Just got this off PSN. What should I know before playing?I hated Persona 3 and 4

Just got this off PSN. What should I know before playing?I hated Persona 3 and 4.

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Buffs and debuffs

Demons are tools not friends. Fuse them often
the ice magnetite skill tree gives you Fog Breath, which will be a life savior

Buffs are love. They stack 4 times and last as long as you don't get debuff/KOed. Obviously, not being debuffed is important too

If you hated P3 and P4 combat you probably won't like this, it's pretty similar.

It had more to do with the sim elements and shitty story

Mainline SMT and persona 1 2is and 2ep are what your looking for famagachi


keep a guide handy if you don't want to miss stuff

ignore what people will say about marador; red rider is a prick

Don't get too attached to your demons because you'll be fusing often
Put a lot of points into Strength and Vitality
Get Fog Breath ASAP
If you plan on going for the True ending, keep your Pixie unfused in your party for the entire game and you'll get a nice surprise before fighting the boss of the Fifth Kalpa

I hope you're not European user.

just go in blind and have the best experience of your life



the Pixie can be fused as long as she or her descendants are kept in the party

you a re expected to be using buffs and debuffs as much as you are attacking. most bosses have one element they are weak to and one stat which can pull the rug from under them if you mess with it

save often. there's nothing wrong with running back to the entrance of a dungeon after just a few rooms just because you leveled up a few times against the new enemies or managed to recruit a new demon or three.

some demons evolve into better demons once they have learned all their skills, but your MC's level needs to be high enough first

once a demon has finished learning skills, register it and fuse it away. experience gained by demons that have nothing new to learn is experience wasted because a demon's base/starting level is a bigger influence on its stats than its current level

Why is Huey Freeman on the cover of a persona game?

Nocturne and DDS have held up really well as far as visuals go. Just goes to show what a good artstyle can do for you.

>they ditched kaneko for nu shitty generic anime weebshit artist
i will never understand

Didn't Kaneko leave himself? I'm sure they would have kept him on if they had the choice. His new artbook is coming out soon as well, I think.

should i get nocturne or digital devil saga?


no him but, I was planning on buying the PAL version for christmas along with DDS games, is there a problem that I dont know of?

PAL unavoidably crashes in one of the game's paths

Yep, Doi art for the new demons is absolute disgusting, only Dagda looks good.

The Garo/Kamen Rider artist was miles better, I liked Asmodeus and Koga Saburo designs.

Best nu-design right here.

PSN version of Noctunre is unbeatable. You will defeat the final boss and the game will freeze without fail on the end cutscene everytime. It's not that big a deal because it is the end of the game, but it does mean that you can't do NG+ or fight the secret bonus final boss. It's pretty disgraceful that not one person play tested the game to the end to find this out.

DDS1 has some serious audio lag in its cutscenes on the EU PSN version. And I mean some serious audio lag. DDS2 is mostly fine though.

DDS is a more traditional JRPG, so it's definitely more accessible, though I personally found it not as good, and much more difficult than Nocturne, and I played Nocturne first, but I think I'm in the minority in saying that I found it more difficult. Either is a perfectly fine starting point really.

It's all the worst parts of persona without any of the good parts

>good parts

But Teddie is not in Nocturne.

shitty weeb detected

wtf i hate PAL now.
stupid question but, can I emulate the USA version on my PAL ps2?
It really sucks that both games are crippled like that.

The lower a demon's level relative to yours, the easier it is to recruit, if you use the "Brainwash" skill on anything 5 or more below you its basically guaranteed.

I got a little hyped the moment Gale said If not, we will destroy the temple

no one really knows. SMT will forever be lesser without him, though DESU I haven't been as big of a fan since they started limiting the party to 4

I don't think so. As far as I know, those issues are just with the PSN versions on the PS3.


Oh shit, really? I'm EU but I bought the US PSN version of Nocturne and not Lucifer's call, am I safe?

The bonus party member at the end of DDS2 was the stupidest shit. Why not just give him an updated version of his moveset from the Fake & Real Varna fight?

You mean Heat? He's not really bonus, he just replaces Roland if you did the right choices and inherits all his Mantras.
I thought it was pretty neat.

Extremely beautiful game. I personally wish it was a little less repetitive, though it did give me a trance-like feeling after playing for long periods of time, which was possibly intentional given the game's religious themes. It's one game that I think would actually be more enjoyable if it were shorter... but whatever, it's just a very well-made stylish experience.

I think you should be, I've only ever seen the complaint being made about the EU version.

Also, Lucifer's Call is such a shitty title. Nocturne is so much more elegant

>Why is generic anime face on the cover of an anime game?

Note that there's a difference between getting debuffed and unbuffed.
Imagine it as going from -4 to +4. You buff yourself 3 times and go to +3. If you get debuffed twice, it lowers you to +1. You can then either use an un-debuff, or buff yourself twice, to go back to +3.
If an enemy uses an unbuff, though, all your buffs are gone and you go back to 0. Gotta rebuff yourself.
It's easier to understand ingame.

Yes, but it would have been a lot cooler if he wasn't just a Roland reskin. If they're going to let him be part of the party, they should have put a little bit more effort into it at least, just to make things even a little different.

What are the lyrics to reject gods again?

Another issue with the PSN versions of DDS that I forgot to mention is the save transfer between the two games. You'll have to store the memory of both games on USB, and transfer your save file over manually if you want to transfer your save. It's not a huge hassle, but it shouldn't be an issue at all.


If you hated Persona's story you should like this.

goddam r\this game is overrated
my east favorite smt fuck

you have to be autistic to like this fuckin game. even raidou 1 is better

>tfw just exploring the cursed corridor using Picasa and avoiding all the battles.

I got my moneys worth tenfold at the end. What a nice surprise

Can you explain why or are you just shitposting?

The elevator's good because it gives you a sense of the scale of the place and it encourages you to do the cool jump off the top.

That will carry you financially for almost the entire game.


>hating Persona 3
Why? I'm an SMTfag but I still found it enjoyable.
Also, is the gamebreaking glitch I hear about prevalent in the american PSN version of Nocturne?

Don't really need to justify my distaste for the game, but the characters had zero depth, the story was absent, the adventure itself was very linear, and the overall atmosphere of the game was abysmal.

The combat and fusion is fun, sure, but you've got to be autistic to let that alone carry you 30+ hours into a game like this. I thoroughly hate this game, it's a blemish, it's worse than SMTIV (SMTIVA is one of the best SMT games btw).

Maybe it's a difference in taste. Like I said, I like Persona, and the newest SMT is possibly the greatest SMT game yet. It's everything that SMT Nocturne and IV failed to manifest, fun, fluid, and entrancing.

So is this any good? I've had a copy for like 8 years and never touched it.

Surely you don't think the SMT4A characters have more depth than the SMT3 ones.

American version is fine as far as I know.

Also, not liking Persona 3 if you're an SMTfag is understandable. Personally, I like both Persona and SMT and I would even say my favorite Persona is 4, but I really don't think P3 and 4 are as different as people make them out to be. There are plenty of people who see P4 as just slice of life weebshit, but it's really a fitting description for both P3 and 4, they're just good weebshit. 3 certainly has more thought put behind it as far as characters and story goes, but it's still a far cry from fighting the armies of YHVH in the name of Lucifer's own glory, and if that's what you're looking for in SMT over a social sim with a slightly dumbed down press turn system, then I think not being too fond of Persona 3 is completely understandable.


I still haven't played SMTIV or IVA, so I can't really comment on either, but it seems to me that it might just be a difference in taste. Surely, even if you dislike the game, you can acknowledge how good the gameplay is and how atmospheric the world is? And even if you dislike the characters, I think that you could probably agree that they work as a good extension to the world and they are quite unique. I can't really think of any other game where every character is such an unapologetic asshole solely focused on their own ambitions, and even if it makes for unlikable characters, it also makes for very refreshing and memorable characters, even if they aren't given too much depth. It makes them even worse that these people are just regular humans, as well as the protagonists friends and you sit by and watch their downfall.

I can understand disliking Nocturne, but I really think you're mistaken if you mean to say that it is an objectively bad game.

>i need waifus to be entertained

>Surely you don't think the SMT4A characters have more depth than the SMT3 ones.
How do
>Lol I know that you are my friend but now I shall turn evil oh and please join me at my place kthx x3
actually be more complex than SMT Final's developed characters? Did you even play the game?

There was zero character development in Nocturne, and because of that you have no real motive to care about the characters or what happens to them. I'd also like to mention that each of their routes are the same, they're the stereotypical SMT cardboard cutout for their alignment, albeit not as worse as SMT IV.

>but it seems to me that it might just be a difference in taste.
Pretty much. It's understandable that the minimalist narrative would appeal to some, but it just isn't for me.

>I can't really think of any other game where every character is such an unapologetic asshole solely focused on their own ambitions, and even if it makes for unlikable characters, it also makes for very refreshing and memorable characters, even if they aren't given too much depth.
Are you talking about Demifiend? I wasn't aware that he was driven by any sort of ambition at all.

>I can understand disliking Nocturne, but I really think you're mistaken if you mean to say that it is an objectively bad game.
I wouldn't say that it's a bad game, I wouldn't have spent over 50+ hours of my life playing it if that were the case. However, it's hailed as the second coming of Christ in the SMT community, and I went in holding the game to those expectations. The combat and fusion systems are fun, yes, but they don't make up for the lackluster "story".

>i want my characters to be one dimensional plot devices

>i want my characters to be one dimensional plot devices
No wonder you love persona

I tried playing Persona 4 and I couldn't get into it. Meanwhile I am 30 hours into Nocturne and i'm still hooked.

I guess it's a matter of tastes.

>Are you talking about Demifiend? I wasn't aware that he was driven by any sort of ambition at all.
No, I mean Isamu, Chiaki, Hijiri and Chikawa. Despite being the last human beings alive in the world, and the first two being friends with each other, as well as Demifiend, they all oppose one another. They all forego their humanity to fulfill their own Reason, and the only ones that are friendly with you are Hijiri, who betrays you at the first sign that he could be stronger than you and Yuko, who is just used as a tool for whoever wants to use her because she's too weak to do anything of worth.

If I were you, I would consider revisitng Nocturne sometiem now that you know what to expect. It sounds to me like your view was biased because you expected it to be a completely different game than what it is. But now that you know what it is, maybe you can go back to it at some point and appreciate it for what it is. If you prefer story driven RPG's it probably still won't be your favorite, but I think you'll hold it in higher regard than you do now.

Also, I'm going to sleep now, so no more replies from me.

>Hated Persona 3 and 4
You got good taste son

I found Persona 3 and 4 as games really weird. When I was playing it I was never really enjoying myself up until the last few hours or so of the game. Then at the end, even though all those hours I literally wasn't having any fun, I was happy I played it.

Fucking weird.

>Don't get too attached to your demons because you'll be fusing often
Except for Daisoujou because that fucker can carry you through the entire game.

same here, I think the theme of the game hits home and everyone can relate to it in some ways.
P3 is really weird, probably one of my favorite stories in vidya because of how ''real'' it feels.

Cant really explain it, I didnt really care much for the game in general.

Does Pixie naturally evolving into High Pixie ruin this or not?

As long as you don't outright delete the first demon in your stock you'll be fine. If you never delete demons, you'll have no problems.

Focus is absolutely mandatory.
STR build for MC is the most natural, and most efficient- you can count the number of phys-immune enemies on one hand, and physical attacks will end up doing more damage than any type of magic, even the type that exploits their weakness.

Rad. Just got through the Assembly base. Stacking MAG and fire breath/fire boost is hard carrying me.

At least you enjoyed yourself a bit. I couldn't stand a single thing about those games, except maybe the combat, which I can play mainline for. The high school shit, the music, the voices were all things I hated about them.

The meditation+salvation combo is borderline broken. Heal all HP and remove all ailments every turn, guaranteed.
Salvation probably should've cost like 100, maybe even 150 MP.

SMT titles on sale btw

what do you mean? what if I fused pixie to make a kikuri hime? I also seem to forgot who I fused kikuri hime with. I never really delete demons unless it was really useless ones that I accidenltly recruited. c

Does the special thing work if I bought back the demon I fused pixie with to make another demon, in this case Kikuri hime from the demon compendium?

I was completely the opposite. In terms of the gameplay I found it really boring other than the bosses which were fun. Might just be my preference but I only like turn based stuff in 2d games.

Although if you have a vita P4G has a fastforward thing if you want to skip right to the combat. I found Persona 4 a chore on PS2 but on Vita P4G was great.

That's just it I think. Maybe it's more the atmosphere or the simulation of high school life that felt good. Much moreso in 3 imo as all the characters felt more real and three dimensional compared to 4.

>It's easier to understand ingame.
Nah, I can help with that.

OP, if the enemy casts Dekaja, start over with the buffs. If they debuff you twice or more, just throw out a Dekunda spell. A single debuff you can counter by just casting the your buff again.

It doesn't matter what you fuse her into so long as it isn't done via sacrificial fusion. Just make sure you never delete the demon she was fused into and you're fine, you can fuse it as much as you want.
It's always the first demon in your stock if I remember correctly.

I just downloaded both emuparadise's Persona 3 isos and none of them is running on my ps2. Tried reburning them a bunch of times. Is there some region block i should be aware of?

Use buffs.
You can fuse fiends you've defeated using a special item called a deathstone. Deathstones are found in the labyrinth of amala only and come in a limited supply.
There's a magatama late game that requires high STR to use.
Fusing two demons of the same race gets you an element.
Fusing a demon with an element ranks him up or down in his own race.
Fusing two elements together gets you a Mitama.
Fusing a Mitama with a demon gives him some stats, as well as can give him skills if he has room for them.

Once you delete moves off your MC they are gone for good. You WANT Focus always, it has a 2.5 attack multiplier. STR is best stat as mid to late game enemies heavily resist magic. Magma Axis is an elemental skill that scales off STR so its great to get.

Use a wiki for magatama level up skills so you dont level up worthless ones. And use a guide for the puzzle boy mini game.

Not OP, I'm installing right.
Looks like it'll be fun, despite all the strokes people seem to have about certain parts of it.

if you use a guide for puzzle boy or anything else, play on normal, or look up any fusions on your first play you are a fucking faggot

>puzzle boy mini game.
Way to trigger my PTSD, user. That thing was like 10 levels too long.

Kaneko's art is fucking garbage, Doi is infinitely better.

It's fun. Play on hard and remember to punch anything and everything that gets in your way.

>he can't handle puzzles

Then i'm good I guess since i have never deleted my fused demons and I know I fused the high pixie with angel to get uzume then I fused uzume with a kodama for kikuri but then it all gets blurry and I forgot who I fused her with. And by stock you mean the second list of demons under your party?

Be warned, Hard makes all Magatama x3 as expensive, which is plainly awful.


I don't want to do like 30 levels of block puzzles that have to be completed consecutively and have only one solution in order to obtain an almost-mandatory spell in my turn-based RPG.


>any spells
Git gud. Mana refill is advantageously replaced by a life drain+makatora demon. Or just use STR, faggot.


Why the fuck dungeons in this game are so long? Why they all have to have some dumb puzzle going with it? It's really wearing me out, I can handle only one-two dungeon per week.

They are not though? The only dungeon that's somewhat lengthy is the final one and even that is neatly broken into smaller sections to make sure you never go too long without save point.

Reminder Nocturne has the worst fusion system in the series

There is only 60 hours of content