Who even plays FPS anymore?
>Start off in building
>get gun
>shoot stuff
wow so original

>proving his point
You hate the game and do not want to like it, regardless of what it does. So why do you care?

I care because I'm playing it right now. It's still shitty as fuck.

If people like it, whatever. I personally didn't like i as much. I don't think I even got past the first gym or whatever it's called

>want to order this game on amazing since the price is cheaper
>it says I'll have to wait til 11/22 to receive it

That's a placeholder right? It'll get to me on the 18th, right?

I was interested until I heard that it railroads you hard and has hours of cutscenes.
I don't mind Pokemon being easy as piss but I do mind the game actively blocking you from exploring the region and making its excuse plot intrusive.


Lewd NTR plugin when?

Why does it bother you so much that people enjoy Pokemon?

I think most people who play Pokemon agree that the formula is old, but it's still an enjoyable game. Not every game needs to be "0MGEEEE HARDCORE GAME FOR HARDCORE GAMERS SUCH AS MYSELF!!!11!11!!!!1!". Let yourself be a kid every once in a while. That's what Pokemon is and that's why so many people get enjoyment out of it. Plus, little kids still love the fuck out of Pokemon. This will be some kids very first Pokemon game. Is that alright with you?

I think they mean since Diamond and Pearl, since D/P were the best since Gold and Silver.

>no badges
>no gyms
next gen there will be no battles at all, and people will call it refreshing

Pokémon was never good

D/P were fucking garbage. Platinum was the gen's saving grace since HG/SS didn't even fix the largest problems with gen 2.

So I've been out of the loop. Are they going to make a third game a la Emerald and Platinum or no?

Nice. Too bad I hate the new designs.

If the last two gens are any indication, nope.

>>Pokemon Sun and Moon make for the best generation in more than a decade
>It's a "Someone thought that Gen 5 was bad" episode
Yeah no, fuck off.

so how do you prove your dominance?


So it's okay for you to hate on "those evil sony fans" for playing casual shooters and cinematic games like Uncharted, but when Pokemon ends up being casual, suddenly being difficulty is a bad thing, and it's "problematic"?

You defeat special Totem Pokemon.

New designs fucking SUCK

Why the fuck is anyone BTFO?

If the game is good, I'll pirate it. If it's not, then I won't bother. When I heard it was shit, I was simply not gonna bother to even get it off of ciaAngel.

>Giving Nintendo money

I never knew which is supposed to be paired with which?

Is it Black + Black 2 or Black + White 2?

Sup Forums is literally finished.

Did you reply to the wrong person?

this sounds dumb as hell

White and White 2 are canon.

>I don't understand it therefore it's dumb

Sup Forums in a nutshell really

>shills say positive things about shit they are shilling
No shit.

>You hate the game and do not want to like it, regardless of what it does.
>he says in a thread about review who ALWAYS give pokemon games 9/10 in order to not trigger the autistic pokemon fan

when can i download the game?

Who cares about the fucking new designs? The game is filled with fucking gen 1 pokemon everywhere. They added like 70 new pokemons, 15 are post game legendaries, then there's the alola forms which are also fucking gen 1, and finally there's the fucking version exclusive mons.
Apart from the starters and the new rattata clone, you will barely discover any new pokemons.

Black and Black 2 or White and White 2 because one important story character's partner Pokemon changes between the versions and Black is consistent with Black 2 and same with the Whites.

when it comes out obviously

Fun video games? Gamers, I guess.

But if only if you're a part of the master race.

>we mixed up the formula by removing bosses
>and replaced them with other bosses

still sounds dumb as hell

what? seriously? i thought this image was a joke, you mean this game isn't about a dude who defeat 8 gym leader, stop a crime syndicate and becomes the champion? after like 10 games that are like that?

Not him but...
nah m8, shit got old fast.

to the piratefags is it the holy trinity of Pokemon games still, B2&W2/HG&SS/E or does SM replace one of them?

>you mean this game isn't about a dude who defeat 8 gym leader, stop a crime syndicate and becomes the champion? after like 10 games that are like that?
Correct, it's no longer like that.

Google Totem Pokemon so you realize how dumb you are

White is a feminine color, therefore both aren't canon.

BW2, HGSS, Platinum

Emerald was never in the trinity since Plat came out

So far it's probably the second best after B&W2.

For me anyway. I fucking love not having HM moves and the selection of pokemon at the start is great.

Going to buy sun when it comes out soon./

The Holy Trinity remains the same. They're slightly better than Gen 6, still pretty mediocre al around though.

Does the game have difficulty modes? I refuse to play the game unless there's some challenge.

i don't know what about this is supposed to make me think totem pokemon aren't bosses because they sound a lot like bosses


>God tier

>High tier
Platinum HGSS Emerald BW1

>Medium tier

>Low tier

>Shit tier

All that SM has going for is the fact that it's better than XY and ORAS.

It's still BW2, HGSS, and Platinum

SM is okay for the first of a generation, GSC and DP were still better though

You DID pirate my game, right Sup Forums?

If you play Black, N runs off with Zekrom, so you should get Black 2 since he'll have Zekrom in that game as well
Same with White

That sounds awesome. The biggest problem with some pokemon games is that they limit you at the start.

No it won't. You'd have to pay for 1 day shipping which would be more expensive than buying it in a store

>best game since G/S

>emerald, platinum, HG/SS, B2/W2 all shit on G/S

So, any chance for romhacks that remove the roadblocks and maybe some cutscenes? I really loved SM but damn, I won't be replaying for sure unless that shit gets fixed.

>implying lazy rehashes that build off existing games have any merit to reviewers

If only there was something to fucking do in the post game

Trifecta tier

>Great tier

>Good tier

>Meh tier
Gen 6

>What the hell were they thinking tier

I think that SM will score highly but I've been wrong before

Yeah, but you're still going to be a grown man playing fucking Pokémon, so.....

Totem Pokemon themselves are bosses but it's one superstrong Pokemon that's a boss and not a gym leader with a lineup of his own.

Generally you've got 7 islands and trial on each of them with a captain, trials are puzzles, you solve a puzzle, then you get to fight the Totem pokmon, then you get a special move that lets you progress.

>The island challenge (Japanese: 島めぐり island-visiting) is a rite of passage for burgeoning Pokémon Trainers in the Alola region. Trainers can partake in these rites when they turn 11, which involve traveling through each of the four major islands of Alola and completing various trials on each. The goal of those taking the island challenge is to become the strongest Trainer, known as the island challenge champion.

>The island challenge consists of a number of trials on each of the Alola region's four islands. These trials are not limited to Pokémon battles; they may involve finding designated items or a test of knowledge, among other tasks. Trials are all difficult tasks that require Trainers to prove themselves. To complete the trial, the Trainer must defeat a Totem Pokémon in an SOS Battle.

>The final trial on each island is called the grand trial. In the grand trial, the Trainer must battle the Island Kahuna. If they complete an island's grand trial, they are recognized as having cleared all of that island's trials and can move on to the next island. Completing grand trials will also allow traded Pokémon to obey the player.

i don't know i'm still surprised that they changed the formula a bit but in the end you are still beating X people in order to prove yourself

in fact why there are only 4 of them instead of 8?

Can we all agree that the fire trial was fucking great?

There's 7 islands, not 4

Tell me about the Ultra Beasts

oh i see, it's 7 and not 4 (the wiki i was reading only said 4)

>tfw black screen on gateway

God fucking damn it why do I have to wait like everyone else

>lazy rehashes that build off existing games

so like how half of G/S is kanto?

Celesteela is a big girl.

so it's essentially the same thing but with cosmetic differences and you don't need one of your pokemon to be an HM slut

is the /fit/ mosquito really called buzzwole? that sounds like the sort of stupid nickname Sup Forums would invent

>platinum above emerald
>yellow in great tier and not meh at best
>RB in good tier and not meh at best
>B/W worse than gen 6

try again


First pokemon I've played since Ruby.

Not sure what I skipped over, but I give this a thumbs up. It feels fresh and fun as I remember the older games being.

yes, that's its real name

It's basically greatly expanded version of the old formula with much needed fixing with removing the dumb shit that is HMs

>he actually bought a Gateway.
>he STILL uses a Gateway.
Come on now man. It's 2016 for crying out loud.

I honestly only keep up to date with anything Pokemon related to pick up girls. The video games are really fucking boring.

There's seven Captains in total. Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ghost, and Fairy. Then the four Kahunas as well. Fighting, Rock, Dark, and Ground. You never actually get to do the Fairy Captain's Trial because she's a lazy bitch, so you do a Dragon-type Trial that has no designated Captain instead. You still can fight her though.

Pokemon from far disconnected dimensions in the multiverse.

Yellow is notably better than RB when it comes to enemy teams, and I would agree with him that BW1 was even worse than XY.

As for Platinum VS Emerald, Platinum has a stronger main adventure and the Physical/Special split is a big deal if you're used to later games, but Emerald's Frontier shits all over Platinum's. Really a matter of personal priorities.

lel oh kid you must be new here

Unova had atrocious design, at least in B/W 1

Literally a straight line, there's not even any attempt to try and hide it

still great games though

Not really. It's Black and White and the first version is the "true" one.


>Game doesn't do it anymore


i see i see

so are the four kahuna like the champions and you fight them at the end or what?

>people love eating shit

The canon is determined by the official companion manga.
In the manga N picked Zekrom

The Elite 4 consists of the Fighting and Rock Kahunas, the Ghost trial captain, and another girl that uses Flying types. You become the first Alola champion ever, so the fifth battle is defending your title from a certain someone.[/spoiler

>Linear is bad

When will this meme die? HG/SS are less linear and because of that their level curve is complete shit