>42 speed
Nintendrones will defend this
>42 speed
Nintendrones will defend this
literally who cares about shit like that besides the /vp/ spergs
>43 speed
How is that bad?
its slower than a Caterpie
Not him, but bug types are pretty fragile usually and getting merced in one hit before acting sounds like a raw deal
would trickroom work for this poor thing?
Why would you use this instead of Galvantula
Only losers still play Pokemon. What kind of grown ass man still plays Pokemons?
it's a reference to the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, get on with the times user
no galvantula
They know smogon will have a chimpout if they shake up the meta too much.
Trick Room seems to be more or less a necessity for gen 7 as a whole.
>trick room
Honestly if you're gonna attack last most of the time is bad enough, I'd rather attack last ALL of the time and have amazing stats on everything else and actually be able to strategize around it.
If you ask me, 42 is way too much, give me more damage and defense.
>What is Trick Room?
This is a very Doubles friendly Meta.
r8 my team
This team bugs me.
the thing worse is that you cant evolve him until endgame
>Burning that many points on Options
I see no problem with it.
Everybody knows only the pros play Gradius without speed ups.
they nerfed smogonbird into oblivion
also honestly smogon is a good thing, god knows their tier lists are a lot more open to creativity than VCG
At least it'll make a good volt switcher with its crazy sp. atk stat
Is Gamefreak trying to streamline/squish stats down or something? Why are all the Pokemon in Gen 7 so slow?
just admit that you like it
it's supposed to be the mothership and 5 fighters
It has rather good HP and defenses for a bug type though and it has one of the higest special attack stats in the entire game. It's slow but unless it's got an awful moveset it's still one of the best bugs.
>the Vika viper volt is slow
what the fuck man
They're taking steps to slowly unfuck the metagame. Gen VII pre-bank is actually a semi-balanced situation.
But I did. Though I prefer the other interpretation of Vikavolt.
>unfuck the metagame
Did they remove Mega Ray and the genies?
Obviously he just needs a couple of speed ups.
Is Vikavolt the slowest electric type in all of pokemon?
>But I did.
Trickroom is a meme strat. It's always better to use fast mons.
Who needs Trick Room when you can just spam thunderwave?
It looks so fast, the type of pokemon that you look and think "this thing should be fast like a bullet!" Kinda depressing imo.
Did Typhlosion get a stat change instead of being a Charizard clone?
>when you can just spam thunderwave?
>he doesn't know
That's a cute Awoo.
the only fire type that got a buff is fucking Torkoal
they'll balance megafug by introducing something even more blatantly OP
here's my prediction for primal dialga
150 - 120 - 140 - 200 - 120 -50
ability: Temporal Destabilization (automatically activate trick room)
>It flies around at high speed, jabbing foes with its lances. It is brave and will face any challenge even if in trouble.
>20 speed
>Takes x4 damage from fire, one of the most common things in the meta
Ferrothorn was nearly in the same position but became the defensive staple for nearly two Gens.
>Caring about pvp stats in a pokemon game
turn off the computer and take a break user. This isn't good for you. Your family is worried.
could be worse, could be poor parasect
8x damage from fire
4x damage from flying
2x damage from rock (sneaky pebbles), ice, bug and poison
and a speed stat of 30
>8x damage from fire
What? how?
Dry Skin.
one of its abilities (dry skin) doubles the damage he takes from fire
on top of his hilariously bad bug/grass typing
at leech life is 80bp
Well Parasect is just a zombie
Now that's just cruelty.
Is there another slow special attacking bug?
Can't name one off the top
even then he's the worst user of leech life in the game
I mean fucking SPORE doesn't salvage parasect, what hopes does 80bp leech life have?
Do any of the new pokemon not have complete dogshit for speed?
How much do you want to bet GF will see nobody using the new pokes in comp and say "well I guess nobody wants new pokes" and we'll get even fewer next gen.
What's even more amusing is that not even a Bug/Steel/Grass takes that much damage from fire.
Using Forest's Curse on Durant/Scizor/etc gets you that combo. Fire only does x4 damage.
you know what's even crueler: its the only ability he has that's worth using, his 2 other abilities, including his HA, don't do squat for him
effect spore is to random, and parasect really does not want to get touched (only thing it can safely switch into is ground moves with its 4x resistance to them and earthquake doesn't touch) and damp is well...damp
none of them really go above 90 or so speed, but some of them have extremely powerful movesets/abilities to make up for it
Dry Skin only multiplies the taken damage from Fire attacks by 1,25. So it only has a 5x fire weakness.
I like to use him in rain teams though. Has good synergy with Swampert.
Shit like this is what requires a Mega Evolution to fix it.
>Hey this pokemon is crap, how about we give it a little buff with a Mega?
>nah, let's make Mega Salamence and Mega Blaziken instead
Imagine there were more moves with dual typing like Flying Press. Imagine Heatwave being Fire/Flying.
Imagine specs solar power Charizard using Heatwave under the sun against Dry Skin Parasect.
>I can use it in Trick Room
Good to hear my gimmick can still profit from new mons.
Off the top of my head, only Ribombee, Lycanroc, the Box Legends, Pheromosa, Buzzwole, and Marshadow go above 90.
To be fair, that's not always a good idea. See M-Kangaskhan.
>Muh vgp
>Muh trick room meta
>Muh gamefreak can do no wrong
no one gives a shit about Parasect. Gamefreak only panders to children, they make Megas for Pokemon that children like
>only good mons get megas
I hate this meme. Shit like Kang, Bune and fucking Beedrill got a mega that made all of them good. Of course many popular mons would get megas, but they are not just reserved to them.
I fail to find a good use for him
grass does nothing for him offensively and even under rain fire still wrecks him
all that grass type does for him is allow him to switch into ground moves, problem is that there's virtually no way a ground move user doesn't have something to punish him with
another fun fact until ORAS, parasect's only physical grass move was bullet seed
Also Mawile
The problem is that the pre gen 7 pokemon are still fast and outspeed them all, so it didn't work.
you could give baseline parasect huge power and still nobody would use it
heck the only ability that might give him any use would be prankster for prankster spore
and even that wouldn't even make him mediocre
Set I use is Leech Seed/Spore/Sub/X-Scissor. Leech Seed + lefties + dry skin heal gives him subs for days if you bring him in on the right thing, and from behind his sub everything gets spored. Plus, in doubles people tend to prioritize killing the Mega Swampert so Parasect gets up a sub often.
Granted, this is not in super serious high ladder matches. I'm not that good at the game, so I can still have fun on cart and on the lower end of the ladder.
These are the best moves it gets:
- Air Slash
- Thunderbolt
31 Bug Buzz
49 Agility
TM10 Hidden Power
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Roost
TM22 Solar Beam
TM25 Thunder
TM53 Energy Ball
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM91 Flash Cannon
Arcanine is pretty danke right now, Burn Out turns you into a normal type so you can stab things with ES
M-Kanga got nerfed. Blaziken hasn't been affected and Salamence might not have either.
just a question
any reason you're using parasect over breloom?
>tfw no reliable way to utilize Zap Cannon
Fuck GF for keeping that move a coin flip.
Parasect gets healed by the rain and has slightly better defenses.
Otherwise, really I just like the guy. When I had Pokemon White on my hands last year and nothing else and felt like breeding a Pokemon I just randomly picked Parasect and kept him around ever since.
Aerialate got a slight nerf but that's about it.
IIRC Mimikyu just barely scrapes by with 96
How bad is this thing bad? Should I use one of the other Electric types instead or is it salvageable?
Not even Incineroar is fast? It's a fucking cat
All but one of its stats are good.
The one stat that's shit is the stat everything about it - including the stuff from the pokedex and the extra information from the site they've got up - says should be its best stat.
Decidueye is the fastest final starter at 70
it hits like a fucking truck when it actually attacks. It's basically Mega Ampharos but you dont have to use a mega stone on it
yeh but breloom heals for the same amount in and outside of rain thanks to poison heal
60 speed
magnet pull now raises the accuracy of electric and steel moves to 100% in addition to its current effects
good idea Y/N?
>base 70 speed
>fastest starter
well that blows
>more moves with dual typing
I was hoping for this myself.
It's always one step ahead, two steps back with GameFreak.
Yeah, but I just like Parasect more. Plus, as I said, Parasect has better synergy with Swampert as he can be switched into Scalds and Grass moves better.
If we're talking about using it in the main story.
You can't even evolve Charjabug into Vikavolt till late game. And even Grubbin is faster than Vikavolt. There's no point in dragging it on with you, you may as well just use another available Electric type.
Helps Magnezone way too much. I'd say just Elec to 100%.
I was hoping that they wouldn't do it because it is gimmicky shit that would only lessen the flavour of Flying Press. Plus, things would get pretty convoluted pretty fast if everyone and their mom ran around with all kinds of dual typing moves.
Apart from speed its stats are very good and its special attack is insanely high. It's base stat total is 500 like Pinsir/Scyther/Scizor.
fun fact every gen 1 starter is faster than them
because venusaur and blastoise really look like speedsters
>moves with dual typing like Flying Press
Nah, I'll pass. That'll make shit even more confusing.
Make it a unique signature move, fine. But a common move? No thank you
its very unfriendly optimized for it
flash cannon already has 100% accuracy so dropping the steel thing does nothing for magnezone
Yeah, I am not asking for it. I just want you to imagine it for a bit.