Tunnel Snake's Rule

Tunnel Snake's Rule

We're the tunnel snakes.

Can anyone actually beat post crisis Hugh Neutron?


Carl with a croissant and Jimmy's mom as the prize



Reminder that the Chosen One made Jimmy Neutron.

Take your shit, forced, memes with you

> Be me
> Doing the pyramid raid
> Been trying to do this all day
> Mummies come out, door behind us closes
> Shit, it's a trap
> Mage dies
> Out of Purple Flurp so no more healz
> Guild blames me

The fuck is up with this games' community? It's like they're actually retarded.

What, pray tell, is the Reddit pattern?

Looks like Gavin Free.

>pray tell
There's your answer, you pretentious fucking faggot.

this post matches the "reddit" pattern, my post probably does too

AND Barnyard

>pray tell


>implying a redditor would ever use the word "pray"

You'd know, you reddit using piece of trash

He can do that so long as Sup Forums and /r9k/ agree to get their shit memes off here as well.

excuse me, Jimmy Neutron is a Sup Forums meme, thank you very much

>le pray tell
Here's a piece of advice, don't bother with shit like this on here, no one will think highly of you no matter how much you try and what you do.

Act normal, act like an asshole or do nothing.

What about their rule?