Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

Kirbys Meme Land

I dunno, they're both really good. Triple deluxe I guess.

TD is good but Robobot is way superior

Robobot is fun as fuck the whole way through with its only shortcoming being its length.

Triple Deluxe is harder so play that one. Planet Robobot is a cakewalk of extreme levels. No boss should ever give you even a slight challenge except maybe the final boss but thats only because you fight boss after boss after boss that final fight, and when you die and come back, you'll be fighting the boss you just died to and not starting all over from the beginning of the string of bosses.

Super star ultra is still the best ds Kirby game

No shit sherlock.
OP is asking which one of those he should play.

Idk about that user-chan both games were pretty damn easy. The only justification imo for that statement is the esp power being in robobot. But that one power up doesn't wack the entire games difficulty. Besides super inhale sections are easier than robot sections I would say. But really they have equitable difficulty levels. Which is to say, not high.

However robobots level cohesion feels more complete and also the game in general is just more fun so robobot is better. But play triple deluxe first, they're both worth it

The main difference between them is that the former has hypernova and the latter has mechs, so i pick robobot planet.

Anyway both look mediocre compared to Crystal Shards.


Robobot. Better villains, better extra mode, better subgames, and better gimmick.

only good kirby game

Looks like Robobot's in the majority, thanks.
I'll be picking it up during the black Friday sales. Seems to be half off.

rtdl > planet robobot > triple deluxe
come at me

Kirby Triple Dicksucks

Crystal Shards is shit though?

back the fuck off!??

be sure to play triple deluxe first there's some story spoilers in robobot.


Robobot, though I don't think either are all that great.

Why do people hate on it? Combining copy abilities is the coolest thing, and the scenery is an N64 kind of beautiful.

The slow movement speed is a big turn off for a lot of people but it's still a great game.

Plus it has cute fairy's.

Where is it half off at? I'm in the same boat as op and wanted to know which to get

Slow as shit
A lot of shards requiring you to carry specific combos(often not even found in the level itself) to the end
Power mixing is the most over-rated gimmick of all kirby games, 90% of them are useless/shit

>The slow movement speed is a big turn off for a lot of people
>Slow as shit
I forgot that Sup Forums likes to rush through games and not have fun. At least it's not Epic Yarn slow.
>Plus it has cute fairy's.
